
User:David Xuang/巴比伦柏林







1第1集2017年10月13日 (2017-10-13)
1929年4月的一天,一列开往柏林的火车在新勒热夫附近被铁轨上燃烧的树逼停。几名讲俄语的武装人员伏击了引擎司机和铁路工人。这些人向火车加挂了一节车厢,两名俄罗斯人取代了头部被枪击的德国人。格里安·拉特探长新近从科隆警局被调到柏林,与他的新搭档布鲁诺·沃尔特拜访了一家伪装成摄影工作室的色情片布景及制作工作室。当他们逮捕其所有者约翰·柯尼格(Johann König)时,另一名男子在逃跑中向格里安开枪,但被布鲁诺制服。布鲁诺随后将他放走,因为这是他的线人弗朗兹·克拉耶夫斯基。弗朗兹参与了第一次世界大战,但由于患有创伤后应激障碍PTSD)对枪战反应太大而被警局解雇。他去找治疗师(施密特博士),透露警方逮捕了柯尼希并在寻找“那卷胶卷”。治疗师随后遇到了一个被称作“亚美尼亚人”的神秘人。“亚美尼亚人”说他会照看好这卷胶卷。在警局,格里安走出帕特诺斯特电梯后撞到了夏洛特·拉特,并在收拾好各自的文件后分别。她在凶杀案部分担任档案管理员,以养活可怜乞活的家人。托洛茨基主义者卡达科夫和斯韦特兰娜在印刷厂收到电报,提醒他们火车很快就会到达。
2第2集2017年10月13日 (2017-10-13)
格里安审问刚被一名神秘男子折磨过的约翰·柯尼格。柯尼格抓住格里安的手枪,想要射杀他,但在格里安说服他他已经走投无路之后,约翰选择了自杀。这引发了格里安的创伤后应激障碍,因此他冲到附近的厕所使用吗啡,但因为手抖得厉害而不得。隔壁隔间的夏洛特发现了他,并协助他使用药物。之后,格里安打给父亲,父亲对未能胶卷找到感到失望,敦促儿子在其再次出现时销毁。就解释柯尼格在布鲁诺的审讯后受伤一事,格里安与布鲁诺被唤至警察局长奥古斯特·本达的办公室,但两人都没有说出真相。本达私下问格里安为何被调职。格里安承认其家庭世交、科隆市长康拉德·阿登纳因一卷据传在柏林的胶卷而被勒索。阿登纳要求格里安在选举前找到。格里安找到克拉耶夫斯基,但他并不知晓有关胶卷的情报。晚上,夏洛特来到热门的综艺剧院Moka Efti,听着伪装成尼古拉斯的斯韦特兰娜在台上演唱。夏洛特跟随一名谷歌来到俱乐部的地下室,她在这处妓院做妓女以补贴家用。斯韦特兰娜在印刷厂的托洛茨基主义者同志在印刷厂被之前劫持火车的一伙人杀死,但卡达科夫躲在厕所逃过一劫。
3第3集2017年10月20日 (2017-10-20)
4第4集2017年10月20日 (2017-10-20)
格里安和布鲁诺在示威期间搜查了疑似共产主义者的公寓,但未能找到罪证。两人离开时,大批警察开始向人群随机开火,吓到了格里安。他和布鲁诺逃到附近的一所房屋里,那里阳台上两名平民妇女被子弹击中并受重伤。格里安成功找到了弗尔克医生,后者是德国共产党党员,致力于医治穷人。但他们还没有到两个女人身边,她们就已经死了。之后,格里安和正编写事件报告的夏洛特到太平间检查俄罗斯引擎司机的尸体,夏洛特指出受害者的瘀伤均匀,很可能死于非自然原因。格里安认出这具尸体就属于先前闯入他公寓的那个男人。夏洛特与老友格蕾塔碰面,带她去Moka Efti,在那里布鲁诺撞见了她,并以此勒索她监视格里安。
5第5集2017年10月27日 (2017-10-27)
6第6集2017年10月27日 (2017-10-27)
卡达科夫向“亚美尼亚人”求助。卡特尔巴赫请求格里安帮助调查受伤的警员。斯蒂凡邀请夏洛特和格蕾塔去划船俱乐部,在那里格蕾塔遇到了德共成员弗里茨。有着策吉贝尔局长施压,格里安挣扎着撰写一份就骚乱枪击事件对警方有利的报告。泽格斯少将讨论着对尼森的家族庄园的 discusses Operation Prangertag on Nyssen's family estate. Bruno helps Gereon find Krajewski, who take him into custody for questioning. Kardakov goes with the Armenian and his men to the railway yard to find the gold but accidentally releases poison gas from the mislabelled railcar.
7第7集2017年11月3日 (2017-11-03)
Greta is employed by Benda despite her inexperience. Dr. Schmidt conducts a lecture on PTSD, which is denounced by the audience. A mysterious priest provides a barbiturate to the pharmacist to give to Gereon. Charlotte investigates the Anhalter freight yard as the railcars are being inspected by the Soviets. Benda takes over the inspection with police officers and informs Gereon that he is investigating illegal weapons imports by the Black Reichswehr. Charlotte goes with Stefan to investigate the Red Fortress printer. Bruno invites Gereon to a Black Reichswehr gathering, whose attendees display stab-in-the-back myth beliefs. Gereon recounts being captured on the front line after carrying his brother from no man's land.
8第8集2017年11月3日 (2017-11-03)
Nyssen is interrogated by Benda about the chemical weapons. Benda's family goes on a vacation, so Benda has dinner alone with Greta. Krajewski divulges the location of the film to Gereon and Bruno. Gereon breaks into the safe in the Armenian's private room at the Moka Efti, and escapes with the films after a shoot-out with the Armenian's men. Gereon and Bruno destroy the films after watching several known politicians on the films, including Gereon's father. Gereon and Bruno celebrate the success of the investigation but the Armenian's contacts drug Gereon. Gereon is pursued by the priest before losing consciousness.


1第9集2017年11月10日 (2017-11-10)
A mass grave of fifteen bodies from the Red Fortress print shop is discovered and Gereon is assigned to Homicide to investigate the execution-style murders. Charlotte provides Gereon with the waybill showing the original railcar number of the Sorokin gold. The Homicide investigation team identifies the mysterious priest as Saint Joseph Wilczek, who was found killed. Nyssen is released from prison in time to attend a Nyssen AG Board meeting, only to discover he has been removed from the Board by his mother. Helga and Moritz surprise Gereon by arriving in Berlin after his brother Anno is officially declared killed in action.
2第10集2017年11月10日 (2017-11-10)
Gereon and Helga re-kindle their relationship, but Moritz does not approve. At the Moka Efti, Charlotte eavesdrops on a meeting between Trokhin, Wendt and Zorgiebel regarding the seized train. Greta talks to Fritz, who is walking in the funeral procession for the women shot during the riot. Gereon arrests Soviet embassy attachés Selenski and Fallin after finding ballistic evidence tying the Soviets to the massacre. Stefan spies on a meeting where Wendt divulges the location of the train. Benda and Gereon confront Trokhin with the massacre evidence, where Benda offers Trokhin a deal to cover up the incident in exchange for information on the Black Reichswehr personnel responsible for the illegal arms shipments. Böhm investigates the Saint Josef murder. Stefan is killed by unknown attackers.
3第11集2017年11月17日 (2017-11-17)
In exchange for releasing Selenski and Fallin, Trokhin provides Gereon evidence that Beck and Seegers have been developing a secret German Air Force in Lipetsk. Following a tip off from the Armenian, Gereon listens to a radio broadcast by Dr Schmidt, discussing psychiatric treatment. Gereon and Graf fly to Lipetsk to get photographic evidence of the secret airbase. Gereon recalls memories of killing Saint Josef. Benda informs Minister Gustav Stresemann of the Black Reichswehr investigation, who is aware and sympathetic to the cause.
4第12集2017年11月17日 (2017-11-17)
Moritz finds Stefan's body. Homicide detectives question Gereon and Bruno after ballistics evidence shows the same gun killed Saint Josef and Stefan, while Gereon and Bruno suspect each other. Gereon moves Helga and Moritz out of Bruno's home to a hotel. Fritz visits Greta in Benda's house. Gereon asks Charlotte to help translate Stefan's shorthand diary after finding it in Bruno's house. Charlotte is kidnapped by a familiar face from the train tracks who appears to be aligned with unknown assailants.
5第13集2017年11月24日 (2017-11-24)
Charlotte is brought to the Armenian and locked in the Moka Efti fridge when she cannot answer questions about the Sorokin gold. Behnke discovers the import authorization form for the train dropped underneath Gereon's bed at the rooming house. Benda convinces the Prussian Court to authorise an arrest of Seegers, Beck and other members of the Black Reichswehr. Bruno shows Moritz how to shoot a rifle after he finds an arms cache in the Wolters' apartment block basement. Benda and Gereon interrogate the Black Reichswehr. Bruno and the Black Reichswehr set Operation Prangertag in motion, a government coup to install Erich Ludendorff as Chancellor and restore the emperor, Wilhelm II. Greta sees Fritz get shot by police outside the KPD office. Gereon questions Svetlana about the Sorokin gold. After reading a detailed article by Katelbach on the Black Reichswehr, Gereon goes with Katelbach to meet his informant.
6第14集2017年11月24日 (2017-11-24)
Katelbach's informant is murdered before the meeting with Gereon. Gereon and Benda interrogate General Seegers before all the arrested officers are released. Otto tells Greta that Benda's men killed Fritz and she says she will do anything to get revenge. As part of Operation Prangertag, Bruno and Sheer attempt the assassination of the German and French foreign ministers but fail. Charlotte translates Stefan's diary and informs the Armenian of the train robbery. President Hindenburg arrives at the press conference and removes General Seegers and orders the train to be returned to the Soviet Union.
7第15集2017年12月1日 (2017-12-01)
Gereon and Charlotte inform Benda of the train robbery and attempt to intercept the robbery against Benda's orders. Greta lets Otto plant a bomb in Benda's home office. Charlotte is shown to drown as the car that she is riding in with Gereon gets run off the road by Bruno into a lake. Greta arms the bomb and tries to flee Berlin but changes her mind as she runs into Fritz at the train station, now dressed in a Sturmabteilung (SA) uniform. Greta runs back to the Benda house but is too late to stop the bomb from detonating, killing Councillor August Benda and his daughter Margot.
8第16集2017年12月1日 (2017-12-01)
It is revealed that Gereon managed to revive Charlotte. Henning and Czerwinski pick up Gereon and board the train. Bruno and the Black Reichswehr halt the train but are ambushed by the Armenian's gang. Gereon confronts Bruno on the train and discovers that the gold is actually fake. Henning and Czerwinski incapacitate the Armenian gang with anaesthetic while Bruno starts the train. After fighting with Gereon on top of the train, Bruno is killed after causing a gas explosion. Wendt becomes the new Head of the Political Police and wants Gereon to unofficially lead a new covert Internal Review department that investigates internal political crimes and corruption. Charlotte becomes a deputy homicide detective. Observing the Sorokin painting in Svetlana's apartment, Gereon and Charlotte deduce that the train was made of gold. In Paris, Kardakow watches Svetlana sing in a cabaret. Gereon is attacked by a KPD group led by Dr. Volcker but is rescued by the Armenian and taken to Dr. Schmidt. Under hypnosis, Gereon realises the truth: that he did not attempt to rescue his brother Anno, who was injured in no-man's-land but that he in fact ran away. The badly scarred Dr Schmidt is actually Gereon's brother, Anno.


1第17集2020年1月24日 (2020-01-24)

Season 3 begins with a dreamlike sequence of Rath walking through the Berlin stock exchange building, which is in chaos at the first financial collapse of the Great Depression. Nyssen looks on with satisfaction, with Helga Rath at his side. Flashback to five weeks earlier. Rath has recovered from his PTSD. Charlotte tries to visit Greta in prison but she does not want to see her. Walter Weintraub is fingerprinted and released from prison. A car is waiting for him with a woman named Vera: he blindfolds her, takes her for a drive to the Babelsberg studios and has violent sex with her in the car. At the set of a new sound film, a hooded figure boobytraps a spotlight, which falls and kills the film's star, Betty Winter. The film's producer, Bellman, informs the Armenian of the incident.

Charlotte aces her crime-scene re-enactment exam but later stumbles over a technical detail and is failed by Ullrich, despite worse-performing male candidates. At the film studio, Bellman tries to get Rath to declare the death an accident. Weintraub is greeted affectionately at the home of his business partner, Edgar (the Armenian). Nyssen and his mother are reassured that the stock market is booming and she wants to make a large investment. Nyssen tells Wegener that he is bipolar and predicts a coming stock market crash, which he blames on Jewish financial manipulation. He orders Wegener to illegally obtain the client lists of the major banks. Helga goes for a pregnancy test. Rath reviews the footage of Winter's death and notices that one actress, Tilly Brooks, was acting strangely. Edgar and Weintraub visit Moka Efti, which has been closed due to damage from a water pipe explosion. Edgar thinks the damage to the club and Winter's death were not accidents but has covered the murder up as their million-dollar investment is at stake. Charlotte and her sister, Toni, clean up after their messy co-tenant. Instead of going home to Helga, Rath has another session with Dr. Schmidt.
2第18集2020年1月24日 (2020-01-24)
Rath and Helga argue. Weintraub and Edgar's wife, Esther, are shown kissing. Greta goes on trial, where Benda's widow gives passionate testimony against her. Rath discovers that Wendt has ordered Greta's files to be sealed. Wendt tries to get Commissioner Zörgiebel to resign by threatening another trial about the police shootings of communists. The police find out that the electrician in charge of the spotlight that killed Winter had been impersonated by a former co-worker, Felix Krempin. The death is deemed a murder, for which insurance will not cover the losses. Charlotte's sister tells her that their mother left something for her at a former neighbor's. Tilly Brooks tells Rath that she saw a ghost-like man in a cloak when the spotlight fell and confesses to Charlotte that she overheard Winter argue with her husband, co-star Tristan Rot, about going to America. Rath confronts Wendt about Greta, but is told to focus instead on Hans Litten, a Communist Party lawyer, who he says is demanding that Zörgiebel be put on trial. Edgar and his banker (who is Esther's brother-in-law) argue over each losing $1 million on the film. Helga is given a key to an expensive hotel suite under her maiden name. Her son is recruited by the Hitler Youth. Rath shares his suspicions with Charlotte that Wendt is covering up for the Nazis and they agree to try to help Greta. A Nazi party organizer, Stennes, meets with Wendt at his estate and tells him he must handle the threat of Greta's testifying against the Nazis or there will be no more assistance. Weintraub and Edgar pressure Bellman to complete the film. Rath catches Krempin, who admits to sabotage but denies killing Winter, before being shot dead by a cloaked figure.
3第19集2020年1月31日 (2020-01-31)

Helga moves with Moritz to the hotel. Heymann, the editor of the newspaper Tempo, axes Katelbach's piece on Lufthansa's connection to the Reichswehr in favour of the more sensational Betty Winter murder story, with the murderer dubbed The Phantom. Sebald locates Greta's child in an orphanage and takes custody in Wendt's name. Esther thinks about the film with Bellman. Gennat gives a lecture to reporters on crime statistics but the press is only interested in the Winter case. Wegener, posing as a securities auditor, gathers investment information from various middle-class people, including Böhm. They have all bought stocks on loaned money and Nyssen realises that a collapse is inevitable. Menacingly, Wendt shows Greta her baby through a prison window. Ullrich tries to tell Gennat about a ballistics match on the Krempin gun but is shut down for violating the chain of command and decides to keep the information secret out of spite. Katelbach receives a confidential document in a clandestine exchange. Weintraub gets rough with the insurance adjustor who has denied Edgar's claim. Weintraub and Edgar argue over the latter's running of their business empire.

Recasting of Winter's role begins at Babelsberg. Rath interrogates Tristan Rot, who admits to an occult connection with Krempin. The cloak is discovered to be Rot's costume for the film. A seamstress admits that Krempin got her to steal a copy of it but confirms his alibi for Winter's murder. Tilly Brooks is cast in Winter's role. Edgar wants to co-operate with Rath to find the killer and informs him that Dr. Schmidt's PTSD cure comes with a price. Vera, who had also wanted the starring role, locks Tilly in the dressing room. The producers, angered by Tilly not showing up on the set, replace her with Vera. Tilly is killed by the cloaked figure, whom Charlotte then sees escaping from the window to the courtyard.
4第20集2020年1月31日 (2020-01-31)
Greta recants her testimony, now stating that Communists rather than Nazis incited her to plant the bomb. Charlotte tells her superiors about her insights regarding the Phantom case. Gennat lectures her about protocol and assigns Böhm to lead the investigation in Rath's place. In prison, Greta is attacked by Dr. Völcker, who tries to find out why she changed her story and blamed the Communists. Czerwinski and Henning learn from the studio's beverage suppliers that Rot had the key to the studio courtyard just before the murder. When they leave, they are watched by a mysterious man. Amongst Krempin's belongings, Rath finds a box of occult items and a secret invitation to a ceremony at Rot's house. Ilse finds out she needs expensive eye surgery. Charlotte is given a bundle of her mother's letters by her former neighbour and finds a postcard from "E", who may be her real father. On her way home, she sees Helga enter the hotel. Helga meets with Nyssen, who offers to let her use the suite, which belongs to his family, for as long as she wants. Rath asks Henning to find Helga. At Rath's bidding, Gräf gets into the archives to photograph Greta's interrogation documents. The archive attendant remembers him from the red-light district and forces him to perform oral sex. Later, Gräf and Rath look at the photos and notice Katelbach's name on a secret list compiled by the political police. Over drinks, Gräf tells Rath about how Gennat pulled him off the street and got him a job as police photographer. He hints at his love for Rath and they dance together drunkenly. Charlotte goes dancing with Vera, who is her old friend from Moka Efti. She encourages Charlotte to go find "E" and comes onto her.
5第21集2020年2月7日 (2020-02-07)

Rath, Böhm and Charlotte attend the secret gathering at Tristan Rot's house. Masked and cloaked, they watch as Dr. Schmidt summons Betty Winter's spirit in a seance, before Böhm breaks the ceremony up with a gunshot. Schmidt scurries off, seen by Rath (who calls him "Anno") and gives Rath a hypnotic command to forget he saw him. Rath meets with Katelbach and admits that he was toeing the company line when he gave his testimony in the Zörgiebel case. Rath warns him that his name is on the secret list along with Litten's. Katelbach tells him about a manuscript proving Lufthansa's illegal work with the Reichswehr and warns him not to trust anybody.

In an interrogation, Rot admits that he needed to get into the courtyard as part of the process of reconnecting with Winter's soul. Edgar and Weintraub meet with rival gangs and accuse them of trying to sabotage their operation, which they deny. The mysterious man from the beverage supplier is there. Helga and Nyssen have coffee and he says he believes they were fated to meet.

Böhm gives Charlotte a menial assignment but Rath tells her to instead investigate the secret list. A Nazi agitator named Horst Kessler, whose name is on the list, hires sex worker Erna for the night, with plans to rescue her from her pimp. In court, Greta is sentenced to death and refuses appeal. Rath sees Wendt whisper to Benda's widow. Charlotte is upset by the sentence and disappointed by Rath's reaction. She tells him that she saw Helga enter the hotel. Rath finds only Moritz there. Katelbach takes Elisabeth into his confidence. She rebuffs his sexual advances. Dr. Völcker arranges to be assigned as Greta's new cellmate.
6第22集2020年2月7日 (2020-02-07)

Wendt's henchmen raid the offices of Tempo and beat up Heymann. Katelbach flees with the documents. General Seegers' daughter, Marie-Luise (MaLu), who is a law student and volunteers in Litten's office, reluctantly agrees to attend Madame Nyssen's party with him and her sister. Helga refuses to let Moritz attend a Nazi Youth outing.

Two names, NSDAP members Richard Pechtmann and Horst Kessler, stand out on the secret list and Rath discovers that they are Fritz and Otto’s real names. Litten agrees to take Greta's case pro bono and Charlotte offers to help at the office in return. Kessler and Pechtmann search Elisabeth's apartment. She hides Katelbach and delivers the documents to Heymann. Helga finds out that she's pregnant. Pretending to be a Nazi, Rath breaks into Kessler's rooms and finds Erna who tells him Kessler is at a Hitler Youth camp.

At the Nyssen soirée, MaLu discusses politics with Wendt. Wendt proposes allowing the Nazis to create civil unrest to further the conservatives' plans; the General disagrees. Stresemann suddenly walks in and asserts that the monarchists and the military should work together. Moritz asks to move in with Rath and gives him a letter from Helga asking him to let her go. Weintraub denies Esther the lead role in the film. Charlotte confronts Vera about her relationship with Weintraub and she admits that he told her to lie that they were together when Winter was murdered.
7第23集2020年2月14日 (2020-02-14)
Nyssen admits to Dr. Schmidt that revenge is the reason for his obsession with Jewish financiers. Unable to find Rath, Charlotte asks Czerwinski and Henning to put surveillance on Weintraub without telling Böhm. Litten enters an appeal for Greta and the judge calls Wendt. Rath tracks down Pechtmann and brings him in for a police lineup. Greta denies recognising him, but Rath does not believe her because of how emotional she gets. Ullrich goes over Tilly's possessions and in a locket finds a hair that belongs to Weintraub. Toni wants to buy budgies from Krajewski, who has now become a street vendor, but she does not have the money. Nyssen describes to the General's group how the manipulation of over-extended small investors is about to cause the economy to collapse and suggests that, by short-selling massive amounts of stock, they could make billions, creating an opportunity to change society radically. Wendt is intrigued, but the others scoff. Later, a poker game reveals the mutual distrust brewing within the group. Czerwinski and Henning observe Weintraub arriving at Babelsberg and ordering his men to protect Vera. Rath and Charlotte arrive at the studio as well. The Phantom kills Vera's guard and injures her. Rath intervenes but is also injured and the Phantom escapes. A disoriented Vera appears on a catwalk above the soundstage. Charlotte rushes to comfort her. The Phantom appears and throws Charlotte off the catwalk. She barely survives by grabbing a chain. The Phantom carries Vera to the roof. Charlotte and the others watch as The Phantom and Vera plunge from the roof. Vera is killed in the fall. The Phantom's mask comes off, revealing Weintraub.
8第24集2020年2月14日 (2020-02-14)

Pechtmann meets with Wendt to blackmail him, but is killed by him instead. A seriously injured Weintraub lies in hospital; Rath is also being treated there. Gennat publicly announces that the murderer has been caught, although his identity is not revealed. Esther tries to convince Edgar that Weintraub cannot be the murderer and confesses their affair. Charlotte visits Rath in the hospital, where Helga walks in on them. Helga tells him about the pregnancy and Rath confronts her about Nyssen. Angry, she insists that the baby is Rath's. Moritz goes on a hunting trip with the Hitler Youth and swears allegiance to Hitler. The prison warden notifies Litten that Greta's execution has been scheduled, even though the appeal has not been processed. She is confused when Greta denies Litten is her lawyer. Greta confides in Dr. Völcker that she lied because of threats to her child.

Katelbach's article about the Reichswehr/Lufthansa illegal arms deal is published, causing him to be sued for treason. Elisabeth suggests that they marry. MaLu runs into Wendt at a restaurant. Charlotte cannot afford the doctor's fees for Ilse's surgery but is given the name of a cheaper doctor by his nurse. Toni bumps into Peter on the street and is offered a job reading aloud to a rich "uncle". Wendt calls Nyssen and says he will persuade the General's group if Nyssen asks his mother for 100 million to invest in the short-buy scheme. During a power cut, Edgar visits Rath in hospital and seeks confirmation that Weintraub is guilty. Rath later finds that Weintraub has been taken from his hospital bed. Dr. Schmidt revives Weintraub with electroshocks. He tells Edgar that the real Phantom pushed Vera and him off the roof and admits to loving Esther. Helga arranges for an illegal abortion. Charlotte performs in a sex show to earn money for Ilse's surgery. Edgar confronts Esther about being lovers with Weintraub as the police arrive to search their house.
9第25集2020年2月21日 (2020-02-21)
Esther is brought in to finish the film, while helping Weintraub hide and recover at the studio. Police interrogate Edgar while conducting a city-wide search for Weintraub. Charlotte takes Ilse to meet the eye doctor for surgery. Horst pays Ali to release Erna but Wendt's henchman tells Horst to get rid of her. Wendt questions Rath about Katelbach and gets a warrant to search Elisabeth's place, but comes up empty. Nyssen forges a document to obtain power of attorney from his mother and enters into a three-month short futures contract with the bank. Toni begins her job reading aloud to the rich man. Rath talks to Helga about Moritz, who wants to stay with his father, and gets into a fight with Nyssen. Litten takes on Katelbach's treason charge and without Litten's knowledge, Malu offers to provide secret Reichswehr plans to Elisabeth for Katelbach's case. At Gräf's birthday party, Charlotte and Rath admit their attraction for one another. Ali is confronted by Wendt's henchman, who gives him a gun and pays him to kill Horst.
10第26集2020年2月21日 (2020-02-21)
The homicide department brings in Dr. Schmidt to conduct a psychic reading to find Weintraub. On a follow-up inspection on the roof of the film studios, Rath finds a bloody knife. Edgar is released from jail and makes peace with Esther, and accepts that she will complete the film. Rath searches for the missing Pechtmann and discovers his wife and child. Charlotte convinces Greta to accept Litten's representation. Nyssen's mother is furious when he tells her of the current 11 million Reichsmark loss on the 106 million Reichsmarks futures position. After reading to her patron, Toni is asked to take a bath while he watches through the open door. Ali shoots Horst during a Hitler Youth meeting which Moritz attended, and which Rath has been surveilling. Charlotte asks Cziczewicz about Toni and stumbles on Helga's illegal abortion. Charlotte confronts Toni about her new birds and the source of her income. Ullrich plants Weintraub's fingerprint on the newly discovered knife.
11第27集2020年2月28日 (2020-02-28)
In a flashback to two weeks earlier, Ullrich approaches Gosztony with evidence that ties him to the Krempin murder. He blackmails Gosztony and his brother to continue killing those associated with the film in the manner of the Betty Winter murder he knows they committed. He tells them to keep using the costume, that The Phantom will attract press attention, which he wants. Back in the present, Ullrich shows Rath that Weintraub's fingerprints are on the knife that was discovered, but Charlotte points out that the attacker wore gloves. Wendt is given Benda's diary by his widow; it proves that Zörgiebel ordered the police to start shooting during the Blutmai riots. Nyssen attempts suicide but is saved by Helga. Wendt uses the diary to force Zörgiebel to resign. Ilse's surgery has made her almost blind and Charlotte gets blamed by the rest of the family for arranging it. Malu gives photographic evidence of crimes committed by the Reichswehr to Elisabeth, who forwards it to Rath. Charlotte inspects Weintraub's fingerprints and points out the suspected forgery to Ullrich, who knocks her unconscious. Ullrich kills his assistant when he sees the unconscious Charlotte, then gives her a potentially lethal insulin injection. Rath stumbles upon Ullrich hiding the bodies and is stabbed with insulin as well. Ullrich cracks, takes Gennat hostage and conducts a lecture in the auditorium to an imaginary press corps. Ullrich reveals that the Gosztony brothers wanted to bankrupt the film production as revenge against Edgar for cutting out Sandor's tongue and feeding it to his brother, and that Ullrich conspired to falsify the police evidence and frame Weintraub. Ullrich's motive was anger at how his essential work never gets press attention, while the homicide police who make the arrests do. Rath saves himself by finding sugar cubes and eating them, then finds Charlotte alive. Gräf arranges for back-up and he and Rath rescue Gennat, while Charlotte is treated by doctors.
12第28集2020年2月28日 (2020-02-28)
Stresemann has a fatal heart attack while talking with Wendt. Rath goes to arrest the Gosztony brothers but Bela escapes. Edgar and Weintraub kill Sandor while he is in police custody. Weintraub prepares to leave the Kasabian house, at Edgar's command, but Esther convinces the two men to get over their differences so they can all continue to live together. Litten obtains a stay of execution for Greta on the day of Stresemann's funeral, after finding a special decree from Kaiser Wilhelm forbidding executions on national holidays. Charlotte races across the city with the document, but gets stopped by police loyal to Wendt within sight of Greta and prevented from stopping the execution. Rath gets Wendt to admit to orchestrating the Benda murder, expediting Greta's execution as a cover-up, and arranging for the deaths of Pechtman and Horst, while Gräf secretly records the conversation. Charlotte visits the inn in the postcards to her mother, where the guestbook shows an "Erwin Trollmann" and wife were staying there on the date in the letter. Charlotte discovers she may be related to his son, a boxer named Rukeli Trollmann. Zörgiebel resigns and Albert Grzesinski becomes Chief of Police, much to Wendt's frustration. Toni rebels agains Charlotte's control and runs away to live on the street. The film is finished and has a successful premiere. As Nyssen predicted, Wall Street collapses and throws the Berlin Stock Exchange into chaos. At the stock exchange, Böhm, who had borrowed heavily in the stock market, is talked out of suicide by Rath. To his shock, Rath encounters Helga and Nyssen and the first scene from the beginning of the season is repeated.
  1. ^ Goodfellow, Melanie. Tom Tykwer: 'Babylon Berlin' could run for another decade. Screen. 3 April 2017 [22 April 2019]. 
  2. ^ Die Folgen zur Sendung - Babylon Berlin - ARD - Das Erste. daserste.de. [22 April 2019]. 
  3. ^ Hawkins, Kayla. The Creators Of Your New Netflix Crime Obsession Already Have SO Much More Planned. Bustle. [22 April 2019]. 
  4. ^ How the 'Babylon Berlin' Team Broke the Rules to Make the World's Biggest Foreign-Language Series. The Hollywood Reporter. 26 December 2018 [22 April 2019]. 
  5. ^ Babylon Berlin. Kontakt.svt.se. [8 February 2022].