

Douglas Elton Thomas Ullman

配偶Anna Beth Sully


Edith Louise Sylvia Hawkes
兒女Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (1909年—2000年)
1939年 Recognizing the unique and outstanding contribution of Douglas Fairbanks, first president of the Academy, to the international development of the motion picture

菲賓氏[1],又譯菲賓士范朋克,全名道格拉斯·費爾班克斯或譯杜格拉斯·菲賓士英語Douglas Fairbanks,1883年5月23日—1939年12月12日)是一位美國演員導演劇作家。著名於默劇演出。是第一位在電影中扮演黑俠梭羅的演員。



年份 譯名標題 原名標題 職位
角色 監製 編劇 導演
1915 - The Lamb英語The Lamb (1915 film) Gerald
- Martyrs of the Alamo英語Martyrs of the Alamo Joe / Texan Soldier
- Double Trouble英語Double Trouble (1915 film) Florian Amidon / Eugene Brassfield
1916 - His Picture in the Papers英語His Picture in the Papers Pete Prindle
- The Habit of Happiness英語The Habit of Happiness Sunny Wiggins
- The Good Bad Man英語The Good Bad Man Passin' Through
- Reggie Mixes In英語Reggie Mixes In Reggie Van Deuzen
- The Mystery of the Leaping Fish英語The Mystery of the Leaping Fish Coke Ennyday / 他自己
- Flirting with Fate英語Flirting with Fate (1916 film) Augy Holliday
- The Half-Breed英語The Half-Breed (1916 film) Lo Dorman (Sleeping Water)
不可思議 Intolerance Man on White Horse (French Story)
- Manhattan Madness英語Manhattan Madness (1916 film) Steve O'Dare
- American Aristocracy英語American Aristocracy Cassius Lee
- The Matrimaniac Jimmie Conroy
- The Americano英語The Americano (1916 film) Blaze Derringer
1917 - All-Star Production of Patriotic
Episodes for the Second Liberty Loan
- In Again, Out Again英語In Again, Out Again Teddy Rutherford
- Wild and Woolly英語Wild and Woolly Jeff Hillington
- Down to Earth英語Down to Earth (1917 film) Billy Gaynor
- The Man from Painted Post英語The Man from Painted Post "Fancy Jim" Sherwood
- Reaching for the Moon英語Reaching for the Moon (1917 film) Alexis Caesar Napoleon Brown
- A Modern Musketeer英語A Modern Musketeer Ned Thacker/達太安
1918 - Headin' South英語Headin' South Headin' South
- Mr. Fix-It英語Mr. Fix-It Dick Remington
- Say! Young Fellow英語Say! Young Fellow The Young Fellow
- Bound in Morocco英語Bound in Morocco George Travelwell
- He Comes Up Smiling英語He Comes Up Smiling Jerry Martin
- Sic 'Em, Sam Democracy
- Arizona英語Arizona (1918 film) Lt. Denton
1919 - The Knickerbocker Buckaroo英語The Knickerbocker Buckaroo Teddy Drake
- His Majesty, the American英語His Majesty, the American William Brooks
- When the Clouds Roll By英語When the Clouds Roll By Daniel Boone Brown
1920 - The Mollycoddle英語The Mollycoddle Richard Marshall III, IV and V
- The Mark of Zorro英語The Mark of Zorro (1920 film) 狄亞哥·德·拉·維加 / 梭羅
1921 - The Nut英語The Nut (1921 film) Charlie Jackson
- The Three Musketeers英語The Three Musketeers (1921 film) d'Artagnan
1922 - Robin Hood英語Robin Hood (1922 film) 羅賓漢
1923 - Hollywood英語Hollywood (1923 film) 他自己
1924 月宮寶盒 The Thief of Bagdad 巴格達大盜
1925 - Don Q, Son of Zorro英語Don Q, Son of Zorro Don Cesar Vega / Zorro
賓虛英語Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1925 film) Ben-Hur 雙輪戰車比賽的人群
1926 - The Black Pirate英語The Black Pirate The Black Pirate
1927 - A Kiss from Mary Pickford英語A Kiss from Mary Pickford 他自己
- The Gaucho英語The Gaucho The Gaucho
1928 - Show People英語Show People 他自己
1929 - The Iron Mask英語The Iron Mask d'Artagnan
- The Taming of the Shrew英語The Taming of the Shrew (1929 film) Petruchio英語Petruchio
1930 - Reaching for the Moon英語Reaching for the Moon (1930 film) Larry Day
1932 - Mr. Robinson Crusoe英語Mr. Robinson Crusoe Steve Drexel
1934 - The Private Life of Don Juan英語The Private Life of Don Juan 唐璜
1937 - Ali Baba Goes to Town英語Ali Baba Goes to Town 他自己


  1. ^ 世界人名翻譯大辭典》,906頁,「Fairbanks, Douglas」條。

