

Alfred North Whitehead
学派历程哲学英语Process philosophy
历程神学英语Process theology
历程哲学英语Process philosophy
历程神学英语Process theology

阿佛列·诺思·怀特海(英语:Alfred North Whitehead;1861年2月15日—1947年12月30日),OM英国数学家哲学家。他是历程哲学英语Process philosophy学派的奠基者,[43]目前已被视为可应用到多种学科,包括生态学神学教育学物理学生物学经济学心理学及其他领域。

在他的职业生涯早期怀特海主要研究数学逻辑和物理。他最引人注目的是与前学生伯特兰·罗素合著的三卷《数学原理》(1910年至1913年)。《数学原理》认为是二十世纪最重要的数学逻辑作品之一,在现代图书馆英语Modern Library出版社所列的二十世纪前100本英文非小说书籍名单中,获得第23名。

1910年代末至1920年代初,怀特海逐渐把他的注意力从数学转移至科学哲学形而上学。和柏格森一样,他关注直觉体验与生命本身,但他采取不同的进路来解决这个问题,进而构建了一个全面的形而上学的系统。怀特海认为现实是由事件构成,而不是物质;这些事件不能脱离彼此关系而定义,因此拒绝独立存在的物质理论。[28]今天怀特海的哲学著作——特别《历程与实在英语Process and Reality》——被视为历程哲学的经典。

怀特海的历程哲学主张:“紧迫地将世界视为一个具有相互关联历程的网络,而我们是不可或缺的部分,因此我们的所有的选择和行动都影响我们周围的世界。”[28]因此,近年来怀特海思想最有前途的应用之一是在小约翰·柯布英语John B. Cobb开创的生态文明和环境伦理领域。[44]






怀特海与罗素共同成完《数学原理》之后,便前往美国,他远离形式的哲学概念,并且开始怀疑--如同维特根斯坦的怀疑--整个西方哲学思潮。之后,怀特海甚至认为,哲学的目的在于将神秘主义理性化,“以有限的语言表达宇宙的无限”,并且对“不可说明的深刻性产生直接的洞察”。这明显不是过去那位与罗素合著《数学原理》的哲学数学家会有的语言或情感 (罗素后来坦承,他完全无法理解怀特海的新哲学)。


怀特海的历程哲学可以说是起因于牛顿物理学的崩解;这是他所亲自见证的,使他大为震撼。他的形而上学见解出现于他的《自然之概念》(The Concept of Nature, 1920年)。而在他的《科学与现代世界》(Science and the Modern World, 1925年)的论文中他的形而上学就已架构完成了;这本书也是对思想史,对科学和数学在西方文明兴盛过程中的角色之重要研究。怀特海的形而上学受到柏格森变的哲学之影响,但他也是一个柏拉图主义者,认为“诸事件(events)之特征源于超时间单体(entities)对其之契入(ingression)”。[45]

1927年,怀特海受邀在爱丁堡大学季福讲座演说。1929年讲稿出版为《历程与实在英语Process and Reality》(Process and Reality)一书,为历程哲学奠基,是对西方形而上学的重大贡献。除了英国外,历程哲学在世界各处都引人跟随,较著名的有哈特雄英语Charles Hartshorne(Charles Hartshorne),还有历程神学英语Process theology约翰‧科布英语John B. Cobb(John Cobb, Jr.)。

《历程与实在》(大陆:《过程与实在》)一书因其护卫有神论而著名,不过怀特海的上帝和亚伯拉罕的启示性上帝是根本不同的。怀特海的机体哲学(philosophy of organism)带起了历程神学英语Process theology,在这方面有贡献的除了哈特雄及科布外,还有格里芬。有些基督徒和犹太人认为历程神学对认识上帝和宇宙是很有效果的进路。就如整个宇宙是一直在流转改变,做为宇宙起源的上帝也被视为是在成长与改变的。

1933年出版的《观念之历险》(The Adventure of Ideas)对怀特海形而上学的主要见解作了摘要,是他最后也最可读的一本著作。此书中也对美、真理、艺术、冒险与和平作了定义。他认为“没有全部的真理;所有真理都是一半的真理。想把他们当作全部的真理就是在扮演魔鬼。”


  • 伯特兰·罗素. 《数学原理》(Principia Mathematica)第一卷. 剑桥,1910.
  • 伯特兰·罗素. 《数学原理》第二卷. 剑桥,1912.
  • 伯特兰·罗素. 《数学原理》第三卷. 剑桥,1913
  • 《教育与科学理性的功能》(The Organization of Thought Educational and Scientific). 伦敦,1917.
  • 《自然的概念》(The Concept of Nature). 剑桥,1920.
  • 《科学与近代世界》(Science and the Modern World) 纽约,1925.
  • 《宗教的形成》(Religion in the Making). 纽约,1926.
  • 《过程与实在》(Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology). 纽约,1929.
  • 《教育的目的》(The Aims of Education and Other Essays). 纽约,1929.
  • 《观念的冒险》(Adventures of Ideas). 纽约、剑桥,1933.
  • 《思维的方式》(Modes of Thought). 纽约,1938.
  • 《科学与哲学论文集》(Essays in Science and Philosophy). 伦敦,1947.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality (New York: The Free Press, 1978), 39.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality (New York: The Free Press, 1978), xii.
  3. ^ Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality (New York: The Free Press, 1978), xiii.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality (New York: The Free Press, 1978), xi.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Michel Weber and Will Desmond, eds., Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Volume 1 (Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2008), 17.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 174.
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 173.
  8. ^ Joseph A. Bracken, "Whitehead and the Critique of Logocentrism," in Process and Difference: Between Cosmological and Poststructuralist Postmodernisms, ed. Catherine Keller and Anne Daniell (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002), 91-110.
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Michel Weber and Will Desmond, eds., Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Volume 1 (Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2008), 26.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 "CPS Co-Directors," Center for Process Studies, accessed December 12, 2013, 存档副本. [2012-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-24). .
  11. ^ John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 179.
  12. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为GillesDeleuze的参考文献提供内容
  13. ^ John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 170.
  14. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为Bruce的参考文献提供内容
  15. ^ Franklin I. Gamwell, "Speaking of God after Aquinas," Journal of Religion 81 (2001): 208-209.
  16. ^ John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 183.
  17. ^ John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 167.
  18. ^ Nancy R. Howell, A Feminist Cosmology: Ecology, Solidarity, and Metaphysics (Amherst: Humanity Books, 2000), vii.
  19. ^ William E. Kaufman, "Mordecai M. Kaplan and Process Theology: Metaphysical and Pragmatic Perspectives," Process Studies 20 (1991). Available online at 存档副本. [2011-04-01]. (原始内容存档于2011-11-01). .
  20. ^ William E. Kaufman, The Case for God (Atlanta: Chalice Press, 1991).
  21. ^ Catherine Keller, "Introduction: The Process of Difference, the Difference of Process," in Process and Difference: Between Cosmological and Poststructuralist Postmodernisms, ed. Catherine Keller and Anne Daniell (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002), 1-30.
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 22.2 John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 164-165.
  23. ^ John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 175.
  24. ^ Bruno Latour, preface to Thinking with Whitehead: A Free and Wild Creation of Concepts, by Isabelle Stengers, trans. Michael Chase (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2011), x.
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 178.
  26. ^ John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 165.
  27. ^ "Dr. Jay McDaniel," Hendrix College, accessed December 12, 2013, http://www.hendrix.edu/religion/religion.aspx?id=2945页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 C. Robert Mesle, Process-Relational Philosophy: An Introduction to Alfred North Whitehead (West Conshohocken: Templeton Foundation Press, 2009), 9.
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 29.2 John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 180.
  30. ^ Schubert M. Ogden, The Reality of God and Other Essays (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1992), 36.
  31. ^ Thomas Jay Oord, "Reflection on Whitehead's Philosophical Theology," International Studies in Philosophy 35 (2003): 188-189.
  32. ^ Thomas J. Fararo, "On the Foundations of the Theory of Action in Whitehead and Parsons," in Explorations in General Theory in Social Science, ed. Jan J. Loubser et al. (New York: The Free Press, 1976), chapter 5.
  33. ^ Luis G. Pedraja, "Whitehead, Deconstruction, and Postmodernism," in Process and Difference: Between Cosmological and Poststructuralist Postmodernisms, ed. Catherine Keller and Anne Daniell (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002), 73-90.
  34. ^ Michel Weber and Will Desmond, eds., Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Volume 1 (Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2008), 25.
  35. ^ Michel Weber and Will Desmond, eds., Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Volume 1 (Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2008), 31.
  36. ^ "Alfred North Whitehead Biography," European Graduate School, accessed December 12, 2013, 存档副本. [2013-12-12]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-03). .
  37. ^ Wolfgang Smith, Cosmos and Transcendence: Breaking Through the Barrier of Scientistic Belief (Peru, IL: Sherwood Sugden and Company, 1984), 3.
  38. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为IsabelleStengers的参考文献提供内容
  39. ^ William Irwin Thompson, The Time Falling Bodies Take To Light: Mythology, Sexuality and the Origins of Culture (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996), 82.
  40. ^ Michel Weber and Will Desmond, eds., Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Volume 1 (Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2008), 13.
  41. ^ John B. Cobb, Jr., and David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976), 177.
  42. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为Birch的参考文献提供内容
  43. ^ David Ray Griffin, Reenchantment Without Supernaturalism: A Process Philosophy of Religion (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001), vii.
  44. ^ Philip Rose, On Whitehead (Belmont: Wadsworth, 2002), preface.
  45. ^ Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2006