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Wikidata weekly summary #293
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Wikidata team and volunteers were at 34C3. Check the videos, the tweets, a new design made by Bleeptrack for a cake. Videos of Wikidata-related workshops will be published soon.
- Upcoming: Cultural heritage Wikidata workshop in Prague, 13th January 2018
- Using Scholia as Open Notebook Science tool to support literature searching
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool that allow users to fill labels and descriptions to Wikidata items en masse
- Change on the editing interface: save becomes publish. Please help translating in your language and update documentation
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Minneapolis Institute of Art ID, CHGIS ID, Guardiana ID, Barnes Foundation ID, VOGRIPA ID, Rugby Canada ID, Ent'revues ID, World of Spectrum ID, Smithsonian American Art Museum ID, HATVP ID, Google Arts & Culture partner ID, Google Arts & Culture asset ID, Cairn journal ID, Canal-U channel ID, Conseil de Presse Luxembourg journalist ID, Historic Place Names of Wales ID, CIQUAL2017 ID, GEMS Code, Arquivo Arq ID, Argentine deputy ID, American Art Collaborative object ID
- Query examples:
- Landlocked countries bordering coastal countries (source)
- Most common years of birth in Wikidata (source)
- Map of lighthouses around the world (source)
- Bubble chart showing countries with the highest number of children out of school in 2013 (source)
- Playwright dead in 1947 (whose works are now in Public Domain) (source)
- Development
- Fixed a problem with references in history of items (phab:T182767) Thanks to Matěj Suchánek who helped providing a workaround
- Make statements on forms persistent for lexicographical data (phab:T163724)
- Fix a bug that removed the collapse button (phab:T175492)
- Remove cache constraint check results on purge (phab:T182107)
- Add sitelinks to hif.wiktionary (phab:T180785)
- Read constraint check results from cache and check freshness (phab:T182106)
- Re-label the "Save" links to "Publish" (phab:T161367)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
来源phab:T154434--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2018年1月4日 (四) 09:29 (UTC)
- 这是2016年的,你看错了 XD--Reke(留言) 2018年1月4日 (四) 10:14 (UTC)
(reference:phab:T183903) --Reke(留言) 2018年1月4日 (四) 10:17 (UTC)
- 有个怪异的地方值得注意:Wiki跟维基媒体基金会它们不寻常地夺下一二名,而且有这样的现象:
- 都是从6月中突然大爆发
- 两者的浏览数字几乎呈平行线
- 两者都有明显的浏览数断崖
- 两者的浏览都高度来自于桌机,几乎没有行动平台
- (以上数据来自 这里)
- 另外从Google搜索趋势中看不出两者有任何异常波动。(wiki的搜寻量很平稳,维基媒体基金会搜寻量少到根本没数据)看编辑历史也没有任何异常,完全不知道这个现象的原因。--Reke(留言) 2018年1月4日 (四) 10:23 (UTC)
- 是不是有机器人什么的不停存取该两页面?--【和平至上】💬📝 2018年1月4日 (四) 11:25 (UTC)
- 2017 年的数据还有一个 - 异常地高。 --砜中嘌呤的白磷萃取 打谱 2018年1月4日 (四) 11:34 (UTC)
- 访问量异常问题见phab:T172379,wiki在一天中同一个user agent的访问就有6万左右--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2018年1月4日 (四) 11:39 (UTC)
- 照书生提供的连结讨论,我判断wiki和维基媒体基金会的异常流量应该是来自机器人被错误地当成普通读者来计算流量所造成的样子。这样看来得把这两个排除算2017年的流量:
- 三生三世十里桃花_(电视剧) 4255793次
- 孤单又灿烂的神-鬼怪 4151930次
- 植剧场 3340421次
- 楚乔传 3030982次
- 防弹少年团 2864292次
- TWICE 2625939次
- Running_Man 2490787次
- 郭文贵 2343382次
- 一家人 2284846次
- 习近平 2184497次
- 通灵少女_(电视剧) 2170936次(这其实是第十一名了,但身为台湾维基人私心觉得好可惜所以还是列上来 XD)
- --上官(留言) 2018年1月4日 (四) 12:27 (UTC)
- 照书生提供的连结讨论,我判断wiki和维基媒体基金会的异常流量应该是来自机器人被错误地当成普通读者来计算流量所造成的样子。这样看来得把这两个排除算2017年的流量:
- 访问量异常问题见phab:T172379,wiki在一天中同一个user agent的访问就有6万左右--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2018年1月4日 (四) 11:39 (UTC)
- 估计是某个机器人疯掉了XD --百無一用是書生 (☎) 2018年1月5日 (五) 02:02 (UTC)
This Month in Education: December 2017
Volume 6 | Issue 11 | December 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-2
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! ![]() A style of folk music and dance from Cameroon. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 当您在维基数据上编辑时,“保存”按钮现已改称“发布”。这意味着所有维基媒体wiki现已从“保存编辑”改称“发布更改”。这是为了帮助新编辑者理解它的用途。 [1][2]
- 部分编辑将在所有wiki获得自动标签。这会在将页面重定向、清空页面、移除几乎所有内容、撤销一次编辑或回退一次编辑时发生。您可以在最近更改订阅、条目历史、用户贡献或在您的监视列表中查看标签。一些wiki已通过其他方式对其标记。 [3]
- Special:UnusedFiles显示已更新但未使用的文件。它将显示在上传的wiki上未使用的文件,即便它在另一wiki上使用。共享资源上新版Special:GloballyUnusedFiles页面只显示在任何wiki上都未使用的文件。 [4]
- 结构式讨论现已使用2017版wiki文本编辑器,而不是旧有自定义编辑器。这可以通过您的参数设置,在wiki文本或可视化编辑器之间切换。文档现已更新。 [5][6]
- 移动设备上的旧版本Chrome浏览器可能看到PDF下载按钮,但无法工作。开发人员正在调查这一问题。 [7]
- 由于最近更改中的新过滤器,在12月13日~1月2日期间“名字空间”中的“排除选项”不能在“已保存过滤器”中正常工作。该问题现已修复。如果您在12月13日~1月2日期间对您已保存的过滤器做出任何更改的和,您需要再次排除名字空间,然后保存您的过滤器。 [8]
- 最新版本Google Chrome损坏了章节链接在地址栏中显示方式。您现在会看到
(法语示例),即便MediaWiki并未如此编码。这在12月上旬发生。该问题现已修复,但需等到Chrome 64(1月23日)或Chrome 65(3月6日)更新时才能正常工作。 [9] 一些对API的POST请求在12月一些时候消耗了更长时间。这尤其涉及维基数据UI及一些小工具。现已修复。 [10]
- 维基数据将移动到自己的数据库服务器。这是因为它在不断成长,并需要更多资源。由于这个原因,于1月9日06:00~06:30(UTC)期间,您将只能阅读,无法编辑维基数据和德语维基百科。您在此期间尝试做出保存会使您的编辑丢失。这包括在其他wiki上编辑语言链接。 [11]
- 编辑窗口中的字体大小将对一些用户做出显著更新。这将在所有浏览器和操作系统上具有相同视觉效果。 [12][13]
。所有其他模块现已作为弃用别名,并应当移除。 [14]
您可以参与下一次编辑团队的会议。在会议中您可以告知开发人员哪些问题是最重要的。会议将于1月9日 at 19:30(UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
您可以参与IRC上的技术咨询会议。在会议中志愿开发者可以征求意见。会议将于1月10日 16:00(UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
2018年1月8日 (一) 16:19 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #294
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Jarekt
- New request for comments: Changes to P2737 and P2738, Privacy and Living People
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: IRC office hour on January 30th - you can share ideas for topics to discuss
- Call for papers for WikiIndaba is open
- Scholarship applications for Wikimania are open
- Registration is open for the Wikimedia hackathon
- Paper submission deadline for Wiki Workshop (part of The Web Conference) is closing later this month
- The Tom Longboat Awards as Wikidata - Mita Williams
- Using the Semantic Web to Improve Knowledge of Translations - Karen Smith-Yoshimura (OCLC)
- There is no deadline so every second is one: on anxiety, perfectionism, and Wikimedia projects by Léna
- Up2date software versions for Wikidata by Michi
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata will be in read-only mode on January 9th from 06:00 to 06:30 UTC
- The WikidataCon 2017 report has been published
- Results of two research projects for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons have just been published:
- Supporting Commons contributions by GLAM institutions: an overview of how cultural institutions contribute to Wikimedia Commons, and which issues they encounter there
- Baseline Metrics for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons: an overview of measurable behaviors on Wikimedia Commons, against which the effectiveness of structured data can be measured in the future
- You can start organizing an event for Wikidata's 6th birthday in October 2018
- A short summary of the workshop with historians using Wikibase to collect data about the Illuminati has been published at Wikidata:FactGrid
- How would the World look like if countries were as large as their Wikidata items are used across the Wikimedia projects?
- New catalogs in Mix'n'match - for example Rolling Stone artist]
- New tool: Hub
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: MuBE Virtual ID, Basketball-Reference.com WNBA coach ID, Basketball-Reference.com NBA coach ID, Académie française member ID, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres member ID, Guide to North American Birds ID, title page number, Walters Art Museum ID, Minneapolis Institute of Art artwork ID, CHGIS ID, Guardiana ID, Barnes Foundation ID, VOGRIPA ID, Rugby Canada ID, Ent'revues ID, World of Spectrum ID, Smithsonian American Art Museum ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: days of 2018
- Development
- Tweaked the ranking of the results in the entity suggester
- Finished persistently storing edits of statements on forms (phabricator:T163724)
- Cleaned up some of the hard-coded demo data on the demo system for lexicographical data
- Working on diff support for Forms on Lexemes (phabricator:T182424)
- Prevented checking of constraints on "Wikidata property example" statements (phabricator:T183267)
- Added link to the property's talk page to the constraint violation dialog to guide people there to discuss the constraint if necessary (phabricator:T164351)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in GLAM: December 2017
维基导游即将举办一个小型活动:由于中文维基导游即将迈向4周年,在此之际,我们与其他十几个语言版本,将于2月份举行«2018年编辑松»活动。此编辑松的规则与过去稍有不同;以往是要从创建条目直到编辑条目,然而这次经过讨论的结果,是根据个人旅行经验来更新实用资讯为主,并在维基导游相关目的地条目做出新增景点或单位的介绍,促使条目内容丰富且实用。您可以参考多种语言,包括英语、德语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、乌克兰语和俄语等。而乌克兰语和俄语的积极参与者将会获得奖项,中文则是选出几个代表作于每月首页目的地直接进行公布!关于这次的活动,希望能将这次的消息推广至维基百科,好让大家知道我们的活动,预祝各位旅行愉快!--ⓅYURIY 〒想聊啥?! ✈环游世界 2018年1月11日 (四) 16:19 (UTC)
- 9old9已离任管理员。
- 《重定向指引§非中文重新导向》,容许以化学品CAS号建立重定向。
- 《删除方针§提请删除》,修改过时字眼,诸如“永久删除”,及令描述更贴近现行处理模式。
- 《用户查核方针§权限取消》及《监督方针§授予与解除》,两者不活跃门槛缩减为半年,与管理员统一。
- 《可靠来源指引§历史》,就历史类条目而言,明确不建议引用高中以下教科书作为来源依据。
- 《命名常规方针§命名冲突》,就原创译名作出规范。
- 《维基百科释义方针§非无政府主义》,修改字眼。
- 《格式手册‧文字格式§颜色及内联图像》,增加对象例子。
- 《避免地域中心指引§这里是“中文”维基百科》,添加例子及修改用辞。
- 《翻译指引》、《档案使用方针》、《格式手册‧链接》、《修订版本删除方针》、《关注度(地理特征)指引》、《繁简处理指引》、《基金会行动方针》、《用户名方针》、《生者传记方针》、《可靠来源指引》、《列明来源指引》、《账户请求指引》及《方针与指引方针》。
本期公报由《维基百科政策简报》编撰小组借由 MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 发送于 2018年1月14日 (日) 15:48 (UTC) 。
我们非常重视使用者对于接受《维基百科政策简报》的感受,在2017年12月号(创刊号)的发送后,我们注意到一些使用者对于简报的发送感到不适,对此我们感到万分遗憾,并且已于第一时间自相关清单中移除不愿继续收受简报发送的使用者。经过编撰小组审慎地评估与考量,我们决定在2018年1月号中取消对于引发一些使用者不适的List B的发送工作,为了在政策异动下维护您的权益,我们借由此则讯息向您通知相关政策异动;如您希望继续借由《维基百科政策简报》掌握中文维基百科之管理人员及方针指引变动,您可以将自己加入一份全新的专属清单以保持对于《维基百科政策简报》的订阅。
此则讯息由《维基百科政策简报》编撰小组借由 MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 发送于 2018年1月14日 (日) 16:16 (UTC)。
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-3
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! ![]() Ruellia tuberosa, is a species of flowering plant in the Acanthaceae family. Its native range is in Central America but presently it has become naturalized in many countries of tropical South and Southeast Asia. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 在安装有翻译扩展的维基媒体wiki上,行政员现在可以默认添加与移除翻译管理员权限。启用了此扩展的wiki上管理员可以自我添加与移除此权限。此前使用不同配置的wiki并未更改。 [15]
现已为维基媒体开发者提供新的Discourse测试支持频道。您可以提问或解答有关MediaWiki和维基媒体软件开发的问题。 [16]
您可以参与下一次编辑团队的会议。在会议中您可以告知开发人员哪些问题是最重要的。会议将于1月16日 at 19:30(UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
您可以参与IRC上的技术咨询会议。在会议中志愿开发者可以征求意见。会议将于1月17日 16:00(UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
2018年1月15日 (一) 18:45 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #295
- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- GraFa, a new faceted browser for Wikidata is looking for feedback.
- Analysis: How much are items about scientific articles, genes and chemical entities used on the Wikimedia projects?
- New catalogs in Mix'n'match - for example Nobel Prize People Nomination (More than 600 properties now have a corresponding catalog in Mix'n'match.)
- Next round of Projects Grants is open for applications until the end of January (see also this blog post)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: National Historic Ships certificate no., Dictionnaire des auteurs luxembourgeois ID, Line Music album ID, Line Music artist ID, Elhuyar ZTH ID, is proceedings from, Basketball-Reference.com NBDL player ID, animal breed, Uniform Resource Identifier Scheme, OpenEdition journal ID, Brooklyn Museum artwork ID, Musée des Augustins artwork ID, Yale Center for British Art artwork ID, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum artwork ID, IBM graphic character global identifier, IBM coded character set ID, IBM code page identifier, produced sound, IUPAC GoldBook ID, The Baseball Cube player ID, Mir@bel journal ID, INRAN Italian Food ID, uBio ID, Deutsche Synchronkartei dubbing voice actor ID, Sign@l journal ID, C-SPAN organization ID, Le Maitron person ID, GSMArena phone ID, Érudit journal ID
- Query examples:
- Gallery of photography techniques
- Street names that exist several times in Berlin (source)
- Average length of movie by genre and year (source)
- Inventions by Republicans (source)
- Celebrities born in January of a leap year (source)
- Countries with no rivers (source)
- Female aviation pioneers born before 1900 (source)
- People who died on K2 (source)
- Showcase items: 15 January 2018
- Development
- Wikidata moved to a new and bigger server.
- Added support for a constraint scope in the constraint check gadget (phabricator:T183542)
- Now ignoring deprecated constraints in the constraint check gadget (phabricator:T180874)
- Added new Lua function getAllStatements (phabricator:T166056 - thanks Eran!)
- Worked on diff support and edit summaries for edits on Forms (phabricator:T182424)
- Worked on persistent editing of the grammatical features of a Form (phabricator:T173742)
- Google Code-In 2017 work on the Wikidata Query Service UI:
- add highlight and selection for query result table, by Anpans (phabricator:T183807)
- keyboard accessibility, by eflyjason (phabricator:T173213 and subtasks)
- make more areas translatable, by Albert221 (phabricator:T171636)
- mobile / responsive menus, by eflyjason (phabricator:T154890)
- lazy loading in ImageGrid, by Sydney (phabricator:T166216)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 16 January 2018
- News and notes: Communication is key
- In the media: The Paris Review, British Crown and British Media
- Featured content: History, gaming and multifarious topics
- Interview: Interview with Ser Amantio di Nicolao, the top contributor to English Wikipedia by edit count
- Technology report: Dedicated Wikidata database servers
- Arbitration report: Mister Wiki is first arbitration committee decision of 2018
- Traffic report: The best and worst of 2017
有大陆地区的用户一直反映如果使用QQ邮箱(含 qq.com、foxmail.com 等)绑定的维基百科帐号,会经常出现无法正常收取通知消息甚至注册邮件的情况。(如图。)QQ邮箱在收信时,会对短时间内高频率发送邮件的IP直接拒收。被拒收的邮件不会进入垃圾邮件箱,只能去一个很隐蔽的地方才能找到;而发件服务器则会被报错,认为邮件没有送达对方服务器。目前经过与腾讯的协调,邮件无法送达的问题已经得到了很大改善,维基百科的域名、网址、IP等已人工列入白名单,不再会有拒收情况。受影响的包括邮件通知(如用户讨论页被更改时发送的邮件)、注册或修改邮箱时的确认邮件、lists.wikimedia.org 发信的邮件列表。望社群周知,并在必要时调整新手教学的方式。--Techyan(留言) 2018年1月11日 (四) 12:35 (UTC)
- 感谢!—— 呆呆|ω・`) (捕捉 | 爪迹) 2018年1月17日 (三) 15:22 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-4
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! ![]() A blue laser is a laser that emits electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 360 and 480 nanometres, which the human eye sees as blue or violet. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
—以上未加入日期时间的留言是于2018年1月22日 (一) 08:42 (UTC)之前加入的。
- 于Special:链出更改的过滤器将会有类似最近更改页面的界面。Special:链出更改亦会加入更多功能。 [21][22]
- 本周没有新的MediaWiki版本。
您可以参与IRC上的技术咨询会议。在会议中志愿开发者可以征求意见。会议将于1月24日 16:00(UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
将会在2月22日重新启动。有些机器人利用此渠道获取最近更改内容。它们需要自动重新连接,否则会在收复前无法运作。大部分机器人能自动重新连接。 [24]
2018年1月22日 (一) 23:55 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #296
- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Mahir256 (as successful)
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Getting data from Wikidata into WordPress custom taxonomy
- PIDapalooza - Girona, 23-24 January,with a session on PIDs in Wikidata by Andy Mabbett
- The EuropeanaTech Call for Proposals is open till February 7. Themes are Data, Discovery, Delivery. The conference will take place in Rotterdam, NL, May 15-16, 2018.
- Call for papers for Celtic Knot conference is open
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Nominations for the Steward elections are open
- Grant proposal for GlobalFactSync
- repology is a nice new project about software packages with the help of Wikidata. They have a list of potentially outdated packages on Wikidata that might need updating or fixing.
- Painters gives you a list of paintings that don't have a creator statement but "painting by" in the description
- Big City Lights: where are the cities whose items are most used across the Wikimedia projects?
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Commons compatible image available at URL, is a hydrated form of, biological phase, lot number, MAC Address Block Large ID, has boundary
- External identifiers: SRCBB coach ID, Manus Online ID, Ecocrop ID, Harvard botanical journal ID, UK railway station code, V Live channel ID, Songwriters Hall of Fame ID, MONA ID, Luminous-Lint ID, LTI Korea Library ID, Images d'Art artwork ID, Common Database on Designated Areas ID, crates.io ID, Arcade artwork ID, Australian honours ID, cinematografo company ID, cinematografo name ID, GameRankings game ID, compArt institution ID, compArt person ID, MobyGames company ID, USA Rugby player ID, MYmovies actor ID, MYmovies movie ID, MYmovies director ID, Movieplayer characters ID, Movieplayer film ID, Movieplayer TV-series ID, MYmovies name ID
- Query examples:
- Map of nuclear tests (source)
- Languages with more than one writing system (source)
- Subclasses of malware (source)
- Male actors who starred in a trilogy of movies when they were in their 20s and then no fewer than 40 years later played the same character again(source - see whole thread for more)
- Bands from the UK whose member's average age is at least 70 (source)
- Disney movie narrative locations (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Worked on persistent editing of grammatical features of a lexeme’s form (phab:T173742)
- Made diffs for statements, grammatical features and representations of a form work (phab:T182424)
- Turned off access to lexicographical data from the clients for now (phab:T178904)
- Started logging warning on pages that use too many items (phab:T184319)
- Added support for relation instance or subclass of in the constraint checks (phab:T169858)
- Now also checking single value and multi value constraints on qualifiers and references (phab:T175566)
- Now also checking difference within range constraints on qualifiers and references (phab:T175565)
- Fixed a bug with duplicate items in “distinct values” violation message in the constraint checks gadget (phab:T184705)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Latest news from the Wikimedia Global Collaboration team, about Notifications, Structured discussions, Edit Review Improvements and Content translation. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
- The Global Collaboration report for December is now available (in English).
- Filters are better integrated on Related Changes (see below).
- Structured discussions now use the 2017 wikitext editor (see below).
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Bug fixes
- When searching, a click on a filter capsule moved the list of filters. [25]
- On Related Changes page, the page name entry box didn't show the entirety of long page names. [26]
- Transcludeing Special:RelatedChanges on a page added unexpected parameters to the URL. [27]
- Filter menu was opening upwards. [28]
- ORES preferences on Recent Changes and Watchlist preferences pages have been rationalized. [29]
- Users are now prevented from clicking on a link when they click outside of the dropdown menu to close it. [30]
Work in progress
Filters on Related Changes page are better integrated and get new features, for instance: [31]
- The standard auto-completion mechanism is available when you search for a page to look at.
- It is more clear if you are looking to pages linked from the target page or to the target page.
- You no longer need to click the "Show" button; the page updates automatically when a page is positively identified via autocompletion.
Content translation [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Further enhancement are made for list (Suggestions/In-progress/Published) items on mobile screens. Long titles no longer overflow or overlap with other interface elements. [32]
- Various changes to the "New translation" dialog and the selected page for translation have been made: [33]
- Longer titles of selected pages are displayed in smaller. Some space has been added around to increase readability.
- Language codes are not truncated by ellipsis anymore. Only full, autonym language names are subject to truncation.
- Minimal screen sizes and selected suggestion dialog have been revisited. They are more consistent in responding to screen size changes.
- Discard button is no longer shown on small screen sizes.
- Language filters no longer render wrong or non-existent language codes. [34]
- The "New translation" dialog now shows a loading indicator and doesn't display an error when you change the source language after an unsuccessful research. [35]
Structured discussions [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
Structured discussions now uses the 2017 wikitext editor instead of its old custom one. This works with your preference for wikitext or visual editor. [36][37]
The documentation has been updated and needs translations updates.
- Prométhée, from French Wikipedia, has created some gadgets to customise Structured discussions interface.
The documentation is ready to be translated.
Future changes
- Structured discussions does not always follow wiki's configurations concerning talk pages indexation. This will be fixed. [38]
- Hidden topics will not be indexed by search engines anymore. [39]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Bug fixes
- User rights change notifications were displaying a broken link. This is now fixed. [40]
- "Mark as read" buttons had a bad appearance for users who don't have JavaScript activated. [41]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Global Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2018年1月25日 (四) 00:56 (UTC)
—以上未加入日期时间的留言是于2018年1月27日 (六) 08:42 (UTC)之前加入的。
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-5
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! ![]() A rock relief or rock-cut relief is a relief sculpture carved on solid or "living rock" such as a cliff, rather than a detached piece of stone. They are a category of rock art, and sometimes found as part of, or in conjunction with, rock-cut architecture (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Wikidata weekly summary #297
- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Defining account creators
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: IRC office hour on the channel #wikimedia-office, January 30th, at 18:00 (UTC+1). Special topic: how to address the growth of Wikidata
- Upcoming: Wikidata hackathon in London, February 3rd
- Past: PIDapalooza 2018 - Slides on FigShare
- Mapping Wikidata to Bibframe (representation of books)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Breaking change: wbcheckconstraints status parameter
- Wikidata-driven infoboxes, with multilingual labels, are now available on Wikimedia Commons category pages
- Wikidata vandalism dashboard for Wikipedians
- Grant proposals looking for review: WikidataJS, GlobalFactSync
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: cinematografo film ID, CiNii author ID (articles)
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Newest gadgets: Mix'n'Match gadget: loads all Mix’m’match entries about an item, shows descriptions, lets you drag’n’drop entries as references
- Newest properties:
- Newest database reports: tennis federations, Davis Cup and Fed Cup teams
- Showcase items:
- Development
- Constraint violations can now be checked on qualifiers and references (phab:T168532)
- Implemented usage tracking deduplication to reduce database load (phab:T178079). This should not have any effect on what users see on recent changes and watchlists.
- Redirects on client wikis that are connected to a Wikidata item can have a tracking category, if set up (phab:T185743). Thanks, Matěj!
- Improved documentation of the
query module (gerrit:406240). Thanks, Niedzielski! - Improved empty "content was:" in deletion logs for entities (phab:T184025)
- Fixed links to external user pages in recent changes (phab:T183019)
- Fixed user names beginning with a star sometimes being rendered as a list (phab:T182800)
- Fixed constraint check results possibly showing up in the wrong language (phab:T185688)
- Fixed ArticlePlaceholders possibly not showing up in search results (gerrit:406168)
- Some of the developers attended to the Wikimedia Developer Summit 2018. You can find some notes on the Phabricator board
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 本周没有新的MediaWiki版本。
您可以参与IRC上的技术咨询会议。在会议中志愿开发者可以征求意见。会议将于1月31日 16:00(UTC)开始。参见如何加入。
维基媒体基金会正在着眼于如何使维基媒体wiki上不受维护的代码更少。这可以通过寻找维护者,或是移除不受维护的功能实现。目前正在征求反馈以决定日后要对防滥用过滤器、IRC最近更改订阅源、相关网站(RelatedSites)扩展和时间线媒体处理器(TimedMediaHandler)的处理方式。您可以在链接的讨论页上留下反馈。 [42]
2018年1月29日 (一) 17:06 (UTC)
Books and Bytes - Issue 26
Books & Bytes
Issue 26, December – January 2018
- #1Lib1Ref
- User Group update
- Global branches update
- Spotlight: What can we glean from OCLC’s experience with library staff learning Wikipedia?
- Bytes in brief
Arabic and French versions of Books & Bytes are now available in meta!
Read the full newsletter
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2018年1月31日 (三) 17:36 (UTC)