

姓名 職位 投票權 近期立場
2022 2023 2024
Jerome H. Powell (鮑威爾) 聯儲局主席 2023-02-07:距離縮表結束「還有好幾年的時間」,若勞動力市場持續比官員預期強勁,且通膨進一步攀升,Fed 可能需要把利率升到高於之前預估的水準。[1]
Lael Brainard (布雷納德) 聯儲局理事副主席 2022-02-18:2022年3月開始加息[2]2022-10-01:Fed was “attentive to financial vulnerabilities that could be exacerbated by the advent of additional adverse shocks.”Fed’s policies soon would achieve their desired effect by highlighting how “real” or inflation-adjusted interest rates now have risen above zero for all but the shortest maturities of U.S. government debt. Coming Fed interest-rate increases and an anticipated inflation slowdown soon will push very short-term real interest rates into positive territory as well.[3]


2022-11-14:it may 'soon' be appropriate to move to slower pace of rate hikes[5]

2023-01-19:核心 PCE 通脹在 3 個月的基礎上以 3.1% 的年化速度運行——低於 6 個月的 3.8% 和 12 個月的 4.5%。此外,非住房服務的 3 個月年化通脹率約為 4.4%,與 12 個月的增速相似。即使近期有所放緩,通脹仍然居高不下,政策需要在一段時間內保持足夠的限制,以確保通脹持續回升至 2%。[6]

Philip Jefferson (菲利普·傑佛遜) 聯儲局理事副主席 2022-10-05:將通脹從40年高點降下來可能需要時間,也需要經濟增長放緩和僱主減少對工人的需求。[7]2023-02-27:it might lead people to suspect that the target could be changed opportunistically in the future [8]
Michelle W. Bowman (鮑曼) 聯儲局理事 2022-02-21:I will be watching the data closely to judge the appropriate size of an increase at the March meeting[9]2022-08-06:應該繼續考慮幾次幅度類似上個月加息0.75厘的大幅加息,直至看到美國通脹顯著下降 。支持在政策會議後的記者會上不提供具體的前瞻性指引 。[10][11]




Christopher J. Waller (沃勒) 聯儲局理事 2022-02-24:支持縮表不晚於7月開始,近期沒有必要出售資產。(推薦睇原文,依篇講得幾詳細)[16]

2022-02-25:he would prefer to raise short-term interest rates by 1 percentage point by the middle of the year.[17]

2022-10-06:這些數字表明,通脹遠未達到 FOMC 的目標,而且不太可能迅速下降。不幸的是,信息是住房通脹可能會在幾個月內保持高位。房屋的購買價格並未納入這些通貨膨脹衡量標準,因為它反映了投資房地產資產的成本,而不是消耗住房提供的住所的價格。這意味著在我們剩下的兩次會議上加息 50 個基點,或者 11 月加息 75 個基點,12 月加息 50 個基點。[18]


2022-11-14:"The market seems to have gotten way out in front on this," Mr. Waller said. "Everybody should just take a deep breath—calm down. We have a ways to go yet." [20]

2022-11-16:在今年夏天和一年前,通脹壓力似乎正在緩解,但後來卻再次加速上升。他在準備在鳳凰城發表的講話中說:「我們以前看到過這一幕,所以現在判斷這次是否會有不同的結局還為時過早。決策者不能基於希望而採取行動。我不會被一份報告所蒙蔽。」Policymakers cannot act based on hope. I will not be head-faked by one report and will continue to watch the data between now and the December FOMC meeting before deciding on the next step for policy.[21][22]

2023-01-20:根據目前手頭的數據,未來似乎沒有什麼動盪,所以我目前贊成在本月底的聯邦公開市場委員會下次會議上加息 25 個基點。除此之外,我們距離 2% 的通脹目標還有很長的路要走,我預計會支持繼續收緊貨幣政策。[23]



Lisa D. Cook (麗莎·庫克)[26] 聯儲局理事 2022-10-06:通脹“頑固地持續”,證明利率快速上升是合理的[27][28]2023-02-09:聯準會正以較小幅度提高利率,這將讓聯準會有時間評估此前的快速行動對經濟的影響。[29]
Sarah Bloom Raskin (拉斯金) 監管副主席提名人
Michael S. Barr 監管副主席提名人 Volcker Rule的支持者[26]2022-11-16:「我認為,我們將看到經濟的明顯放緩,這是事實。」[30]
John C. Williams (威廉斯) 紐約聯邦儲備銀行行長 2022-02-18:支持聯儲局3月加息,唔需要加50個基點,傾向漸進加息[31]2022-05-16:美國今次的金融條件收緊程度遠高於1994年的一次。[32]


2022-08-30:Williams didn't specifically say where he'd like to see rates go. But he did note that he believes reducing inflation will require real interest rates — nominal levels minus inflation — to be positive. [34]最終需要利率高過通脹率,最好係利率比通脹率高0.5%,唔會咁快就減息,加到高於3.5%以上再多少少就會維持一段時間





2022-12-01:I don’t think high inflation is entrenched. There are global factors that have driven inflation up. "We are starting to see signs that ... inflation is turning." [40]

2022-12-17:利率需高於通脹才能使價格重新得到控制 [41]

2023-02-08:The Fed will watch the data to determine the path of rate rises. “We need a sufficiently restrictive stance” of rates, and “we’re going to need to maintain that for a few years to make sure we get inflation to 2%.”[42] [43]

Patrick T. Harker (哈克) 費城聯邦儲備銀行英语Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia行長 X 2022-02-02:預計3年加息25個基點,今年加息4次[44]2022-08-26:聯儲局必須採取限制性立場,限制性立場是利率顯然高於3%,但到底會較3%高出多少,則有待觀察。不認為失業率需要上升到5%才能控制住通脹。[45]

2022-11-15:與其冒險過度緊縮 還不如在適當的時候暫停加息[46]

2023-01-12:I expect that we will raise rates a few more times this year, though, to my mind, the days of us raising them 75 basis points at a time have surely passed. In my view, hikes of 25 basis points will be appropriate going forward. [47]

2023-01-18:我們一次加息 75 個基點的日子肯定已經過去了。在我看來,未來加息 25 個基點是合適的。[48]


Loretta Mester (梅斯特) 克利夫蘭聯邦儲備銀行英语Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland行長 X 2022-02-19:聯儲局需以更快的速度加息及縮表[50]2022-02-24:決定退出寬鬆政策的步伐時,將考慮烏克蘭局勢[51]

2022-05-10:支持未來兩次加息0.50%,不會永遠排除加0.75%,下半年通脹沒有緩解須加息至中性利率之上[52] 2022-08-31:明年初將利率提升到4厘以上,並保持一段時間以降低通脹,又預計當局2023年不會減息。[53]




2022-11-28:We won't be back at our 2 per cent goal for some time — maybe towards the end of 2024. [59]

2022-12-17:Against the Fed’s projection that the current federal funds rate of between 4.25% and 4.5% will rise to 5.1% next year, Mester said, “I’m a little higher than the median.”[60]

2023-01-18:But Mester's comments are notable because she is among the more consistently hawkish members of the Fed’s 19-person interest-rate-setting committee. Fed's key rate should rise a "little bit" above the 5% to 5.25% range that policymakers have collectively projected for the end of this year. [61]

2023-02-17:“I saw a compelling economic case for keeping the pace at 50 [basis points] at that meeting. I didn't see a change in my outlook, that the funds rate would have to go above 5%,”[62]

Tom Barkin (巴爾金) 里士滿聯邦儲備銀行英语Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond行長 X X 2022-02-15:通脹高企且升勢持續,聯儲局是時候開始讓利率回復至疫情前水平,不過利率上升應有秩序及漸進[63]



2022-10-01:Given how persistent inflation has been over the past year, he was less concerned about the risk of the Fed raising rates too high and unnecessarily weakening the economy than he was about potentially stopping too soon and allowing high inflation to fester.[3]

2022-11-05:it's conceivable the Fed could raise rates to 5% next year.[66][67]

2022-11-09:The central bank has to accept higher risks of causing a recession as the price of getting control of inflation: "If we back off for fear of a downturn, inflation comes back even stronger and requires even more restraint."[68]

2023-01-10:“it makes sense to steer more deliberately as we work to bring inflation down.”[69]



Raphael Bostic (博斯蒂克) 阿特蘭大聯邦儲備銀行行長 X X 2022-02-09:預計今年加息3至4次,他傾向於4次,但在上半年邁出第一步時,需要觀察經濟如何反應[72]






2022-10-05:希望聯儲局在年底前將利率提高到4厘至4.5厘,維持緊縮以降低通脹,又警告不要過早地改變方向。博斯蒂克又不主張迅速「轉軚」變為寬鬆。雖然市場已開始認為2023年底前會開始減息,恰恰相反,「我會說:不會那麼快(not so fast)。」[77]

2022-11-15:大量研究告訴我們,收緊貨幣政策可能需要 18 個月到兩年或更長時間才能對通脹產生實質性影響。對利率特別敏感的經濟部分,例如住宅房地產,首先顯示出貨幣政策的影響。事實上,經濟分析局的最新數據告訴我們,私人住宅固定投資(主要是購房)在第三季度按年率下降了 25% 以上。最近,我和我的員工看到了一些跡象,表明金融環境收緊可能會影響商業地產開發和銀行業等其他行業。不過,總的來說,貨幣緊縮似乎尚未對商業活動產生足以嚴重抑制通脹的抑製作用。[78]

2022-11-19:Bostic believes that 75 to 100 basis points of additional tightening will be warranted, and he would be comfortable starting the move away from 75-basis-point increases at the next Federal Open Market Committee meeting. He warns against a stop-and-go approach, with abrupt shifts, before inflation is firmly on a trajectory back to the longer run target of 2 percent as measured by the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index. [79]

2023-01-10:he would consider a quarter-point increase more seriously if Thursday’s inflation report shows prices are slowing in line with other recent data releases.[69]

2023-02-06:美國1月強勁的就業報告強化聯準會最終將利率升到比預期更高的可能性。他的基本假設仍然是利率最高達到5.1%,與Fed官員去年12月預測中值一致 ,然後利率直到2024年都會保持不變。他表示,升息頂點拉高,可能的走法是除了兩次升息外,再多一次1碼(0.25個百分點)的升息,他也不排除進行一次升息2碼(0.5個百分點)的可能性。[80]

2023-03-07:堅定支持加息0.25個百分點,他希望美聯儲將其基準利率範圍提高到5%-5.25%。 [81]

Austan Goolsbee 芝加哥聯邦儲備銀行行長 X X 2022-11-25:“The terminal rate...hinges completely on what happens to inflation. If we started to get month after month of inflation numbers that were worse than expected, there is no terminal rate. They will keep raising rates until they stop inflation.”[82]

2022-12-02:He warned that given how fast the Fed has raised rates this year, "the chance that you overshoot is pretty high.”[83]

James Bullard (布拉德)


聖路易斯聯邦儲備銀行英语Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis行長 X X 2022-02-17:2022年第2季開始縮表,希望7月1日前加息100個基點[84]2022-05-11:無須單次加0.75%,應該今年年底加至3.25% - 3.5%[85]

2022-08-19:支持9月加息0.75%,今年年底加至3% - 3.35%[86]


2022-10-16:市場預計聯儲局11月及12月分別加息0.75厘的可能性很大。 聖路易斯聯儲銀行總裁布拉德(James Bullard)不排除連續兩月加息0.75厘的可能性,但表示現時預測這個問題仍言之尚早。[88][89]

2022-10-20:儘管委員會一直在“預先加載”激進的加息以試圖快速趕上接近四年高位的通脹,但布拉德表示,他期待轉向更正常的政策。“我認為,到 2023 年,我們將更接近可以實施我所說的普通貨幣政策的地步,”他說。“現在你處於正確的政策利率水平,你正在對通脹施加下行壓力,但你可以隨著 2023 年數據的出現進行調整。”Bullard 表示,11 月的會議結果“或多或少地反映在市場上”加息 75 個基點,不過他更願意等到會議再決定他對加息幅度的偏好。至於 12 月,他不想“預先判斷”他在那次會議上會支持什麼,儘管他確實重申了幾天前的評論,即美聯儲可能會將預期的緊縮政策從 2023 年推遲到 2022 年,從而為 75基點加息。[90]

2022-11-28:Rates may have to stay in the restrictive range throughout 2023 and into 2024 [91]



2023-01-18:And it is true that longer-term rates have come down, but markets also think there’s less inflation out there in the future and because of that they need less of an inflation premium than they previously would have needed. [93][94]

2023-02-17:He would have favored a half-point rate increase at the last meeting and that he would support moving as quickly as possible to raise rates to just below 5.5%. [62]

Neel Kashkari (卡什卡利)


明尼阿波利斯聯邦儲備銀行行長 X X 2022-02-17:大幅加息恐怕傷害美國經濟[95]2022-08-11:he hasn't "seen anything that changes" the need to raise the Fed's policy rate to 3.9% by year-end and to 4.4% by the end of 2023. The rate is currently in the 2.25%-2.5% range.[96]

2022-08-24:expects the Fed to need to lift its policy rate, now at 2.25%-2.5%, another two full percentage points by the end of next year. [97]


2022-10-19:“我在我所在的地區幾乎沒有看到勞動力市場正在走軟的證據,”卡什卡里虛擬露面說。“我從大小企業那裡聽到的第一個問題是,他們正在努力尋找工人,他們如何不得不支付更多的工資來留住員工並吸引員工。”“我正在尋找一些證據”,證明推動潛在通脹的因素“實際上已經停止攀升。我還沒有看到那些證據,所以在那些 [潛在因素] 停止攀升之前,我看不出我會如何建議暫停加息。”“我的最佳猜測”是推動通脹的因素在未來幾個月確實開始趨於平穩,這可能會讓美聯儲“在明年某個時候”暫停加息。[98]

2022-12-17:Higher R* doesn't argue for higher inflation target [1]

2023-01-05:預計該央行在今年上半年需要將利率提高到5.4%左右 [99]

2023-01-10:“I've spent enough time around Wall Street to know that they are culturally, institutionally, optimistic." Is it a game of chicken? Kashkari laughs: "They are going to lose the game of chicken." [100]


Esther L. George (喬治) 堪薩斯城聯邦儲備銀行英语Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City行長 X X 2022-02-14:聯儲局應該考慮出售資產以遏制通脹[102]2022-08-25:將利率上調至4厘以上是可能的,甚至不排除上調至5厘以上的可能性[103]



Susan Collins英语Susan M. Collins (economist) 波士頓聯邦儲備銀行英语Federal Reserve Bank of Boston行長 ? ? ? 2022-11-05:Susan Collins said all options should be on the table at the Fed's next meeting, including 75 or 25 basis point hikes. It's time to “shift from this really rapid increase to a more measured focus, deliberate focus”[106]2023-01-11:She was leaning toward a quarter-point move at the central bank's Feb 1 meeting [107]


Lorie K. Logan英语Lorie K. Logan (蘿莉·K·洛根) 達拉斯聯邦儲備銀行英语Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas代理行長 ? ? ? 2022-09-01:聯儲局首要任務是要恢復價格穩定,並必須遏制高通脹。[109]2023-01-18:We can and, if necessary, should adjust our overall policy strategy to keep financial conditions restrictive even as the pace slows. For example, a slower pace could reduce near-term interest rate uncertainty, which would mechanically ease financial conditions. But if that happens, we can offset the effect by gradually raising rates to a higher level than previously expected. [110]

2023-02-14:雖然看到加油站的價格下降令人欣慰,但能源價格不能永遠以這種速度下降。我自己的觀點是,考慮到風險,我們不應該鎖定一個峰值利率或一個精確的利率路徑。在 2022 年以歷史上最快的速度加息之後,聯邦公開市場委員會在我們最近的會議上決定將利率上調 25 個基點,幅度在歷史上更為典型。我預計我們將需要繼續逐步提高聯邦基金利率,直到我們看到令人信服的證據表明通脹有望以可持續和及時的方式回到我們 2% 的目標。[111]

Mary C. Daly (戴利) 三藩市聯邦儲備銀行行長 X X 2022-02-14:加息過急恐惹反效果,暗示唔認同3月加50個基點[112]





2022-11-17:預計利率終值在4.75%-5.25%區間。她指,將加息到一個水平後,儲局會先評估加息影響,然後才再加息,但不是現在。暫停加息不在議程,甚至不是討論的一部份,現時是討論減慢加息速度,以及集中注意力在利率處甚麼水平才具有足夠限制性。目前為 3.7% 的失業率可能會升至 4.5%-5%,雖然找到工作可能需要更長的時間,但仍然會有工作機會。 [118][119][120]

2022-11-22:it's premature to take another 75-basis point rate hike off the table ahead of the central bank's December policy meeting.

2022-12-17:"Everybody has rates holding for '23," "I think 11 months is a starting point, is a reasonable starting point. But I'm prepared to do more if more is required," [121]

2023-01-10:“I'm going to be paying a lot of attention to core services ex-housing,”[69][122]


2023-03-07: 「綜上所述,顯然還有更多的工作要做。為了擺脫高通脹,很可能有必要在更長時間內繼續收緊政策。」這位舊金山聯儲行長沒有說明需要多高的利率,也沒有說她認為高利率應該保持多長時間。[124]

Charles L. Evans (埃文斯) 芝加哥聯邦儲備銀行行長 2022-02-18:當前的貨幣政策立場錯誤,需要大幅調整[125]2022-05-18:靠front-loading將利率提高至中性區間[126]


2022-09-27:he's getting a little nervous about going too far, too fast with rate hikes[128]



2022-11-05:"From here on out, I don't think it's front-loading anymore, I think it's looking for the right level of restrictiveness" "expects the Fed to eventually need to raise its benchmark overnight interest rate "slightly higher" than the 4.50%-4.75% range" [131]

2022-11-09:he would like to see the Fed slow down the pace of its rate increases “as soon as we can.”[132]







  1. ^ 鮑爾談QT:縮表還有好幾年才結束 目前無意出售債券 | Anue鉅亨 - 美股. Anue鉅亨. 2023-02-08 [2023-02-08] (中文(臺灣)). 
  2. ^ Fed理事Brainard:3月適合開始升息、縮表. Anue鉅亨. 2022-02-19 [2022-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-19). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Timiraos, Nick. Fed’s Lael Brainard Warns on Inflation, Financial Stability Risks. Wall Street Journal. 2022-09-30 [2022-10-03]. ISSN 0099-9660. (原始内容存档于2022-10-02) (美国英语). 
  4. ^ Speech by Vice Chair Brainard on restoring price stability in an uncertain economic environment. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 2022-10-10. (原始内容存档于2022-10-10) (英语). 
  5. ^ Cox, Jeff. Fed Vice Chair Brainard says it may 'soon' be appropriate to move to slower pace of rate hikes. CNBC. [2022-11-15] (英语). 
  6. ^ Speech by Vice Chair Brainard on the economic outlook. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. [2023-01-20] (英语). 
  7. ^ Timiraos, Nick. 美聯儲官員稱抗擊通脹需要時間,儘管出現取得進展的跡象. 華爾街日報中文網. [2022-10-05]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-05) (中文(臺灣)). 
  8. ^ Speech by Governor Jefferson on recent inflation and the dual mandate. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. [2023-02-28] (英语). 
  9. ^ Speech by Governor Bowman on high inflation and the outlook for monetary policy. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. [2022-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-22) (英语). 
  10. ^ 【美國加息】聯儲局鷹派理事暗示9月或加息0.75厘 本周美國CPI數據成焦點. 香港經濟日報日. 2022-08-07. (原始内容存档于2022-08-19). 
  11. ^ Speech by Governor Bowman on fighting inflation in challenging times. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 2022-08-06. (原始内容存档于2022-08-15) (英语). 
  12. ^ Speech by Governor Bowman on forward guidance as a monetary policy tool. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. [2022-10-13] (英语). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 聯儲局理事:若通脹未有降溫跡象 應繼續大幅加息. RTHK. 2022-10-13. 
  14. ^ Brief remarks by Governor Bowman on the economy and bank supervision. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. [2023-01-11] (英语). 
  15. ^ Speech by Governor Bowman on independence, predictability, and tailoring in banking supervision and regulation. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 2023-02-13 (英语). 
  16. ^ Remarks by Governor Waller on fighting inflation with rate hikes and balance sheet reduction. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 2022-02-25. (原始内容存档于2022-02-25) (英语). 
  17. ^ Timiraos, Nick. Fed’s Christopher Waller Lays Out Case for Half-Point March Rate Increase. Wall Street Journal. 2022-02-25 [2022-02-25]. ISSN 0099-9660. (原始内容存档于2022-03-03) (美国英语). 
  18. ^ Speech by Governor Waller on the economic outlook. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 2022-10-06 (英语). 
  19. ^ Speech by Governor Waller on the U.S. dollar and central bank digital currencies. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. [2022-10-15] (英语). 
  20. ^ Timiraos, Nick. Fed Official Warns Inflation Fight Has ‘Ways to Go’. WSJ. [2022-11-14] (美国英语). 
  21. ^ Timiraos, Nick. 美聯儲官員警告不要過早得出通脹已見頂的結論. 華爾街日報中文網. [2022-11-17] (中文(臺灣)). 
  22. ^ Speech by Governor Waller on the economic outlook. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. [2022-11-17] (英语). 
  23. ^ Speech by Governor Waller on the economic outlook. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. [2023-01-21] (英语). 
  24. ^ Speech by Governor Waller on the economic outlook. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 2023-02-08 [2023-02-09] (英语). 
  25. ^ Timiraos, Nick. 美聯儲官員稱若3月經濟數據過熱,將支持進一步提高利率. 華爾街日報中文網. [2023-03-07] (中文(臺灣)). 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 澎湃新闻. 美联储迎来首位黑人女性理事库克,曾是俄罗斯经济专家. finance.sina.com.cn. 2022-05-11. (原始内容存档于2022-05-24). 
  27. ^ Timiraos, Nick. Fed Officials Say Stubborn Inflation Justifies Continued Rate Increases. Wall Street Journal. 2022-10-06 [2022-10-07]. ISSN 0099-9660. (原始内容存档于2022-10-06) (美国英语). 
  28. ^ Speech by Governor Cook on the economic outlook. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. [2022-10-07] (英语). 
  29. ^ 聯準會理事Lisa Cook認為,仍需小幅度升息以遏制通膨. tw.stock.yahoo.com. 2023-02-09 (中文(臺灣)). 
  30. ^ Robb, Greg. 美聯儲副主席巴爾預計經濟將「大幅放緩」,失業率上升. 華爾街日報中文網. [2022-11-16] (中文(臺灣)). 
  31. ^ 威廉斯和布雷納德支持聯儲局3月加息. 信報財經新聞. 2022-02-19 [2022-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-19). 
  32. ^ 【儲局官員】威廉斯:未來兩次會議各加息半厘合理 金融條件收緊程度已高於1994年. 香港經濟日報. 2022-05-16. (原始内容存档于2022-05-24). 
  33. ^ 紐約聯儲銀行威廉姆斯:出售MBS或是未來一個選項. news.rthk.hk. 2022-05-17. (原始内容存档于2022-05-24). 
  34. ^ Cox, Jeff. Fed's Williams pushes back on market expectations of a rate cut next year. CNBC. 2022-08-30. (原始内容存档于2022-08-31) (英语). 
  35. ^ Derby, Nick Timiraos and Michael S. Fed’s John Williams Says Rates Will Stay High for a While. Wall Street Journal. 2022-08-30. (原始内容存档于2022-08-30) (英语). 
  36. ^ Transcript: WSJ Q&A With New York Fed President John Williams. Wall Street Journal. 2022-08-30 [2022-08-31]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-30) (美国英语). 
  37. ^ 【儲局官員】威廉斯:聯儲局需逐步提高利率至4.5厘 英國市場波動對美國市場有影響. 香港經濟日報. 2022-10-07. (原始内容存档于2022-10-12). 
  38. ^ 美聯儲三號人物:這一市場正面臨流動性緊縮 恐使美聯儲的政策脫軌. Investing.com 香港. [2022-11-17] (中文(香港)). 
  39. ^ Timiraos, Nick. 美聯儲官員威廉斯稱抗擊通脹的努力可能持續到2024年. 華爾街日報中文網. 2022-11-28. 
  40. ^ Twitter. Twitter. [2022-12-02] (中文). 
  41. ^ Bartash, Jeffry. 紐約聯儲行長威廉斯稱利率需高於通脹才能使價格重新得到控制. 華爾街日報中文網. [2022-12-19] (中文(臺灣)). 
  42. ^ Transcript: Q&A With New York Fed’s John Williams at WSJ CFO Network Summit. Wall Street Journal. 2023-02-08 [2023-02-09]. ISSN 0099-9660 (美国英语). 
  43. ^ Timiraos, Harriet Torry and Nick. Fed Officials Signal Higher Interest Rates Will Be Needed to Contain Inflation. Wall Street Journal. 2023-02-08 [2023-02-09]. ISSN 0099-9660 (美国英语). 
  44. ^ 費城聯儲銀行行長預計聯儲局今年加息四次. Now 新聞. [2022-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-20). 
  45. ^ 【Jackson Hole】費城聯備銀行行長哈克:不需要失業率升至5%才能控制通脹. 香港經濟日報. 2022-08-26. (原始内容存档于2022-08-28). 
  46. ^ 美聯儲哈克:與其冒險過度緊縮 還不如在適當的時候暫停加息 作者 匯通財經. Investing.com 香港. [2022-11-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-16) (中文(香港)). 
  47. ^ The Local and National Economic Outlook. www.philadelphiafed.org. [2023-01-12] (英语). 
  48. ^ Economic Outlook and the Anchor Economy Initiative. www.philadelphiafed.org. [2023-01-19] (英语). 
  49. ^ 張偉倫. 費城聯儲銀行行長﹕美國經濟軟著陸機會增 建議息口升至逾5厘. 香港01. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-13] (中文(香港)). 
  50. ^ 「沽空」女股神 3個月賺55% Cathie Wood旗艦ETF同期跌42%. 明報新聞網. [2022-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-20). 
  51. ^ Marte, Jonnelle. Fed's Mester says situation in Ukraine will be considered for monetary policy. Reuters. 2022-02-24. (原始内容存档于2022-02-24) (英语). 
  52. ^ 【儲局官員】梅斯特:支持未來兩次議息加息50個基點 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - 即市財經 - 股市. 香港經濟日報. 2022-05-11. (原始内容存档于2022-05-12). 
  53. ^ 【儲局官員】梅斯特:明年初加息至4厘以上 2023年不會減息. 香港經濟日報. 2022-08-31. (原始内容存档于2022-09-01). 
  54. ^ 【儲局官員】梅斯特:美國經濟能承受更高利率 英倫銀行買債迫不得已. 香港經濟日報. 2022-09-29. (原始内容存档于2022-09-30). 
  55. ^ 梅斯特:聯儲局仍未能控制通脹 需要進一步收緊政策. RTHK. (原始内容存档于2022-10-12). 
  56. ^ 【儲局官員】梅斯特:沒有必要調整縮表計畫 預計加息力度將略高於儲局預測中值. 香港經濟日報. 2022-10-11. (原始内容存档于2022-10-12). 
  57. ^ Mester, Loretta J. An Update on the Economy and Monetary Policy: Perseverance in Returning to Price Stability. 2022-10-11. (原始内容存档于2022-10-11) (英语). 
  58. ^ 張偉倫. 克利夫蘭儲銀總裁﹕聯儲局要全心專注壓通脹. 香港01. 2022-11-23 [2022-11-23] (中文(香港)). 
  59. ^ Christine Lagarde says ECB ‘not done’ raising interest rates. Financial Times. 2022-11-28 (英语). 
  60. ^ Derby, Michael S. Fed's Mester sees rates rising more than most policy makers have forecast. Reuters. 2022-12-16 [2022-12-19] (英语). 
  61. ^ Fed's Mester: Rate hikes have begun to quell US inflation. AP NEWS. 2023-01-18 [2023-01-19] (英语). 
  62. ^ 62.0 62.1 Timiraos, Nick. Two Fed Officials Would Have Supported Larger Rate Increase This Month. Wall Street Journal. 2023-02-16 [2023-02-17]. ISSN 0099-9660 (美国英语). 
  63. ^ 信報即時新聞 -- 儲局兩官員認同3月加息抑通脹. 信報即時新聞. [2022-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-20). 
  64. ^ 64.0 64.1 Schneider, Howard. Ukraine crisis may slow, but not stop, Fed hiking. Financial Post. 2022-02-24 [2022-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-24) (英语). 
  65. ^ 【儲局官員】巴金:美國正面臨「戰後」般通脹 抗通脹過程或出現經濟衰退. 香港經濟日報. 2022-08-30. (原始内容存档于2022-08-30). 
  66. ^ Jobs report shows labor market remains tight, says Richmond Fed President Tom Barkin. Twitter. [2022-11-04] (中文). 
  67. ^ 【儲局官員】巴爾金:勞動市場緊張反映仍需加息 但加息步伐可能會放慢. 香港經濟日報. (原始内容存档于2022-11-04). 
  68. ^ Robb, Greg; Robb, Greg. Fed shouldn't back off rate hikes for fear of a downturn, Barkin says. MarketWatch. [2022-11-10]. 
  69. ^ 69.0 69.1 69.2 Timiraos, David Harrison and Nick. Mary Daly Says Slower Rate Raises Could Help Fed Account for Monetary Policy Lags. Wall Street Journal. 2023-01-09 [2023-01-10]. 
  70. ^ 70.0 70.1 【儲局官員】布拉德促聯儲局加息至逾5厘 巴爾金稱無需像去年那樣激進地加息. inews.hket.com. 2023-01-13. 
  71. ^ Timiraos, Nick. 美聯儲巴爾金支持有節制的加息步伐. 華爾街日報中文網. [2023-03-07] (中文(臺灣)). 
  72. ^ 【儲局官員】博斯蒂克料今年加息3至4次 須看經濟如何反應. 香港經濟日報. [2022-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-20). 
  73. ^ 【美國加息】聯儲局官員博斯蒂克:加息半厘已相當激進 可再加息半厘兩至三次 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - iMoney智富 - 環球政經. 香港經濟日報. 2022-05-10. (原始内容存档于2022-05-12). 
  74. ^ 【儲局官員】博斯蒂克︰聯儲局可於9月暫停一下加息. 香港經濟日報. 2022-05-24. (原始内容存档于2022-05-24). 
  75. ^ 【Jackson Hole】亞特蘭大聯儲行長博斯蒂克:若經濟數據保持強勁 仍有可能加息0.75厘. 香港經濟日報. 2022-08-25 [2022-08-26]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-26). 
  76. ^ 【Jackson Hole】亞特蘭大聯儲行長博斯蒂克:傾向9月加息0.5厘. 香港經濟日報. 2022-08-26. (原始内容存档于2022-08-28). 
  77. ^ 【儲局官員】博斯蒂克︰冀儲局年底前將利率升到4至4.5厘 明年減息?不會那麼快. 香港經濟日報. 2022-10-06. (原始内容存档于2022-10-06). 
  78. ^ Raphael Bostic, President and Chief Executive Officer. www.atlantafed.org. [2022-11-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-16) (英语). 
  79. ^ From Academia to the FOMC: The Journey of One Fed President - November 19, 2022. www.atlantafed.org. [2022-11-21] (英语). 
  80. ^ 聯合新聞網. Fed波斯提克:美國最終利率頂點可能高於點狀圖預測. 聯合新聞網. 2023-02-07. 
  81. ^ Robb, Greg. 美聯儲官員Bostic稱其堅定支持加息0.25個百分點. 華爾街日報中文網. [2023-03-07] (中文(臺灣)). 
  82. ^ Twitter. Twitter. [2022-12-02] (中文). 
  83. ^ Timiraos, Nick. Austan Goolsbee Named Next President of the Chicago Fed. WSJ. [2022-12-02] (美国英语). 
  84. ^ 【儲局官員】布拉德重申支持儲局第二季度開始縮表. 香港經濟日報. 2022-02-18 [2022-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-19). 
  85. ^ 【儲局官員】鷹派官員布拉德:通脹雖高企惟料儲局無須單次加息0.75厘 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - 即市財經 - 股市. 香港經濟日報. 2022-05-12. (原始内容存档于2022-05-12). 
  86. ^ 【儲局官員】布拉德:支持9月繼續加息75基點 現判斷通脹見頂仍言之尚早 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - 即市財經 - 股市. inews.hket.com. [2022-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-19). 
  87. ^ 【儲局官員】布拉德:美國失業率難大升 利率或停留在高位更長時間. 香港經濟日報. 2022-09-29. (原始内容存档于2022-09-30). 
  88. ^ 【儲局官員】布拉德︰不排除11、12月連續加息0.75厘可能性 但現時預測仍言之尚早. 香港經濟日報. 2022-10-17 [2022-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-17). 
  89. ^ Schneider, Howard; Schneider, Howard. EXCLUSIVE Fed's Bullard favors 'frontloading' rate hikes now, with wait-and-see stance in 2023. Reuters. 2022-10-14 [2022-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-14) (英语). 
  90. ^ Fed’s Bullard Sees 2023 Shift With End of Front-Loading Hikes. Bloomberg. 2022-10-20. 
  91. ^ Bullard Discusses Interest Rates and Containing Inflation with MarketWatch. www.stlouisfed.org. [2022-11-29] (英语). 
  92. ^ 【儲局官員】布拉德︰利率正接近足以遏制通脹的高位水平. inews.hket.com. 2023-01-06. 
  93. ^ Bullard Talks about Policy Rate and 'Soft Landing' Prospects with Wall Street Journal. www.stlouisfed.org. [2023-01-19] (英语). 
  94. ^ Transcript: WSJ Q&A With St. Louis Fed President James Bullard. Wall Street Journal. 2023-01-18 [2023-01-19]. ISSN 0099-9660 (美国英语). 
  95. ^ 【儲局官員】卡什卡利:倘激進加息 恐損害美國經濟. 香港經濟日報. 2022-02-17 [2022-02-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-19). 
  96. ^ Saphir, Ann. Fed's Kashkari: More rate hikes ahead, and possible recession. Reuters. 2022-08-10 [2022-08-19] (英语). 
  97. ^ Reuters. Fed's Kashkari says his biggest fear is inflation will be more persistent. Reuters. 2022-08-24 [2022-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-24) (英语). 
  98. ^ Derby, Michael S. Fed's Kashkari says labor shortages still a big issue for business. Reuters. 2022-10-19 [2022-10-20] (英语). 
  99. ^ Timiraos, Nick. 美聯儲官員卡什卡利認為今年利率將升至5.4%. 華爾街日報中文網. [2023-01-05]. 
  100. ^ Steinberger, Michael. The Fed May Finally Be Winning the War on Inflation. But at What Cost?. The New York Times. 2023-01-10 [2023-01-11]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  101. ^ Maloney, Michael. 卡什卡利稱截至目前美聯儲加息對就業市場的影響不大. 華爾街日報中文網. 2023-02-07 (中文(臺灣)). 
  102. ^ Timiraos, Nick. WSJ News Exclusive | Central Bank Should Weigh Asset Sales to Curb Inflation, Says Fed Official. Wall Street Journal. 2022-02-14 [2022-02-19]. ISSN 0099-9660. (原始内容存档于2022-02-20) (美国英语). 
  103. ^ 【Jackson Hole】堪薩斯城儲行喬治:不排除加息至5厘. 香港經濟日報. 2022-08-25 [2022-08-26]. 
  104. ^ 【儲局官員】喬治:通脹廣泛性令人擔憂 但加息太快或弄巧反拙. 香港經濟日報. 2022-10-14 [2022-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-17). 
  105. ^ 【儲局官員】喬治:料聯儲局加息至5厘以上 認為高利率應維持至2024年. inews.hket.com. 2023-01-05. 
  106. ^ Timiraos, Nick. Fed’s Collins Signals Support for Slowing Pace of Interest Rate Increases. Wall Street Journal. 2022-11-04 [2022-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-04). 
  107. ^ Smialek, Jeanna. Fed President Backs Slowdown as Support Mounts for Smaller Rate Move. The New York Times. 2023-01-11 [2023-01-12]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 
  108. ^ 古美儀. 美聯儲副主席:有必要持續加息至緊縮水平 惟步伐宜放慢. 香港01. 2023-01-20 [2023-01-20] (中文(香港)). 
  109. ^ 【儲局官員】洛根:恢復價格穩定是首要任務 必須遏制高通脹. 香港經濟日報. 2022-09-01. (原始内容存档于2022-09-02). 
  110. ^ The U.S. economic outlook and monetary policy. www.dallasfed.org. [2023-01-19] (英语). 
  111. ^ Price stability must be sustainable. www.dallasfed.org. [2023-02-14] (英语). 
  112. ^ 【美國加息】聯儲局官員戴利:加息過急恐惹反效果. 香港經濟日報. 2022-02-14 [2022-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-20). 
  113. ^ 聯合新聞網. Fed官員再挺3月升息 放風聲排除俄烏因素帶來雜音? | 聯合新聞網:最懂你的新聞網站. 聯合新聞網. 2022-02-24. (原始内容存档于2022-02-24). 
  114. ^ 【儲局官員】戴利指9月加息0.5或0.75厘是合適 利率上升後不會即時下降 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - 即市財經 - 宏觀解讀. inews.hket.com. [2022-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-19). 
  115. ^ 【儲局官員】戴利:有必要進一步加息 明年通脹將接近3%. 香港經濟日報. 2022-10-05. (原始内容存档于2022-10-06). 
  116. ^ The Singularity of the Dual Mandate. San Francisco Fed. [2022-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-04) (英语). 
  117. ^ 三藩市聯儲行長戴利:明年或加息至5厘 並維持一段時間. 香港01. 2022-10-15. (原始内容存档于2022-10-15). 
  118. ^ Robb, Greg. 美聯儲官員戴利預計利率終值在4.75%-5.25%區間. 華爾街日報中文網. [2022-11-17] (中文(臺灣)). 
  119. ^ 【儲局官員】儲行行長戴利料儲局至少加息1厘 暫停加息不在考慮範圍. 香港經濟日報. [2022-11-17]. 
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