

Immanuel Wallerstein
国籍 美国

伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦(英語:Immanuel Wallerstein;1930年9月28日—2019年8月31日),或译为伊曼纽尔·华勒斯坦,是美国社会学家历史学家经济学家政治学家,他是当代社会科学多学科综合研究的倡导者,这种研究方法后来促使他提出了“世界体系理论[1]



沃勒斯坦1930年生于纽约。1954年和1959年在哥伦比亚大学先后获得社会学硕士、博士学位。1958年-1971年,在哥伦比亚大学社会系任教;1971年-1976年任加拿大麦吉尔大学社会学教授。从1976年起,任纽约宾厄姆顿大学社会学教授和“费尔南·布罗代尔经济、历史体系和文明研究中心”主任。1977年起主编《评论》(Review)期刊。从2000年直到2019年去世,任耶鲁大学资深研究员。1994年-1998年任国际社会学学会主席;1993-1995年任哥宾根重建社会科学委员会主席。他著述丰富,影响最大的著作是耗费30多年心血的《现代世界体系》(The Modern World-System)。

他曾于1998年10月至2019年7月每两个月在Agence Global发表关于全球事务的评论。[2][3]





年份 標題 作者 出版社
1961 Africa, The Politics of Independence Immanuel Wallerstein New York: Vintage Books
1964 The Road to Independence: Ghana and the Ivory Coast Immanuel Wallerstein Paris & The Hague: Mouton
1967 Africa: The Politics of Unity Immanuel Wallerstein New York: 兰登书屋
1969 University in Turmoil: The Politics of Change Immanuel Wallerstein New York: Atheneum
1972 Africa: Tradition & Change Immanuel Wallerstein with Evelyn Jones Rich New York: Random House
1974 The Modern World-System, vol. I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century(现代世界体系 第一卷) Immanuel Wallerstein New York/London: Academic Press
1979 The Capitalist World-Economy Immanuel Wallerstein Cambridge University Press
1980 The Modern World-System, vol. II: Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600–1750(现代世界体系 第二卷) Immanuel Wallerstein New York: Academic Press
1982 World-Systems Analysis: Theory and Methodology Immanuel Wallerstein with Terence K. Hopkins et al. Beverly Hills: Sage
1982 Dynamics of Global Crisis Immanuel Wallerstein with Samir Amin, Giovanni Arrighi and Andre Gunder Frank London: Macmillan
1983 Historical Capitalism(历史资本主义) Immanuel Wallerstein London: Verso
1984 The Politics of the World-Economy. The States, the Movements and the Civilizations Immanuel Wallerstein Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
1986 Africa and the Modern World Immanuel Wallerstein Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press
1989 The Modern World-System, vol. III: The Second Great Expansion of the Capitalist World-Economy, 1730-1840s(现代世界体系 第三卷) Immanuel Wallerstein San Diego: Academic Press
1989 Antisystemic Movements Immanuel Wallerstein with Giovanni Arrighi and Terence K. Hopkins London: Verso
1990 Transforming the Revolution: Social Movements and the World-System Immanuel Wallerstein with Samir Amin, Giovanni Arrighi and Andre Gunder Frank New York: Monthly Review Press
1991 Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities Immanuel Wallerstein with Étienne Balibar London: Verso.
1991 Geopolitics and Geoculture: Essays on the Changing World-System(变化中的世界体系 : 论后美国时期的地缘政治与地缘文化) Immanuel Wallerstein Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
1991 Unthinking Social Science: The Limits of Nineteenth Century Paradigms Immanuel Wallerstein Cambridge: Polity
1995 After Liberalism(自由主義之後) Immanuel Wallerstein New York: New Press
1995 Historical Capitalism, with Capitalist Civilization Immanuel Wallerstein London: Verso
1998 Utopistics: Or, Historical Choices of the Twenty-first Century Immanuel Wallerstein New York: New Press
1999 The End of the World As We Know It: Social Science for the Twenty-first Century(所知世界的终结:二十一世纪的社会科学) Immanuel Wallerstein Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
2001 Democracy, Capitalism, and Transformation Immanuel Wallerstein Documenta 11, Vienna, March 16, 2001
2003 Decline of American Power: The U.S. in a Chaotic World(美国实力的衰落) Immanuel Wallerstein New York: New Press
2004 The Uncertainties of Knowledge(知识的不确定性) Immanuel Wallerstein Philadelphia: Temple University Press英语Temple University Press
2004 World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction Immanuel Wallerstein Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press英语Duke University Press
2004 Alternatives: The U.S. Confronts the World Immanuel Wallerstein Boulder, Colorado: Paradigm Press
2006 European Universalism: The Rhetoric of Power Immanuel Wallerstein New York: New Press
2011 The Modern World-System, vol. IV: Centrist Liberalism Triumphant, 1789–1914(现代世界体系 第四卷) Immanuel Wallerstein Berkeley: University of California Press
2013 Uncertain Worlds: World-Systems Analysis in Changing Times Immanuel Wallerstein with Charles Lemert英语Charles Lemert and Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers
2013 Does Capitalism Have a Future? Immanuel Wallerstein with Randall Collins英语Randall Collins, Michael Mann英语Michael Mann (sociologist), Georgi Derluguian英语Georgi Derluguian and Craig Calhoun英语Craig Calhoun New York: Oxford University Press
2015 The World is Out of Joint: World-Historical Interpretations of Continuing Polarizations Immanuel Wallerstein (editor) Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers


  1. ^ "Wallerstein, Immanuel (1930– )." The AZ Guide to Modern Social and Political Theorists. Ed. Noel Parker and Stuart Sim. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1997. 372-76. Print.
  2. ^ Agence Global. [2023-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-02). 
  3. ^ This is the end; this is the beginning. Immanuel Wallerstein. 2019-07-01 [2019-07-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-30) (美国英语). 
  4. ^ 李毅,2007,西方国际社会学述评

