
模板:Navbox timeline/doc


This template is used to create navbox in the form of a timeline.


Please remove the parameters that are left blank.

{{Navbox timeline
| name     = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
| title    = 
| state    = {{{state|}}}
| label    = 
<!-- other named parameters -->
<!-- row arguments -->
| <cell content> | <cell time range> <!-- cell arguments -->
| <cell content> | <cell time range> <!-- cell arguments -->
<!-- row arguments -->
| <cell content> | <cell time range> <!-- cell arguments -->
<!-- more cells -->

Unnamed parameters[编辑]

Unnamed parameter are used to define the contents of the timeline.

Defining a row[编辑]

One or more blank unnamed parameters represent the start of a new row.

These blank parameters can be followed by the following row arguments that will be applied to the row:

  • | label: Adds a header to the left of the row.
  • | labelstyle: CSS to apply to the label.
  • | span: Sets how many rows tall the label should be. Any labels for rows that fall inside the label will be discarded.

Defining a cell[编辑]

An unnamed parameter without a key (lowercase letters followed by a colon) defines an item to show in the timeline.

Another unnamed parameter after it defines the start and end year for the item in the format start-end. If end is omitted, the current year is used, so generally the items at the end of the timeline should use the format start-.

These can then be followed by the following cell arguments that will be applied to the cell:

  • | style: CSS to apply to the cell.

Named parameters[编辑]

Content parameters[编辑]

These parameters are used to change the content of the timeline portion of the navbox.

  • | decades = Set to no to remove the decade row and to show the full year.
  • | footer = Set to yes to show the date rows at the bottom of the timeline as well.
  • | label = Sets a label for the column of labels.

Navbox parameters[编辑]

These parameters are that are used to change the navbox.

  • | name = The name of the template.
  • | title = Text to add to the title bar, for example Honda road car timeline.
  • | above = Text to add above the "content" of the navbox.
  • | below = Text to add below the "content" of the navbox.
  • | state = Weather the navbar is expanded, collapsed, or not collapsible.
  • | navbar = Set to plain or off to remove the V • T • E links on the left side of the title of the navbar, it is recommended you don't do this to maintain consistency between navboxes.
  • | border = Set to child or subgroup to use this navbox as a borderless navbox that can fit snugly in another navbox. Set to none to remove the border and the navbox class.
  • | image = An image to be displayed in a cell below the title and to the right of the body.
  • | imageleft = An image to be displayed in a cell below the title and to the left of the body.

Time parameters[编辑]

These parameters adjust the length of the timeline

  • | startoffset = Set to a number to extend the start of the timeline that number of years back
  • | startyear = Set to a year to set the start of the timeline to that year if the content of the navbox doesn't go beyond that year
  • | endoffset = Set to a number to extend the end of the timeline that number of years forward
  • | endyear = Set to a year to set the end of the timeline to that year if the content of the navbox doesn't go beyond that year

Content style parameters[编辑]

These parameters apply style to the "content" of the navbox.

  • | itemstyle = CSS to apply to item cells.
  • | blankstyle = CSS to apply to blank cells.
  • | labelstyle = CSS to apply to label cells.
  • | datestyle = CSS to apply to year and decade cells.
  • | decadestyle = CSS to apply to decade cells.
  • | yearstyle = CSS to apply to year cells.

Navbox style parameters[编辑]

These parameters apply style to the parts of the navbox outside of the "content" of the navbox.

  • | style = or | bodystyle = CSS to apply to the body of the navbox.
  • | basestyle = CSS to apply to the title, above, and below.
  • | titlestyle = CSS to apply to the title.
  • | abovestyle = CSS to apply to the above.
  • | belowstyle = CSS to apply to the below.
  • | imagestyle = CSS to apply to the cell containing image
  • | imageleftstyle = CSS to apply to the cell containing imageleft

Class parameters[编辑]

These parameters add classes to parts of the navbox.

  • | titleclass = Classes to add to the title of the navbox.
  • | aboveclass = Classes to add to the above of the navbox.
  • | bodyclass = Classes to add to the body of the navbox.
  • | belowclass = Classes to add to the below of the navbox.
  • | imageclass = Classes to add to both the right and left images of the navbox.



This is a basic example of this template.

Source code
{{Navbox timeline
| name   = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| Foo | 1985-2014
| Bar | 2019-2035
| Baz | 1995-2020


Label arguments are shown on the left of the timeline. The |label= parameter can be used to give the column of labels a header. Not all rows need a label argument.

Source code
{{Navbox timeline
| name   = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| label  = Type
| label: A
| Foo | 1985-2014
| Bar | 2019-2035
| label: B | span: 2
| Baz | 1995-2020
| Bam | 2005-2015
| Pow | 1990-2030

The |label= parameter can also be excluded.

Source code
{{Navbox timeline
| name   = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| label: A
| Foo | 1985-2014
| Bar | 2019-2035

No decades[编辑]

When |decades=no is set, the decade row is removed and the year row contains the full years.

Source code
{{Navbox timeline
| name    = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state   = uncollapsed
| title   = Example timeline
| decades = no
| label: A
| Foo | 1985-2014
| Bar | 2019-2035
| label: B
| Baz | 1995-2020


When |footer=yes is set, the decade and year rows at the top of the template are shown again at the bottom. This is useful for very large timelines.

Source code
{{Navbox timeline
| name   = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| footer = yes
| label: A
| Foo | 1985-2014
| Bar | 2019-2035
| label: B
| Baz | 1995-2020

Item and label styles[编辑]

The | style: argument can be used to style cells and the | labelstyle: argument can be used to style rows.

Source code
{{Navbox timeline
| name        = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state       = uncollapsed
| title       = Example timeline
| label       = Type
| label: A | labelstyle: background: #e459e4;
| Foo | 1985-2014 | style: background-color: #ff7c7c;
| Bar | 2019-2035 | style: background-color: #e6cd38;
| label: B | labelstyle: background: #50aeff;
| Baz | 1995-2020 | style: background-color: #72d272;

Above and below[编辑]

Source code
{{Navbox timeline
| name   = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| above  = Above
| below  = Below
| label: A
| Foo | 1985-2014
| Bar | 2019-2035
| label: B
| Baz | 1995-2020

Start and end[编辑]

|startoffset= and |endoffset= can be used to extend the start and end of the timeline.

Source code
{{Navbox timeline
| name        = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state       = uncollapsed
| title       = Example timeline
| startoffset = 5
| endoffset   = 5
| Foo | 1985-2014
| Bar | 2019-2035
| Baz | 1995-2020

Alternatively, |startyear= and |endyear= can be used to extends the start and end of the timeline to those years of the content of the timeline doesn't go beyond those years.

Source code
{{Navbox timeline
| name      = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state     = uncollapsed
| title     = Example timeline
| startyear = 1975
| endyear   = 2046
| Foo | 1985-2014
| Bar | 2019-2035
| Baz | 1995-2020

Inside another navbox[编辑]

This template can be used to inside another navbox by calling it using {{Timeline|border=child|...}}.

Source code
| title  = Example navbox
| group1 = Timeline
| state  = uncollapse
| list1  = {{Navbox timeline
| border = child
| Foo | 1985-2014
| Bar | 2019-2035
| Baz | 1995-2020


The |image= and |imageleft= can be used to add content (preferably images) to the right and left of the navbox respectively.

Source code
{{Navbox timeline
| name      = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state     = uncollapsed
| title     = Example timeline
| image     = [[File:Flag of the United States.svg|100px]]
| imageleft = [[File:Flag of Canada.svg|100px]]
| Foo | 1985-2014
| Bar | 2019-2035
| Baz | 1995-2020

See also[编辑]