






[<文本>] <错误消息>(帮助链接)


错误消息 模板 描述
缺少语言标签 {{lang}} {{{1}}} is empty; this parameter is required
{{lang-xx}} |code= in the template's module {{#invoke:}} is empty
无法识别的语言标签:<tag> {{lang}} where <tag> is the specified IETF language tag; this error message indicates that the tag is malformed or not listed in the module's data set. You must use a valid IETF language tag.
无法识别的语言代码:<code> {{lang}} where <code> is the first subtag (the base language code) in the specified IETF language tag; this error message indicates that the <code> subtag is malformed or not listed in the module's data set. You must use a valid IETF language tag.
无法识别的文本:<script>用于代码:<code> {{lang}} where <script> is the second subtag and <code> is the first subtag in the specified IETF language tag; this error message indicates that the script subtag is malformed or not listed in the module's data set.
无法识别的地区:<region>用于代码:<code> {{lang}} where <region> is the third (or second if script omitted) subtag and <code> is the first subtag in the specified IETF language tag; this error message indicates that the region subtag is malformed or not listed in the module's data set.
未识别的变体:<variant> {{lang}} where <variant> is the last subtag in the specified IETF language tag; this error message indicates that the variant subtag has proper form (4 digits or 5–8 alphanumeric characters) but is not listed in the module's data set.
未识别的变体:<variant>用于代码:<code> {{lang}} where <variant> is the last subtag and <code> is the first subtag in the specified IETF language tag; this error message indicates that the variant subtag is a valid variant subtag but is not valid when used with the <code> subtag.
未识别的变体:<variant>用于代码-文本对<code>-<script> {{lang}} where <variant> is the last subtag and <code>-<script> is the first and second subtags in the specified IETF language tag; this error message indicates that the variant subtag is a valid variant subtag but is not valid when used with the <code>-<script> subtags.
无文本 {{lang}} {{{2}}} is empty; this parameter is required
{{lang-xx}} {{{1}}} is empty; this parameter is required – this error message often occurs when a {{lang-xx}} template used when an {{xx icon}} template is intended. This error can also occur if there is an equals sign (=) in the foreign-language text; use {{eq}} if an equals sign is needed.
文本有斜体标记 {{lang}} this error message currently disabled for {{lang}}text has italic markup; use |italic= to control italics in the rendering; accepted parameter values are yes, no, unset, and default; see §italic markup errors.
文本有格式不正确的标记 {{lang}} text has invalid wiki markup ('''' or '''''' or more apostrophes). This message also appears when there are five apostrophes (a previous editor wanted bold and italic); remove two apostrophes on each side, since the template italicizes automatically. If the text within the template ends with an apostrophe, use &#39;.
冗余文本标签 {{lang-xx}} both the script subtag in |code= in the template's module {{#invoke:}} and |script= have assigned values; this error message indicates that (at present) only one of these is allowed.
冗余区域标签 {{lang-xx}} both the region subtag in |code= in the template's module {{#invoke:}} and |region= have assigned values; this error message indicates that (at present) only one of these is allowed.
冗余变体标签 {{lang-xx}} both the variant subtag in |code= in the template's module {{#invoke:}} and |variant= have assigned values; this error message indicates that (at present) only one of these is allowed.
代码/文本失配: <code> / <script> {{lang-xx}} where <code> is the IETF language tag specified in parameter |code= in the template's module {{#invoke:}} and <script> is the content of the template's |script= parameter. If an IETF script subtag is part of <code>, |script= is superfluous; however, templates should not 'hard code' a script in its language code; this is especially important for languages that use more than one script.
冲突:{{{1}}} 和 |text= {{lang-xx}} this error occurs when positional and named parameters are used together
冲突:{{{2}}} 和 |translit=
冲突:|lit= 和 |translation= {{lang-xx}} only one of these aliases is permitted
冲突:|links= 和 |link=
文本:<script>不支持代码:<code> {{lang}} where <script> is the second subtag or |script=, and <code> is the first subtag in the specified IETF language tag; this error message indicates that the script subtag is not allowed (suppressed) when used with code; script may be safely omitted.




  1. text中的文字包含多个字母系统
    {{lang-grc|Ἀθῆναι, ''Athênai''}}
    A similar condition may exist for languages that have multiple writing systems, where the second is not a transliteration of the first but the actual text as written in the 'other' writing system. For such templates, consider writing:
    {{lang-xx|<first text>|italic=<yes|no>|rtl=<yes|no>}} {{lang|xx|<second text>}}
  2. text包含斜体标记以重写 {{lang-xx}}模板设定的默认斜体标记(请参阅模板文档 §用法 部分中的设置框 )
    {{lang-sco|''Dumbairton''}} – 'Dumbairton' 是一个适当的名称,所以不应该用斜体
    for languages like Kurdish that use more than one script and where the template default is to italicize
    {{lang-ku|هه‌ڵپه‌ركێ}}text holds a script that should not be italicized
    the above should be rewritten:
    (it is prudent to set |rtl= to yes or no so that the template includes the correct html markup in the rendering)
    when text holds Latin transliterations of right-to-left languages like Arabic (no Arabic script), consider setting |script=Latn so that the template removes the default right-to-left html markup from the rendering and automatically renders in italics:
    {{lang-ar|''min sallaf es-sabt lāqā el-ḥadd qiddāmūh''}}
    the above could be rewritten:
    {{lang-ar|min sallaf es-sabt lāqā el-ḥadd qiddāmūh|script=Latn}} → 阿拉伯语:min sallaf es-sabt lāqā el-ḥadd qiddāmūh
    but, consider using the perhaps more semantically correct {{transl}} instead:
    [[Romanization of Arabic|Arabic]]: ''{{transl|ar|min sallaf es-sabt lāqā el-ḥadd qiddāmūh}}''Arabic: min sallaf es-sabt lāqā el-ḥadd qiddāmūh
  3. text includes italic wiki markup to 'turn off' italics for an inserted English-language conjunction between two non-English words or phrases:
    in this example, an English-language conjunction, 'or', is inserted between two Lithuanian phrases; English is not Lithuanian so does not belong inside of the {{lang-lt}} template:
    {{lang-lt|Rusijos lietuvių seimas Petrograde'' or ''Visos Rusijos lietuvių seimas}}
    the above should be rewritten:
    {{lang-lt|Rusijos lietuvių seimas Petrograde}} or {{lang|lt|Visos Rusijos lietuvių seimas}}立陶宛語Rusijos lietuvių seimas Petrograde or Visos Rusijos lietuvių seimas
  4. When the template is {{lang-en}} or {{lang|en|...}}, consider removing the template; this is the English Wikipedia, it is not usually necessary to identify English text in the English Wikipedia as being English.So why don't we just delete the template?[可疑]
  5. Sometimes the inclusion of italic markup is just wrong.
    For example, Cyrillic text is generally not to be rendered in italic font; see MOS:FOREIGNITALIC.
    {{lang-uk|''Українська Народна Міліція''}}
    the above should be rewritten:
    {{lang-uk|Українська Народна Міліція}}烏克蘭語Українська Народна Міліція

