




  • 約翰·欣德(John Hinde),94歲,澳大利亞影評人和記者。[39]
  • Norbert Kerckhove,73歲,比利時自行車手。[40]
  • 多蘿西·海登·特魯斯科特(Dorothy Hayden Truscott),80歲,美國世界冠軍橋牌選手和作家,帕金森病併發症。[41]
  • Jean-François d'Orgeix,85歲,法國馬術運動員,演員和奧運獎牌得主,交通事故。[42]
  • 芭芭拉·奧爾布賴特(Barbara Albright),51歲,美國食品和針織書籍作家,腦瘤。[43]
  • 格特·弗雷德里克森(Gert Fredriksson),86歲,瑞典皮划艇運動員,瑞典最成功的奧運選手,癌症。[44]
  • 劉易斯·格魯克斯曼(Lewis Glucksman),80歲,美國金融巨頭雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)的美國負責人。[45]
  • 漢斯·格莫澤(Hans Gmoser),73歲,出生於奧地利,是直升機滑雪公司的創始人。[46]
  • 肯尼斯·萊(Kenneth Lay),64歲,美國商人,美國能源公司安然公司首席執行官,後來被判犯有欺詐罪,心臟病發作。[47]
  • Don Lusher,82歲,英國爵士長號手和樂隊領隊。[48]
  • 保羅·尼爾森(Paul Nelson),69歲,美國搖滾評論家,曾為滾石樂隊工作,並在為水星唱片公司工作時與紐約娃娃隊簽約。[49]
  • Amzie Strickland,87歲,美國女演員。[50]
  • Sione ʻUluvalu Ngū Takeivūlai Tukuʻaho王子,56歲,湯加Tuʻi Pelehake,交通事故。[51]
  • 胡安·德·阿瓦洛斯(Juan de Ávalos),94歲,西班牙雕塑家,心臟病發作。[52]
  • 拉爾夫·金茨伯格(Ralph Ginzburg),76歲,美國出版商,在1960年代與多發性骨髓瘤進行了兩次第一修正案的鬥爭。[53]
  • Al Hodge,55歲,英國康沃爾搖滾結他手和詞曲作者,癌症。[54]
  • 約翰·馬諾斯(John Manos),83歲,美國和俄亥俄州法官43年。[55]
  • 胡安·巴勃羅·雷貝拉(Juan Pablo Rebella),32歲,烏拉圭電影導演,自殺。[56]
  • 凱西·羅傑斯(Kasey Rogers),80歲,美國女演員(Bewitched)和越野摩托車賽車手,中風。[57]
  • E. S. Turner,96歲,英國歷史學家和記者。[58]
  • 湯姆·威爾(Tom Weir),91歲,蘇格蘭登山者,作家和廣播員。[59]
  • 路易斯·巴拉甘(Luis Barragan),34歲,美國商人和慈善家,1-800-Mattress總裁,溺水身亡。[60]
  • 西德·巴雷特(Syd Barrett),60歲,英國音樂家(平克·弗洛德(Pink Floyd),糖尿病。[61]
  • 魯迪·卡雷爾(Rudi Carrell),71歲,荷蘭出生的電視藝人,在德國最活躍,肺癌。[62]
  • 多蘿西婭·丘奇(Dorothea Church),83歲,非裔美國模特,巴黎第一位成功的黑人模特。[63]
  • 約翰·華納·菲茨傑拉德(John Warner Fitzgerald),81歲,美國律師,密歇根州最高法院首席大法官。[64]
  • 埃利亞斯·赫拉維(Elias Hrawi),79歲,黎巴嫩政治家,黎巴嫩總統(1989-98),癌症。[65]
  • 迪娜·卡明斯卡婭(Dina Kaminskaya),87歲,俄羅斯律師,為蘇聯持不同政見者辯護。[66]
  • 尤金·庫爾茨(Eugene Kurtz),82歲,美國作曲家。[67]
  • 約翰·莫尼(John Money),84歲,新西蘭出生的心理學家,約翰霍普金斯大學(Johns Hopkins University)的性研究員,患有帕金森病。[68]
  • Mícheál Ó Domhnaill,53歲,Bothy樂隊的愛爾蘭音樂家。[69]
  • 埃裏克·肖普勒(Eric Schopler),79歲,德國出生的美國心理學家,以其在自閉症治療和癌症方面的開創性工作而聞名。[70]
  • 弗蘭克·P·蔡德勒(Frank P. Zeidler),93歲,美國政治家,密爾沃基市長(1948-1960),美國社會黨最後一位主要城市市長。[71]
  • Govindappa Venkataswamy,87歲,印度眼科醫生,Aravind眼科醫院創始人。
  • 喬治·阿爾比(George Albee),84歲,美國心理學家,美國心理學會前主席。[72]
  • 瓊·艾莉森,88歲,美國女演員、舞蹈家和歌手,肺呼吸衰竭和急性支氣管炎。[73]
  • 邁克爾·巴雷特(Michael Barrett),79歲,愛爾蘭政治家。[74]
  • 埃裏克·貝德福德(Eric Bedford),78歲,澳大利亞政治家,1976年至1985年在新南威爾斯州擔任Wran政府部委成員。[75]
  • Franco Belgiorno-Nettis,91歲,澳大利亞實業家和藝術贊助人,澳大利亞最大的工程和建築公司Transfield Holdings的創始人。[76]
  • 大衛·布拉特(David Bright),49歲,美國水下探險和沉船研究者,因減壓病導致心臟驟停。[77]
  • 安娜·瑪麗亞·坎波伊(Ana María Campoy),80歲,阿根廷女演員,肺炎。[78]
  • 理查·戈勒姆爵士,88歲,百慕達商人和政治家。[79]
  • 彼得·霍金斯(Peter Hawkins),82歲,英國演員和配音藝術家 - 花盆人,帕格沃什船長和達萊克斯的配音。[80]
  • 嘉芙蓮·勒羅伊(Catherine Leroy),60歲,法國攝影記者,以報導越南戰爭而聞名,肺癌。[81]
  • Raja Rao,97歲,印度小說家(Kanthapura)。[82]
  • 傑西·西蒙斯(Jesse Simons),88歲,美國勞動仲裁員,心力衰竭。[83]
  • 多蘿西·烏納克(Dorothy Uhnak),76歲,美國女警,小說家。[84]
  • 克裏斯·德雷克(Chris Drake),82歲,美國演員。[85]
  • 弗雷德·愛潑斯坦(Fred Epstein),68歲,美國小兒神經外科醫生,他開發了治療腫瘤、黑色素瘤的新方法。[86]
  • 阿卜杜勒·穆尼姆·馬德布利,84歲,埃及喜劇演員和劇作家,充血性心力衰竭。[87]
  • Ireneusz Paliński,74歲,波蘭舉重運動員,奧運會冠軍(1960年)。[88]
  • 27歲的英國政治活動家艾倫·塞尼特(Alan Senitt)被刺傷。[89]
  • 喬治·霍普金斯·威廉姆斯二世,91歲,美國航空歷史學家。[90]
  • Milan Williams,58歲,美國鍵盤手,R&B/funk樂隊Commodores的創始成員,癌症。[91]
  • Michael Zinzun,57歲,美國前黑豹和反警察活動家。[92]
  • 洛基·巴頓(Rocky Barton),49歲,美國被定罪的殺人犯,注射死刑。[120]
  • 庫爾特·布魯格(Kurt Kreuger),89歲,瑞士裔德國演員(《撒哈拉沙漠》《下面的敵人》),中風。[121][122][123]
  • 休伯特·蘭波(Hubert Lampo),85歲,比利時作家。[124]
  • Loredana Nusciak,64歲,意大利女演員(Django,大屠殺的一萬美元)和模特。[125]
  • 沃爾特·比納吉,87歲,阿根廷國際民航組織理事會主席。[151]
  • 賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)69歲的美國考古學家基思·德弗里斯(Keith DeVries)發掘了戈迪翁。[152]
  • 凱文·休斯(Kevin Hughes),53歲,英國工黨議員,唐卡斯特北部,運動神經元疾病。[153]
  • Bob Orton, Sr.,76歲,美國職業摔跤手,心臟病發作。[154]
  • Destiny Norton,5歲,美國兒童,被謀殺。[155]
  • Ossi Reichert,80歲,德國高山滑雪運動員,1956年奧運會冠軍。[156]
  • 溫思羅普·保羅·洛克菲勒,57歲,美國億萬富翁,自1996年起擔任阿肯色州副州長,骨髓增生性疾病。[157][158]
  • 瑪拉基·湯普森(Malachi Thompson),56歲,美國爵士小號手,淋巴瘤。[159]
  • 江橋節郎,83歲,日本生理學家。[160]
  • 蓋倫·費斯(Galen Fiss),75歲,美國克利夫蘭布朗隊後衛。[161]
  • Keith LeClair,40歲,美國大學棒球教練,[[|肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症|盧·賈里格病]]。[162]
  • 芭芭拉·利布裏奇(Barbara Liebrich),83歲,美國棒球運動員(AAGPBL)。[163]
  • 羅伯特·瑪律迪安,82歲,美國共和黨官員,理查·尼克鬆的律師,水門事件醜聞中的人物,肺癌。[164]
  • 山姆·邁爾斯(Sam Myers),70歲,美國藍調音樂家,曾與他的樂隊火箭隊(the Rockets)一起獲得九項W.C.漢迪獎(W.C. Handy Awards),喉癌。[165]
  • 米奇·斯皮蘭(Mickey Spillane),88歲,美國作家,邁克·哈默(Mike Hammer)偵探小說的創作者,胰腺癌。[166]
  • Reg Turnbull,98歲,澳大利亞政治家。[167]
  • Pascal Renwick,51歲,法國配音演員
  • 派特·大衛(Pat Davey),93歲,澳大利亞足球運動員(里士滿)。[174]
  • 山姆·尼利(Sam Neely),58歲,美國創作歌手。[175]
  • 傑克·沃登(Jack Warden),85歲,美國演員(《天堂可以等待》,《洗髮水》,《12個憤怒的男人》),艾美獎得主(1972年),心腎衰竭。[176]
  • 喬治·韋瑟里爾,80歲,美國天體物理學家,美國國家科學獎章獲得者。[177]
  • 圖迪·威金斯(Tudi Wiggins),70歲,加拿大出生的肥皂劇演員,癌症。[178]


  1. ^ Lagos, Marisa. Umberto Abronzino – Bay Area soccer pioneer. San Francisco Chronicle. 9 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  2. ^ Former Surrey President Michael Barton dies. Surrey County Cricket Club. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於5 August 2006). 
  3. ^ St. Pat's cleric Broderick dies, 89. New York Daily News. 4 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於5 July 2006). 
  4. ^ Willie Denson, 69; Songwriter Known for 'Mama Said'. Los Angeles Times. 5 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  5. ^ McLellan, Dennis. Irving Green Remembered. Spectropop.com. [22 April 2018]. 
  6. ^ Reed, Christopher. Ryutaro Hashimoto. The Guardian. 3 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  7. ^ Britten, Nick; Petre, Jonathan. Proud to be Muslim, a soldier and British: L/Cpl Jabron Hashmi. The Daily Telegraph. 4 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  8. ^ Cooper, John. Rabbi Louis Jacobs. The Independent. 10 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  9. ^ Olympian Yousuf Khan dead. The Hindu. 2 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於1 October 2007). 
  10. ^ Suri Robert Lepikson. Postimees. 1 July 2006 [31 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於13 February 2013) (愛沙尼亞語). 
  11. ^ Jefferson, Brandie M. Roderick MacLeish, 80; in fiction and reality, lived a life of adventure. The Boston Globe. 3 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  12. ^ Padmakar Pandit. ESPNcricinfo. [22 April 2018]. 
  13. ^ McFadden, Robert D. Philip Rieff, Sociologist and Author on Freud, Dies at 83. The New York Times. 4 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  14. ^ England cricket hero Trueman dies. BBC News. 1 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  15. ^ Gambia: Former Deputy Speaker Passes Away. All Africa. 4 July 2006. 
  16. ^ Group Captain the Earl of Ilchester. The Daily Telegraph. 31 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  17. ^ MTI Daily Bulletin. Magyar Távirati Iroda. [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於26 September 2007). 
  18. ^ Nicaragua candidate dies suddenly. BBC News. 3 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  19. ^ 'Treasure Hunt' host dead at 89. CNN. 3 July 2006 [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於6 July 2006). 
  20. ^ Lee, Jennifer 8. Jan Murray, 89, Stand-Up Comic Who Became TV Host, Dies. The New York Times. 3 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  21. ^ Ognjanov Tihomir. Reprezentacija.rs. January 4, 2010 [22 April 2018] (塞爾維亞語). 
  22. ^ Obituary - Joan Quennell. Petersfield Today. 20 July 2006 [5 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於11 March 2007). 
  23. ^ Martin, Douglas. Anatole Shub, 78, a Researcher and Reporter on Russian Topics, Dies. The New York Times. 8 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  24. ^ Johnson, Ken. Jeffrey Wasserman, 59, Creator of Colorfully Abstract Paintings, Dies. The New York Times. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  25. ^ Cartner, Don. Lord Tennyson. The Guardian. 25 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  26. ^ Foot, M. R. D. Francis Cammaerts. The Guardian. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  27. ^ Former N.C. State All-American Dick Dickey dies at 79. USA Today. 5 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  28. ^ Gerhard Fischer (德語)
  29. ^ Joseph Goguen Obituary. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego. [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於30 August 2006). 
  30. ^ Benjamin Hendrickson, 'As the World Turns' Actor, 55, Is Dead. The New York Times. 8 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  31. ^ Former Petro-Canada CEO Wilbert Hopper dies in Ottawa after illness. Canoe.ca. 6 July 2006. 
  32. ^ G. O. Jones. The Times. 27 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  33. ^ Tommasini, Anthony. Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, Luminous Mezzo, Dies at 52. The New York Times. 5 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  34. ^ Korvald, Lars (1916-2006). Stortinget. [22 April 2018]. 
  35. ^ Sir Carol Mather. The Times. 5 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2011). 
  36. ^ Cohen, Benjamin. Gay campaigner Nimrod Ping dies aged 46. PinkNews. 5 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  37. ^ Jack Smith, 92, Host of 'You Asked for It', Dies. The New York Times. 11 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  38. ^ Ankeny, Jason. Artist Biography: Joe Weaver. AllMusic. [22 April 2018]. 
  39. ^ 'Whimsical' John Hinde dies. The Sydney Morning Herald. 5 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  40. ^ Norbert Kerckhove. Cycling Archives. [22 April 2018]. 
  41. ^ Alder, Phillip. Dorothy Hayden Truscott, 80, Bridge Champion and Author, Is Dead. The New York Times. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  42. ^ matchID - Jean-François d'Orgeix. Fichier des décès. [2 April 2024] (法語). 
  43. ^ Barbara Albright; wrote books on food, knitting; at 51. The Boston Globe. 9 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  44. ^ Swedish canoeist Gert Fredriksson, 6-time Olympic gold medallist, dies at 86. SLAM! Sports. 6 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 原始內容存檔於23 June 2007. 
  45. ^ Henriques, Diana B. Lewis Glucksman, Veteran of a Wall St. Battle, Dies at 80. The New York Times. 8 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  46. ^ MacDonald, Dougald. Hans Gmoser Dies After Bike Accident. Climbing. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  47. ^ Pasha, Shaheen. Ken Lay, Enron founder, dead at 64. CNN Money. 5 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  48. ^ Jazz trombonist Don Lusher dies. BBC News. 5 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  49. ^ Pareles, Jon. Paul Nelson, Critic Who Spanned Folk and Rock, Dies at 69. The New York Times. 10 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  50. ^ Amzie Strickland (1919–2006). Internet Movie Database. [22 April 2018]. 
  51. ^ Tongan prince and princess killed in car crash. The New Zealand Herald. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  52. ^ Fallece el escultor Juan de Ávalos, autor de los colosos del Valle de Los Caídos. El Mundo. 9 July 2006 [22 April 2018] (西班牙語). 
  53. ^ Publisher who battled senator, obscenity laws dies at age 76. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  54. ^ Cornish rock musician Hodge dies. BBC News. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  55. ^ Obituaries: John M. Manos, Federal Judge. The Washington Post. 16 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  56. ^ Fin prematuro e inexplicable para un cineasta montevideano. Página/12. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018] (西班牙語). 
  57. ^ McLellan, Dennis. Kasey Rogers, 80; Veteran TV, Movie Actress. Los Angeles Times. 13 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  58. ^ E. S. Turner. The Daily Telegraph. 17 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  59. ^ Veteran broadcaster Tom Weir dies. BBC News. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  60. ^ Wayne, Leslie. Luis Barragan, 34, Executive Who Updated 1-800-Mattress, Dies. The New York Times. 8 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  61. ^ Clayson, Alan. Syd Barrett. The Guardian. 11 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  62. ^ van der Vat, Dan. Rudi Carrell. The Guardian. 3 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  63. ^ Wilson, Eric. Dorothea T. Church, 83, Pioneering Model, Dies. The New York Times. 23 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  64. ^ John Fitzgerald. Mackinac Island Town Crier. 15 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於April 17, 2015). 
  65. ^ Former Lebanese president Herawi dies at 80. Khaleej Times. Reuters. 7 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於9 July 2006). 
  66. ^ Holley, Joe. Dina Kaminskaya; Lawyer Defended Soviet Dissidents. The Washington Post. 15 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  67. ^ In Memoriam: Tribute to Eugene Kurtz (1923–2006). Rochester Review. Vol. 69 no. 4 (University of Rochester). June 2007 [22 April 2018]. 
  68. ^ Carey, Benedict. John William Money, 84, Sexual Identity Researcher, Dies. The New York Times. 11 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  69. ^ Adams, Rob. Micheal O Domhnaill. The Herald. 14 July 2006 [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於21 August 2006). 
  70. ^ Autism Pioneer Eric Schopler Dies at 79. UNC General Alumni Association. 12 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  71. ^ Former Mayor Frank Zeidler dies. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 8 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  72. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. G. W. Albee, 84, Psychologist Who Tied Poverty and Illness, Dies. The New York Times. 15 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  73. ^ Harmetz, Aljean. June Allyson, Adoring Wife in MGM Films, Is Dead at 88. The New York Times. 11 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  74. ^ Dáil Éireann Members' Directory 1919-2017: Mr. Michael Barrett. Houses of the Oireachtas/Tithe an Oireachtais. [22 April 2018]. 
  75. ^ Blackboard much preferred over black tie: Eric Bedford, 1928-2006. The Sydney Morning Herald. 10 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  76. ^ An achiever whose dreams came true: Franco Belgiorno-Nettis, 1915-2006. The Sydney Morning Herald. 11 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  77. ^ Fox, Margalit. David A. Bright, 49, Expert on the Andrea Doria, Dies. The New York Times. 11 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  78. ^ Murió Ana María Campoy. La Nación. 8 July 2006 [22 April 2018] (西班牙語). 
  79. ^ Deaths Announcements: Sir Richard Masters Gorham. The Daily Telegraph. [22 April 2018]. 
  80. ^ Hayward, Anthony. Peter Hawkins. The Independent. 14 July 2006 [1 August 2006]. 
  81. ^ Catherine Leroy, 60, Photojournalist of Wars, Dies. The New York Times. 12 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  82. ^ Fox, Margalit. Raja Rao, Indian Novelist and Scholar, Is Dead at 97. The New York Times. 15 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  83. ^ Fox, Margalit. Jesse Simons, 88, Arbitrator for City Unions, Is Dead. The New York Times. 12 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  84. ^ Martin, Douglas. Dorothy Uhnak, 76, Novelist Inspired by Police Experience, Is Dead. The New York Times. 12 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  85. ^ Chris Drake (I) (1923–2006). Internet Movie Database. [22 April 2018]. 
  86. ^ Martin, Douglas. Fred J. Epstein, 68, Pediatric Neurosurgeon, Dies. The New York Times. 12 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  87. ^ Abdel Moneim Madbouly, renowned Egyptian comedian, dies at 85. The Daily Star Egypt. 11 July 2006 [14 July 2006]. (原始內容存檔於12 March 2007). 
  88. ^ Paliński Ireneusz (1932-2006)
  89. ^ Campaigner knifed to death in US. BBC News. 10 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  90. ^ The George H. Williams, Jr. World War I Aviation Library. University of Texas at Dallas. [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於March 28, 2017). 
  91. ^ Commodores Member Milan Williams Dies. Billboard. 10 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  92. ^ Ex-Black Panther Michael Zinzun Dies At 57. CBS News. 11 July 2006 [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於10 October 2007). 
  93. ^ Chechen rebel chief Basayev dies. BBC News. 10 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  94. ^ Lennart Villiam Bladh. Gravar.se. [October 23, 2023] (瑞典語). 
  95. ^ Lodge, Dave. Tommy Bruce (London Boy and Mr Gravel Voice) Obituary. tommybruce.co.uk. [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於4 July 2007). 
  96. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Robert Fumerton, 93, Canada's Top Night Ace. The New York Sun. 28 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  97. ^ The Very Rev Raymond Furnell. The Times. 14 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  98. ^ Pakistan literary giant is dead. BBC News. 10 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  99. ^ Anderson, Martin. Ruth Schonthal. The Independent. 16 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  100. ^ Miller, Stephen. Ruth Schonthal, 82, Modernist Composer. The New York Sun. 19 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  101. ^ Kozinn, Allan. Ruth Schonthal, a Composer of Eclectic Vision, Dies at 82. The New York Times. 19 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  102. ^ Austrian author and Holocaust survivor Fred Wander dead at 89. The Jerusalem Post. 11 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  103. ^ Nevada State Controller Kathy Augustine dies. KVBC (TV). 12 July 2006 [16 July 2006]. (原始內容存檔於27 September 2007). 
  104. ^ Wagner, Angie. Questions Surround Nevada Official's Sudden Death. AOL News. 12 July 2006 [14 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於16 August 2006). 
  105. ^ Phyllis Wise (Baker). All American Girls Professional Baseball League Players Association. [2019-03-30]. 
  106. ^ Music manager Coletta dies from illness. United Press International. 11 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  107. ^ Gerald Gidwitz, 99, Helene Curtis Founder, Dies. The New York Times. 14 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  108. ^ Helene Curtis founder Gidwitz dies at 99. Belleville News-Democrat. 12 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於21 July 2006). 
  109. ^ Robertson, Campbell. Barnard Hughes, Character Actor, Dies at 90. The New York Times. 12 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  110. ^ Stage Legend Barnard Hughes Dead at Age 90. Broadway Buzz. 11 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  111. ^ Fortunato Libanori. motorrad-autogrammkarten.de. [6 September 2008]. (原始內容存檔於19 July 2011) (德語). 
  112. ^ Bill Miller, 91, Pianist for Sinatra, Is Dead. The New York Times. 17 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  113. ^ Woo, Elaine. Bill Miller, 91; Pianist Worked for Decades With Frank Sinatra. Los Angeles Times. 16 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  114. ^ 2006: Derrick O'Brien, for murdering Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena. Executed Today.com. 11 July 2016 [22 April 2018]. 
  115. ^ Creagh, Sunanda. Solitary end to sculptor's intensely private life. The Sydney Morning Herald. 13 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  116. ^ Snooker legend Spencer dies at 71. BBC News. 11 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  117. ^ Martin, Douglas. John Spencer, 71, Dies; Helped Popularize Snooker. The New York Times. 16 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  118. ^ Former Foreign Minister Philippe Takla Dies at 91. Naharnet. 12 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於11 April 2013). 
  119. ^ 119.0 119.1 July 2006. Rulers.org. [22 April 2018]. 
  120. ^ Killer who dropped appeals is executed. CNN. 12 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  121. ^ Kurt Kreuger, 89, Actor in Many War Films, Dies. The New York Times. 31 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  122. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Kurt Kreuger, 89; Actor Chafed at Being Typecast as a Nazi in 1940s War Movies. Los Angeles Times. 19 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  123. ^ Kurt Kreuger. Variety. 19 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  124. ^ Hubert Lampo (1920-2006). National Library of the Netherlands. [22 April 2018] (荷蘭語). 
  125. ^ Addio a Loredana, Miss Trieste 1959 che recitò con Sordi e Franco Nero. Il Piccolo. 12 July 2006 [22 April 2018] (意大利語). 
  126. ^ Oscar winner, comic Red Buttons dies at 87. The Sydney Morning Herald. 14 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  127. ^ Pamela Cooper. The Times. 14 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  128. ^ Roth, Andrew. Viscount Cobham. The Guardian. 22 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  129. ^ Galazka, Gregorz. College of Cardinals Biographical notes: Suquía Goicoechea Card. Angel. Holy See Press Office. 14 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  130. ^ Tomasz Zaliwski (1929–2006). Internet Movie Database. [22 April 2018]. 
  131. ^ Martin, Douglas. Anthony Cave Brown, 77, Historian of Espionage, Is Dead. The New York Times. 2 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  132. ^ Spurgeon, Tom. Tom Frame, RIP. The Comics Reporter. 17 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  133. ^ Heinrich Heidersberger: Work in Focus. Lentos Art Museum. [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於April 23, 2018). 
  134. ^ Jackman, Tom; McCrummen, Stephanie. Ex-Bush Aide Fatally Shoots Son, Himself. The Washington Post. 15 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  135. ^ Robertson, Campbell. Carrie Nye, 69, Williamstown Festival Actress, Is Dead. The New York Times. 17 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  136. ^ Carrie Nye. Variety. 17 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  137. ^ Former Rams, Cardinals player Teeuws dies at 79. CBS SportsLine. 18 July 2006 [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於2 February 2013). 
  138. ^ McClain, Dylan Loeb. Aleksander Wojtkiewicz, 43, Flourishing Chess Grandmaster, Dies. The New York Times. 19 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  139. ^ GM Aleksander Wojtkiewicz dies at 43. Chessbase.com. 16 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  140. ^ Martin, Douglas. Robert H. Brooks, 69, Owner of Hooters Restaurant Chain, Is Dead. The New York Times. 18 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  141. ^ Cheney, David M. Bishop John Joseph Fitzpatrick. Catholic Hierarchy. 20 February 2018 [22 April 2018]. 
  142. ^ Collier, Gene. Oldest Pirate didn't cheat life. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 20 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  143. ^ Regina Five artist Kenneth Lochhead dies. CBC Arts. 18 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  144. ^ Goldstein, Richard. James Nicholas, 85, Leader in Treating Sports Injuries, Dies. The New York Times. 17 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  145. ^ MEPs: István Pálfi. European Parliament. [22 April 2018]. 
  146. ^ Woo, Elaine. The Ranger Who Told All About Anais Nin's Wild Life. Los Angeles Times. 26 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  147. ^ Francis Rose. The Times. 29 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於11 March 2007). 
  148. ^ Fox, Margalit. Andrée Ruellan, 101, a Painter of Her Century, Dies. The New York Times. 6 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  149. ^ Dr. Ali Reza Shapur Shahbazi | 1942 - 2006 | Obituary
  150. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Andy Sudduth, 44, Top Harvard Oarsman, Dies. The New York Times. 20 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  151. ^ Walter Binaghi (Argentina) Second President of the ICAO Council. International Civil Aviation Organization. [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於6 June 2007). 
  152. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Keith R. DeVries, 69, Authority on Ancient City of King Midas, Dies. The New York Times. 29 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  153. ^ Former Labour MP Kevin Hughes dies. The Guardian. Press Association. 17 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  154. ^ DeBlasi, Anthony. Legendary Wrestler Bob Orton Sr Passes Away At 76. Wrestling News. 17 July 2006 [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於20 July 2006). 
  155. ^ Destiny Norton Found Dead, Suspect Arrested. KSL.com. 25 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  156. ^ Ossi Reichert, deutsche Skirennläuferin. Munzinger Online - Internationales Sportarchiv. [22 April 2018] (德語). 
  157. ^ Barnes, Steve. Arkansas Lt. Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller Dies at 57. The New York Times. 17 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  158. ^ Ark. Lt. Gov. Win Paul Rockefeller dies. Yahoo! News. 16 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於19 July 2006). 
  159. ^ Malachi Thompson, Trumpeter, 56, Dies. The New York Times. 20 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  160. ^ Setsuro Ebashi, PhD
  161. ^ Wood, Ryan. '50s KU great Fiss dies at 75. Lawrence Journal-World. 19 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  162. ^ LeClair loses battle with Lou Gehrig's disease. Fox Sports. 18 July 2006 [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於20 July 2006). 
  163. ^ Barbara Liebrich. All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. [2019-06-01]. 
  164. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Robert Mardian; Attorney Caught Up in Watergate Scandal. The Washington Post. 21 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  165. ^ Sam Myers, 70, Blues Musician, Is Dead. The New York Times. 21 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  166. ^ Severo, Richard. Mickey Spillane, 88, Critic-Proof Writer of Pulpy Mike Hammer Novels, Dies. The New York Times. 18 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  167. ^ Jones, Philip. The political maverick who didn't fit in: 'Spot' Turnbull, 1908-2006. The Sydney Morning Herald. 26 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  168. ^ Ator Raul Cortez, 73, morre vítima de câncer em São Paulo. Folha Online. 18 July 2006 [22 April 2018] (葡萄牙語). 
  169. ^ Isherwood, Charles. Henry Hewes, Theater Critic, 89, Is Dead. The New York Times. 20 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  170. ^ Murphy, Alex. Jimmy Leadbetter. The Independent. 18 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  171. ^ Hayward, Anthony. David Maloney: Director of 'Doctor Who' chillers. The Independent. 9 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  172. ^ Sir James Menter
  173. ^ Former Indian soccer star is dead. BBC News. 18 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  174. ^ Pat Davey
  175. ^ Singer, songwriter Sam Neely dies in Corpus Christi. Plainview Daily Herald. 19 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  176. ^ 'Shampoo' star Jack Warden dies at 85. Today.com. 21 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  177. ^ Holley, Joe. George Wetherill; Leader in Study of Planets. The Washington Post. 22 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  178. ^ Former actress, talk show host Mary Wiggins dies at 70. WCAX-TV. [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於27 September 2007). 
  179. ^ E' morto lo scultore Ugo Attardi maestro di espressionismo e astrattismo. La Repubblica. 21 July 2006 [22 April 2018] (意大利語). 
  180. ^ Böke, Henning. Berater Castros und Großvater der Regulationstheorie: Charles Bettelheim ist gestorben. Junge Welt. 24 July 2006 [22 April 2018] (德語). 
  181. ^ Thurber, Jon. Robert Cornthwaite, 89; Veteran TV, Film, Stage Character Actor. Los Angeles Times. 24 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  182. ^ Death notice: Dunne. The Irish Times. 21 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  183. ^ Woods, Alan. Ted Grant: 1913-2006. Marxist.com. 20 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  184. ^ Man convicted of rape, murder executed by electric chair. Court TV News. 21 July 2006 [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  185. ^ Lee Foong Ming. Former Cabinet Minister Lim Kim San dies at age 89. Channel NewsAsia. 20 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於14 August 2006). 
  186. ^ Professor Frank Nabarro. The Daily Telegraph. 18 October 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  187. ^ Cheesesteak co-creator dies at 90. USA Today. 21 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  188. ^ Gérard Oury est décédé. Le Figaro. 20 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於10 October 2006) (法語). 
  189. ^ Stewart, Jocelyn Y. Mako, 72; Actor Opened Door for Asian Americans. Los Angeles Times. 23 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  190. ^ Former Khmer Rouge commander Ta Mok dies. NBC News. 20 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  191. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. J.M. Wright Morris, 21; Child Actress Got a New Heart. Los Angeles Times. 27 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  192. ^ Russia: Petrenko Killed in Car Crash. FIBA Europe. 22 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  193. ^ Missing Italian banker found dead. BBC News. 21 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  194. ^ Bert Slater. The Herald. 25 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  195. ^ Lagorio, Christine. Model, 19, Killed In Turnpike Crash. CBS News. 30 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  196. ^ Venezuelan dies on 'Killer' peak. BBC News. 23 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  197. ^ Gianfrancesco Guarnieri morre aos 71 anos em São Paulo. Folha Online. 22 July 2006 [22 April 2018] (葡萄牙語). 
  198. ^ Russell, Tony. Jessie Mae Hemphill. The Guardian. 8 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  199. ^ Chan, Sewell. Thomas J. Manton, 73, Influential Queens Democrat, Dies. The New York Times. 24 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  200. ^ Martin, Douglas. Dika Newlin, 82, Punk-Rock Schoenberg Expert, Dies. The New York Times. 28 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  201. ^ James E. West, 55; Ousted Mayor of Spokane, Wash.. The Washington Post. 23 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  202. ^ Russell James York. Legacy.com. 28 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  203. ^ Pearlman, Robert Z. STS-78 Astronaut Charles Brady, 54, Dies. Space.com. 28 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  204. ^ Quiet Revolution author dies. Canada.com. 25 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於15 October 2012). 
  205. ^ Texas Catholic Historian
  206. ^ Marquard, Bryan. Vernon E. Grant, cartoonist and comic book artist; at 71. The Boston Globe. 22 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  207. ^ Holley, Joe. Besby Frank Holmes; WWII Fighter Pilot. The Washington Post. 27 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  208. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Besby Frank Holmes, 88, Ace Who Scored a Big Kill in 1943, Dies. The New York Times. 3 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  209. ^ Rosenberg, Donald. Radio station plays tribute to oboist. The Plain Dealer. 27 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於21 February 2007). 
  210. ^ Chang, Kenneth. C. Frederick Mosteller, a Pioneer in Statistics, Dies at 89. The New York Times. 27 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  211. ^ Lieutenant-Colonel Terence Otway. The Daily Telegraph. 25 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  212. ^ Памёр Янка Брыль. Euramost. 25 July 2006 [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007) (白俄羅斯語). 
  213. ^ Schweitzer, Vivien. Vienna Staatsoper Conductor Heinrich Hollreiser Dies at 93. Playbill. 26 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  214. ^ Bender, Eric. Good Knight, Bill. The London Free Press. [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  215. ^ Obituary: Leon Morris. Anglican Media Melbourne News. [1 August 2006]. (原始內容存檔於5 August 2006). 
  216. ^ Carl Brashear, 'Men of Honor' diver, dies at 75. NBC News. 26 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  217. ^ Goldman, Ari L. Ezra Fleischer, Expert on Hebrew Poetry, Is Dead at 78. The New York Times. 1 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  218. ^ Actor Hani Mohsin dies. The Star. 25 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  219. ^ Aldo Notari, World Baseball Official, Dies at 74. The New York Times. Associated Press. 27 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  220. ^ Dame Mildred Riddelsdell
  221. ^ Retired BBC reporter dies at home. BBC News. 25 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  222. ^ Floyd Dixon, 77, R & B Musician, Is Dead. The New York Times. Associated Press. 6 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  223. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Vincent Fuller, 75, Lawyer Who Won Hinckley Case, Dies. The New York Times. 29 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  224. ^ Chess talent Jessie Gilbert dies at 19. chessbase.com. 27 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  225. ^ Hansen, Rolf Arthur (1920-2006). Stortinget. 9 March 2008 [22 April 2018] (挪威語). 
  226. ^ HaLevi, Ezra. 'Medal of Courage' to be Awarded to Fallen Maj. Ro'i Klein. Arutz Sheva. 8 August 2007 [22 April 2018]. 
  227. ^ Marquard, Bryan. Darrell Martinie; with astrology, he was the 'Cosmic Muffin'; at 63. The Boston Globe. 28 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  228. ^ Princess Tatiana von Metternich. The Daily Telegraph. 19 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  229. ^ Mahaffey, Maryann. Encyclopedia of Detroit. Detroit Historical Society. [22 April 2018]. 
  230. ^ Vice-Adml Sir Charles Mills. The Daily Telegraph. 14 September 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  231. ^ Carlos Roque passed away. afNews. 2 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  232. ^ Alexander Safran, 95, Former Chief Rabbi, Is Dead. The New York Times. 29 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  233. ^ Corley, Felix. Alexandre Safran. The Independent. 30 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  234. ^ Elisabeth Volkmann ist tot. ZDF heute. [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於14 October 2007). 
  235. ^ Johnny Weissmuller Jr., 65; Son of 'Tarzan' Star Was an Athlete, Actor. Los Angeles Times. 1 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  236. ^ Funsho Williams was strangled to death, says Pathologist. Premium Times. 16 April 2014 [22 April 2018]. 
  237. ^ Barker, Dennis. Patrick Allen. The Guardian. 9 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  238. ^ Childs, David. Rut Brandt. The Independent. 4 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  239. ^ Nigel Cox. Victoria University Press. [22 April 2018]. 
  240. ^ Gettleman, Jeffrey. Senior Official Is Killed in Somalia. The New York Times. 28 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  241. ^ Harold Enarson, 87, Who Fired Woody Hayes at Ohio State, Dies. The New York Times. Associated Press. 1 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  242. ^ Fantasy novelist dies after heart operation. u.tv. 28 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於15 May 2007). 
  243. ^ Fantasy writer Gemmell dies at 57. BBC News. 28 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  244. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Joel Hedgpeth, Marine Biologist and Advocate of Sea Life, Dies at 94. The New York Times. 12 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  245. ^ Smith, Roberta. Richard Mock, Sculptor, Painter and Editorial Cartoonist, 61, Dies. The New York Times. 11 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  246. ^ Sep Smith. England Football Online. [22 April 2018]. 
  247. ^ City legend Walsh dies, 85. Manchester Evening News. 15 February 2007 [22 April 2018]. 
  248. ^ An Islamic Jihad Leader In West Bank Is Killed. The Washington Post. 30 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  249. ^ Guido Daccò. Autosport. 1 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  250. ^ NEWS01_110839939_EP_1_0. La Raza. [2006-08-04]. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-27). 
  251. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Jean Baker Miller, 78, Psychiatrist, Is Dead. The New York Times. 8 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  252. ^ James R. Olin, 86; Former GE Executive, Roanoke Congressman. The Washington Post. 4 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  253. ^ Jackson, Julian. Pierre Vidal-Naquet. The Guardian. 10 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  254. ^ Duygu Asena, 60, Turkish Feminist Writer, Dies. The New York Times. 1 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  255. ^ Golf legend Al Balding passes away. CBC Sports. 31 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  256. ^ Murray Bookchin, at 85; proponent of social ecology. The Boston Globe. 31 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  257. ^ Draper, Philip; Skehel, John. Philip D'Arcy Hart. The Guardian. 30 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  258. ^ Noland, Claire. Anthony Galla-Rini, renowned accordion player. The Boston Globe. 13 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  259. ^ Iranian Student Dissident Dies in Prison Following Hunger Strike. Fox News. 31 July 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  260. ^ Rajkov Zdravko
  261. ^ Law Society of BC mourns the loss of Dugald Christie. Law Society of British Columbia. 1 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  262. ^ Muere Big Simon (in Spanish)
  263. ^ Eells, the voice of the Razorbacks, dies in car crash. ESPN. 1 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  264. ^ Mario Faustinelli passed away. afNews. 3 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於28 September 2007). 
  265. ^ Frederick G. Kilgour, founder of OCLC, dies at 92. OCLC.org. 1 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  266. ^ Fox, Margalit. Frederick G. Kilgour, Innovative Librarian, Dies at 92. The New York Times. 2 August 2006 [22 April 2018].