




  • 埃德蒙·阿諾德(Edmund Arnold),93歲,美國報紙設計師,肺炎。[10]
  • 維傑·阿羅拉(Vijay Arora),62歲,印度影視演員,腸道疾病。[11]
  • Loren Grey,91歲,美國教育心理學家,Zane Grey的兒子,與年齡相關的併發症。[12]
  • 比利·亨德森(Billy Henderson),67歲,美國歌手,患有糖尿病。[13]
  • 喬·亨特(Joe Hunter),79歲,美國鋼琴家,The Funk Brothers樂隊領隊。[14]
  • Terry McMillan,53歲,美國口琴演奏家。[15]
  • 吉賽爾·帕斯卡(Gisèle Pascal),85歲,法國女演員。[16]
  • 菲利波·拉西蒂(Filippo Raciti),40歲,義大利員警,被足球流氓致命傷。[17]
  • 埃裡克·馮·施密特(Eric Von Schmidt),75歲,美國民謠/藍調創作歌手,中風。[18]
  • 竹本正男,87歲,日本體操運動員,1960年夏季奧運會金牌得主,膽管癌。[19]
  • Shannon J. Wall,87歲,美國工會官員,國家海事聯盟主席(1973-1990)。[20]
  • 約翰·貝克特(John S. Beckett),80歲,愛爾蘭音樂家。[34]
  • Arthur J. Dixon,88歲,加拿大阿爾伯塔省立法議會議員(1952-1975)。[35]
  • 卡爾文·亨利·格勞瑟(Calvin Henry Glauser),84歲,加拿大政治家。[36]
  • 安吉拉·金,68歲,牙買加外交官,聯合國助理秘書長(1997-2004),癌症。[37]
  • Leo T. McCarthy,76歲,紐西蘭出生的美國政治家和加利福尼亞州副州長(1983-1995),腎衰竭。[38]
  • 阿爾弗雷德·沃爾姆(Alfred Worm),61歲,奧地利調查記者,心臟病發作。[39]
  • 迪克·艾倫(Dick Allen),62歲,英國電影剪輯師。[40]
  • 沃爾夫岡·巴特爾斯(Wolfgang Bartels),66歲,德國奧運高山滑雪銅牌得主(1964年)。[41]
  • Lew Burdette,80歲,美國棒球運動員,1957年世界大賽MVP,胃癌。[42]
  • 海倫·鄧肯(Helen Duncan),65歲,紐西蘭工會領袖和政治家,癌症。[43]
  • 道格·蓋利(Doug Gailey),59歲,紐西蘭橄欖球聯盟球員,跌倒併發症。[44]
  • 李·霍夫曼(Lee Hoffman),74歲,美國科幻小說家和西方作家,心臟病發作。[45]
  • Len Hopkins,76歲,加拿大政治家,安大略省自由黨議員(1965-1997),肺炎。[46]
  • 羅伯特·金普頓(Robert Kimpton),93歲,澳大利亞板球運動員。[47]
  • 弗蘭基·萊恩(Frankie Laine),93歲,美國歌手(「騾子火車」),髖關節置換手術併發症。[48]
  • 萊納·默克爾(Reiner Merkel),55歲,德國經理,德國新聞社圖片聯盟首席執行官,心臟病發作。[49]
  • 納爾遜·波爾斯比(Nelson W. Polsby),72歲,美國政治學家和作家,心力衰竭。[50]
  • 加雷斯·羅伯茨爵士,66歲,英國物理學家,牛津大學沃爾夫森學院校長。[51]
  • 葛籣·薩蒂(Glenn Sarty),77歲,加拿大廣播公司(CBC)的《第五莊園》(The Fifth Estate)的加拿大原始製片人,Take 30和Take 60,肺氣腫。[52]
  • Bent Skovmand,61歲,丹麥植物科學家和環保主義者,斯瓦爾巴全球種子庫創始人,腦瘤。[53]
  • 哈里·韋伯斯特(Harry Webster),89歲。英國汽車工程師。[54]
  • 威利·懷特(Willye White),68歲,非裔美國人,美國首位5屆田徑奧運選手,胰腺癌。[55]
  • 豪爾赫·安東尼奧(Jorge Antonio),89歲,阿根廷庇隆主義政黨政治家和商人。[90]
  • Lorentz Eldjarn,86歲,挪威生物化學家。[91]
  • 瑪麗安·弗雷德里克森(Marianne Fredriksson),79歲,瑞典作家和記者,心臟病發作。[92]
  • 德里克·加德納(Derek Gardner),92歲,英國海洋畫家。[93]
  • 現年84歲的美國阿拉巴馬州參議員兼律師查理斯·蘭福德(Charles Langford)在蒙哥馬利(Montgomery)巴士抵制期間代表羅莎·帕克斯(Rosa Parks)。[94]
  • Jules Maenen,75歲,荷蘭奧運自行車運動員。[95]
  • 尤努斯·帕爾維茲(Yunus Parvez),75歲,印度寶萊塢演員,糖尿病併發症。[96]
  • 吉姆·里卡(Jim Ricca),79歲,美式橄欖球運動員(華盛頓紅人隊,費城老鷹隊,底特律雄獅隊),腦動脈瘤。[97]
  • 喬·威爾金森(Joe Wilkinson),72歲,英格蘭足球運動員(哈特爾浦聯隊)。[98]
  • 維奧萊特·巴拉薩(Violet Barasa),31歲,肯亞女排隊長,奧運會選手。[99]
  • 沃倫·巴切爾德(Warren Batchelder),89歲,華納兄弟(Warner Bros)的美國動畫師。[100]
  • Georg Buschner,81歲,東德足球教練,前列腺癌。[101]
  • 吉米·坎貝爾(Jimmy Campbell),63歲,英國音樂家。[102]
  • 瓦盧查·德卡斯特羅(Valucha deCastro),77歲,巴西音樂家,肝病。[103]
  • 彼得·艾倫肖(Peter Ellenshaw),93歲,英國出生的美國特效技術員(《瑪麗·波平斯》《黑洞》)和啞光畫家(迪克·特雷西),奧斯卡獎得主(1965年)。[104]
  • 湯瑪斯·費爾柴爾德(Thomas E. Fairchild),94歲,美國聯邦上訴法院法官。[105]
  • 佩吉·吉伯特(Peggy Gilbert),102歲,美國爵士薩克斯管演奏家和樂隊領隊,髖關節手術併發症。[106]
  • 艾倫·漢利(Ellen Hanley),80歲,美國百老匯戲劇女演員,中風。[107]
  • 約瑟夫·洛(Joseph Low),95歲,美國童書插畫家。[108]
  • 麥克勞德的約翰·麥克勞德,71歲,英國麥克勞德氏族第29任酋長,白血病。[109]
  • 約瑟夫·麥基恩(Joseph McKeown),82歲,英國攝影記者,摔倒後。[110]
  • Hasan Özbekhan,86歲,土耳其經濟學家。[111]
  • Paolo Pileri,62歲,義大利摩托車賽車手(1973-1979),1975年世界冠軍和Capirossi車隊經理,自然原因。[112]
  • 蘭迪·斯通(Randy Stone),48歲,美國短片導演和選角導演(《X檔案》),奧斯卡獎得主(1995年),心力衰竭。[113]
  • Sulejman Talović,18歲,美國鹽湖城狂歡殺手,被員警槍殺。[114]
  • 傑拉爾丁·沃里克-克裡斯曼(Geraldine Warrick-Crisman),76歲,非裔美國電視台高管,前助理新澤西州財政部長,乳腺癌。[115]
  • Eldee Young,71歲,美國音樂家,Ramsey Lewis Trio的貝斯手,心臟病發作。[116]
  • 羅伯特·阿德勒(Robert Adler),93歲,奧地利出生的美國電視遙控器的共同發明者,心力衰竭。[134]
  • 比爾·卡森(Bill Carson),80歲,美國吉他手。[135]
  • 沃克·埃德米斯頓(Walker Edmiston),81歲,美國配音演員(變形金剛,阿爾文與花栗鼠,迪克·特雷西),癌症。[136]
  • 雷·埃文斯(Ray Evans),92歲,美國詞曲作者,傑伊·利文斯頓(Jay Livingston)的搭檔,因《紐扣和蝴蝶結》等熱門歌曲而心臟病發作。[137]
  • 史蒂芬·加德納(Stephen Gardiner),82歲,英國建築師。[138]
  • 巴迪·漢肯(Buddy Hancken),92歲,美國棒球運動員。[139]
  • 丹尼爾·麥克唐納(Daniel McDonald),46歲,美國百老匯演員,腦癌。[140]
  • Mordkhe Schaechter,79歲,美國意第緒語語言學家和詞典編纂者。[141]
  • Mike Awesome,42歲,美國職業摔跤手(ECW,FMW,WCW),上吊自殺。[154][155]
  • Mehmet Altınsoy,82歲,土耳其政治家,顱內出血。[156]
  • Mai Ghoussoub,54歲,黎巴嫩作家和出版商。[157]
  • 尤爾加·伊萬瑙斯凱特,45歲,立陶宛作家,癌症。[158]
  • 玫琳凱,83歲,美國歌手/吉他手,玫琳凱三重奏組長,呼吸和心力衰竭。[159]
  • Dermot O'Reilly,64歲,愛爾蘭出生的加拿大歌手和音樂家,Ryan's Fancy。[160][161]
  • 莫裡斯·帕蓬(Maurice Papon),96歲,法國二戰維希政府官員,因將猶太人驅逐到納粹死亡集中營而被定罪。[162]
  • 珍妮特·布萊爾(Janet Blair),85歲,美國女演員(《我的妹妹愛琳》(My Sister Eileen),《神話般的多爾西》(The Fabulous Dorseys),肺炎併發症。[170][171]
  • Mahala Ashley Dickerson,94歲,美國律師和民權宣導者。[172]
  • 西莉亞·弗蘭卡(Celia Franca),85歲,英國出生的加拿大舞蹈家,加拿大國家芭蕾舞團的創始人和藝術總監。[173][174]
  • Max Hugel,81歲,美國商人和政治人物,前中央情報局行動副局長,癌症。[175]
  • 勒內·因博特(René Imbot),81歲,法國將軍。[176]
  • Ruth Posselt,95歲,美國小提琴家和教育家。[177]
  • 安東尼奧·塞拉皮奧(Antonio Serapio),69歲,菲律賓國會議員,代表巴倫蘇埃拉市,因心臟驟停導致車禍。[178]
  • 威廉·安德森(William Anderson),85歲,來自田納西州的美國國會議員,鸚鵡螺號航空母艦的艦長。[233]
  • P·巴斯卡蘭(P. Bhaskaran),83歲,印度導演,馬拉雅拉姆語作詞家。[234]
  • Jean Grelaud,108歲,法國第一次世界大戰老兵,最後三名「官方」第一次世界大戰老兵之一。[235]
  • 塞薩爾·凱澤(César Keiser),81歲,瑞士喜劇演員、電臺名人和演員。[236]
  • 馬克·斯波爾斯特拉(Mark Spoelstra),66歲,美國民謠歌手,格林威治村音樂界的資深人士,胰腺癌。[237]


  1. ^ Ratliff, Ben. Whitney Balliett, Jazz Critic, Is Dead at 80. The New York Times. 2 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  2. ^ Vanderberg, Bob. Ray Berres 1907–2007. Chicago Tribune. 3 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  3. ^ Emery Bopp obituary. The Greenville News. 4 February 2007 [4 September 2018] –透過Legacy.com. 
  4. ^ Ahmad Abu Laban, Leading Danish Imam, Dies at 60. The New York Times. Associated Press. 4 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  5. ^ Holland, Bernard. Gian Carlo Menotti, Composer of 'Amahl' and Other Popular Operas, Dies at 95. The New York Times. 2 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  6. ^ Composer Gian Carlo Menotti Dies at 95. Fox News Channel. 1 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2007). 
  7. ^ Miranda, Salvador. Javierre Ortas, S.D.B., Antonio María (1921–2007). The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  8. ^ Morta Adelina Tattilo, pioniera dell'eros pubblicò le prime riviste "hot" italiane. la Repubblica. 2 February 2007 [4 September 2018] (義大利語). 
  9. ^ 'Khon' master Seri passes away at 70. The Nation. 2 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於5 February 2007). 
  10. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Edmund Arnold, 93; Designed Newspapers. The Washington Post. 9 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  11. ^ Yaadon ki Baraat star no more. The Times of India. 2 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於16 September 2011). 
  12. ^ McLellan, Dennis. Loren Grey, 91; son of writer Zane Grey was educational psychologist. Los Angeles Times. 16 February 2006 [4 September 2018]. 
  13. ^ Spinners Singer Billy Henderson Dies. Comcast. 3 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於5 February 2007). 
  14. ^ Joe Hunter, 79, Musician Who Helped Invent Motown Sound, Dies. The New York Times. Associated Press. 8 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  15. ^ Wadey, Paul. Terry McMillan: Dynamic harmonica player. The Independent. 12 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於25 March 2007). 
  16. ^ Perrone, Pierre. Gisèle Pascal: Actress lover of Prince Rainier. The Independent. 8 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於18 February 2007). 
  17. ^ Italian league halted by violence. BBC News. 2 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  18. ^ Martin, Douglas. Eric von Schmidt, 75, a Performer and Inspiration to Folk Singers, Dies. The New York Times. 3 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  19. ^ Gymnastic Olympic gold medalist Takemoto dies at 87. Xinhua News Agency. 5 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 October 2012). 
  20. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Shannon Wall, 87; headed National Maritime Union. Los Angeles Times. 13 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  21. ^ Feuerwerker, Elie. Une pionnière du Judaïsme français. Liliane Ackermann. [20 July 2007]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2007) (法語). 
  22. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. George Becker, Who Led Steelworkers Through Period of Growth, Dies at 78. The New York Times. 6 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  23. ^ Martin, Douglas. Ralph de Toledano, 90, Writer Known as a Nixon Friend, Dies. The New York Times. 6 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  24. ^ Professor Stephan Epstein. The Times. 16 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  25. ^ Pedro Knight, 85, Musician and Manager, Dies. The New York Times. Associated Press. 7 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  26. ^ Mohamed Sanni-Thomas. Sports Reference. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  27. ^ D. D. Thakur cremated. Oneindia. 5 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  28. ^ Steve Barber, All-Star Pitcher Who Once Lost a Wild No-Hitter, Dies at 67. The New York Times. The Associated Press. 7 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  29. ^ Bauer. Sambafoot. 2015 [4 September 2018]. 
  30. ^ Catling, Brian. Paul Burwell: Experimental performance artist. The Independent. 9 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於7 May 2007). 
  31. ^ Prominent Poet Ilia Kormiltsev Passed Away in London. Russia-InfoCentre. 5 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  32. ^ Fox, Margalit. Barbara McNair, 72, a Singer, Actress and Host of a TV Show, Dies. The New York Times. 6 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  33. ^ Genocchio, Benjamin. Jules Olitski, 84, American Abstract Painter, Dies. The New York Times. 5 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  34. ^ Calder, John. John Beckett. The Guardian. 5 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  35. ^ Mr. Arthur Dixon (PDF). Alberta Hansard. 8 March 2007: 7 [4 September 2018]. 
  36. ^ Passing of Cal Glauser, Former Saskatoon MLA. Don Morgan MLA. 10 March 2008 [4 September 2018]. 
  37. ^ Angela King. The Times. 23 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於22 May 2011). 
  38. ^ Lucas, Greg. Leo McCarthy, former lieutenant governor, dies at 76. San Francisco Chronicle. 5 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  39. ^ NEWS Publisher Alfred Worm Is Dead. Gruner + Jahr. 4 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於October 25, 2013). 
  40. ^ Dick Allen Biography. Internet Movie Database. [4 September 2018]. 
  41. ^ Wolfgang Bartels. Sports Reference. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於17 April 2020). 
  42. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Lew Burdette, Masterful Pitcher, Dies at 80. The New York Times. 7 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  43. ^ NZEI Te Riu Roa, mourns the loss of past president. Scoop News. 7 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  44. ^ Chris Rattue: Gentle Kiwi giant always ready for the battle - NZ Herald. The New Zealand Herald. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-28). 
  45. ^ Who is Lee Hoffman?. Lee Hoffman. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於10 February 2007). 
  46. ^ Casey, Donna. 32-year Liberal MP, 'superb' Valley politician dies. Ottawa Sun. 7 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  47. ^ Bob Kimpton. ESPN CricInfo. [4 September 2018]. 
  48. ^ Severo, Richard. Frankie Laine, the Hit-Making Crooner, Dies at 93. The New York Times. 7 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  49. ^ Death of Rainer Merkel, DPA, Germany. CEPIC. [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於20 February 2007). 
  50. ^ Martin, Douglas. Nelson W. Polsby, 72, Author and a Scholar of Politics, Dies. The New York Times. 9 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  51. ^ Professor Sir Gareth Roberts, FRS, FREng. Wolfson College. 7 September 2006 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於6 February 2007). 
  52. ^ First executive producer of CBC's The Fifth Estate dies. CBC Arts. 10 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  53. ^ Martin, Douglas. Bent Skovmand, Seed Protector, Dies at 61. The New York Times. 14 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  54. ^ Harry Webster
  55. ^ Litsky, Frank. Willye B. White, the First 5-Time U.S. Track Olympian, Dies at 67. The New York Times. 7 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  56. ^ Former Browns player Tommy James dies at 83. ESPN NFL. Associated Press. 9 February 2007 [1 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於12 April 2016). 
  57. ^ Markoff, John. Ken Kennedy, 61, a Pioneer of Computer Software, Dies. The New York Times. 9 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  58. ^ Veronica Josephine Lenard. All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. [2019-05-31]. 
  59. ^ The Nobel-prize winning naturist - Alan MacDiarmid remembered. The New Zealand Herald. 8 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  60. ^ Fox, Margalit. Fred Mustard Stewart, 74, Novelist, Dies. The New York Times. 12 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  61. ^ Former Wales prop Williams dies. BBC News. 8 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  62. ^ Joe Edwards, 85, Artist for Archie Comics, Is Dead. The New York Times. Associated Press. 20 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
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  64. ^ Dick Harding. Sports Reference. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  65. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Florence Z. Melton, 95, Creator of Slippers, Dies. The New York Times. 14 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  66. ^ Carter, Al. Texas A&M icon Shelby Metcalf dead at 76. Houston Chronicle. 9 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  67. ^ Muslim executed for trying to "split" China. Thomson Reuters Foundation News. 9 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於6 December 2007). 
  68. ^ Drug overdose killed Anna Nicole. BBC News. 26 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  69. ^ Oldenburg, Ann. Smith: Sad end to a troubled life. USA Today. 8 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  70. ^ Fox, Margalit. Ian Stevenson Dies at 88; Studied Claims of Past Lives. The New York Times. 18 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  71. ^ Peter Thornton. The Daily Telegraph. 24 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  72. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Harriett Woods; Inspired Creation of Emily's List. The Washington Post. 10 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  73. ^ Bock, Hal. Former Yankees OF Hank Bauer Dies at 84. The Washington Post. 9 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  74. ^ Francisco Calamita. Sports Reference. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  75. ^ Martin, Douglas. Eddie Feigner, Hard-Throwing, Barnstorming Showman of Softball, Dies at 81. The New York Times. 13 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  76. ^ Artist Benedict Kiely dies aged 87. The Irish Times. 9 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  77. ^ Emil Kiszka. Sports Reference. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  78. ^ 'My kayak's sinking'. The Sydney Morning Herald. 10 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  79. ^ House of Cards' Richardson dies. BBC News. 9 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  80. ^ Actor Ian Richardson dies, aged 72. Raidió Teilifís Éireann. 9 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  81. ^ Former Italian Rider Bruno Ruffo dies. RubberMag.com. 12 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於27 September 2007). 
  82. ^ Bill Clement. The Daily Telegraph. 3 April 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  83. ^ Gaydar founder death fall probed. BBC News. 12 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  84. ^ Actress Jeong Da-bin found dead in suspected suicide. Yonhap. 10 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於21 February 2007). 
  85. ^ Oliver, Greg. Noted historian James C. Melby dies. SLAM! Wrestling. 11 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 原始內容存檔於July 18, 2012. 
  86. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Charles Swartz, 67; took film to the digital age. Los Angeles Times. 14 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  87. ^ Charles Walgreen Jr., 100, Who Built the Family Drug Chain, Is Dead. The New York Times. Bloomberg News. 13 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  88. ^ Silvers, Amy Rabideau. Laughter was Willis' life. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 14 February 2007 [29 September 2012]. (原始內容存檔於28 September 2012). 
  89. ^ TenBruggencate, Jan. David Boynton was nature buff. The Honolulu Advertiser. February 12, 2007 [22 January 2010]. 
  90. ^ Falleció el empresario peronista Jorge Antonio. La Nación. 13 February 2007 [1 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2012) (西班牙語). 
  91. ^ Lorentz Eldjarn. Norwegian Death Index. [6 October 2016]. (原始內容存檔於9 October 2016). 
  92. ^ Swedish author Fredriksson dies. Reuters. 11 February 2007 [1 September 2018]. 
  93. ^ Derek Gardner. The Daily Telegraph. 12 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  94. ^ Charles Langford, 84, Lawyer Who Represented Rosa Parks, Dies. The New York Times. 20 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  95. ^ Jules Maenen. Cycling Archives. [4 September 2018]. 
  96. ^ Film actor Yunus Parvez dies. The Hindu. 11 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於30 September 2007). 
  97. ^ Holley, Joe. James Ricca; 'Mammoth' Lineman for Redskins. The Washington Post. 14 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  98. ^ Joe Wilkinson. Barry Hugman's Footballers. 
  99. ^ Violet Barasa: Kenya's greatest volleyball player. KenyaPage.net. 8 April 2012 [4 September 2018]. 
  100. ^ Warren Batchelder (1917–2007). Internet Movie Database. [4 September 2018]. 
  101. ^ DDR-Trainerlegende Georg Buschner ist tot. Die Welt. 12 February 2007 [1 September 2018] (德語). 
  102. ^ Leigh, Spencer. Jimmy Campbell: Writer of psychedelic classics. The Independent. 14 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  103. ^ Valucha deCastro. Chicago Tribune. 18 March 2007 [4 September 2018] –透過Legacy.com. 
  104. ^ Hill, Jim. Remembering Peter Ellenshaw : 1913 - 2007. jimhillmedia.com. 13 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於February 23, 2007). 
  105. ^ Sander, Libby. Thomas Fairchild, 94, Dies; Tried to Unseat McCarthy. The New York Times. 15 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  106. ^ Fox, Margalit. Peggy Gilbert, 102, Dies; Led Female Jazz Ensembles. The New York Times. 25 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  107. ^ Ellen Hanley, 80, Actress in Musicals, Dies. The New York Times. Associated Press. 14 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  108. ^ Heller, Steven. Joseph Low, 95, Illustrator of Children's Books, Dies. The New York Times. 20 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  109. ^ Clan MacLeod chief dies aged 71. BBC News. 14 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  110. ^ Joseph McKeown. The Times. 9 April 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於24 May 2011). 
  111. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Hasan Ozbekhan, 86, Economist Who Helped Found Global Group, Dies. The New York Times. 26 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  112. ^ O'Leary, Jamie. Paolo Pileri dies. Eurosport.com. 19 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於22 February 2007). 
  113. ^ Randy Stone. Los Angeles Times. 15 February 2007 [4 September 2018] –透過Legacy.com. 
  114. ^ Johnson, Kirk. Sense of Loss and Unease After Salt Lake Slayings. The New York Times. 14 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  115. ^ AWRT honors the life of former AWRT National President Geraldine Warrick-Crisman (PDF). News & Views. Vol. VI no. III (American Women in Radio and Television). March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於4 March 2016). 
  116. ^ Patterson, Ian. Bassist Eldee Young Passes Away. All About Jazz. 2 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於5 March 2007). 
  117. ^ van der Vat, Dan. General Sir Charles Harington. The Guardian. 22 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  118. ^ Author Elizabeth Jolley dies, aged 83. ABC News. 20 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於9 March 2007). 
  119. ^ Fox, Margalit. Bruce Metzger, Scholar and Bible Translator, Dies at 93. The New York Times. 16 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  120. ^ Georgia congressman Norwood dies. CNN. 14 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於16 February 2007). 
  121. ^ Model Dies of Heart Attack. Sky News. 15 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 March 2007). 
  122. ^ Swedish Actress Johanna Sällström Dead. Junk Culture. 14 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於27 September 2007). 
  123. ^ Air Marshal Sir Richard Wakeford. The Daily Telegraph. 20 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  124. ^ Ryan Larkin, famed Canadian animator: 63. Toronto Star. 16 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  125. ^ Obituaries. Tanzanian Affairs. 1 May 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  126. ^ Falleció Benito Medero. El Espectador. 15 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於26 September 2007) (西班牙語). 
  127. ^ Gareth Morris. The Times. 27 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於22 May 2011). 
  128. ^ John O'Banion Passed away. ACMJ International Blog. 17 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  129. ^ Lee Patterson
  130. ^ Gray, Richard. John Penn. The Guardian. 28 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  131. ^ Stage director Pimlott dies at 52. BBC News. 15 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  132. ^ Richard S. Prather: Creator of the private eye Shell Scott. The Independent. 27 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於3 March 2007). 
  133. ^ Heydarpour, Roja. Emmett Williams, 81, Fluxus-Movement Poet, Dies. The New York Times. 1 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  134. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Robert Adler, 93; Engineer, Co-Inventor of TV Remote Control. The Washington Post. 17 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  135. ^ Laing, Dave. Bill Carson. The Guardian. 14 May 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  136. ^ McLellan, Dennis. Walker Edmiston, 81; voice artist, puppeteer was host of early L.A. children's TV show. Los Angeles Times. 27 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  137. ^ Que Sera composer Ray Evans dies. BBC News. 17 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  138. ^ Stephen Gardiner. The Times. 16 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 February 2007). 
  139. ^ Rollinson, Jason. Hancken moves on to Field of Dreams. The Port Arthur News. 18 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於4 August 2007). 
  140. ^ Actor Daniel McDonald dies at 46. Yahoo! News. 20 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於22 February 2007). 
  141. ^ Saxon, Wolfgang. Mordkhe Schaechter, 79, Leading Yiddish Linguist, Dies. The New York Times. 16 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  142. ^ Samararatne Dharmasena. Sports Reference. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  143. ^ 1983 coffin-burning Peronist Herminio Iglesias dies. Buenos Aires Herald. 17 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於28 September 2007). 
  144. ^ Hammel, Andrea. Jakov Lind. The Guardian. 26 April 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  145. ^ Norman Miscampbell. The Times. 24 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於22 May 2011). 
  146. ^ Sheridan Morley. The Times. 17 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於20 February 2007). 
  147. ^ Nightingale, Benedict. Sheridan Morley, British Theater Critic and Biographer, Dies at 65. The New York Times. 19 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  148. ^ Critic Morley Died of Heart Failure - Inquest. Life Style Extra. 15 May 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於19 May 2007). 
  149. ^ O'Connor, Anahad. Ralph Penza, 74, New York TV Newsman. The New York Times. 18 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  150. ^ Ralph Penza Passes Away At Age 74. WNBC. 16 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於19 February 2007). 
  151. ^ Pau, Aivar. Suri kirjanik Lilli Promet. Eesti Päevaleht. 18 February 2007 [4 September 2018] (愛沙尼亞語). 
  152. ^ Longtime Kentucky Congressman Gene Snyder, 79. The Washington Post. 19 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  153. ^ John G. Truxal. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. [4 September 2018]. 
  154. ^ Meltzer, Dave. Former ECW champ Mike Awesome passes away. Wrestling Observer. 19 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於27 September 2007). 
  155. ^ Mike Awesome passes away. WWE. 19 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於28 February 2007). 
  156. ^ Eski Bakanlardan Mehmet Altınsoy'un Cenazesi Toprağa Veriliyor. Haberler.com. 19 February 2007 [4 September 2018] (土耳其語). 
  157. ^ Martin, Douglas. Mai Ghoussoub, 54, Writer and Provocative Publisher, Dies. The New York Times. 1 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  158. ^ Lithuanian author Jurga Ivanauskaite is dead. Monsters and Critics. 18 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  159. ^ Mary Kaye of Trio dies at 83 in Las Vegas. Las Vegas Sun. 17 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於30 September 2007). 
  160. ^ Musician Dermott O'Reilly of Ryan's Fancy dies. CTV News. 17 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於26 March 2007). 
  161. ^ Ryan's Fancy singer dies in St. John's. CBC Arts. 18 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於27 February 2007). 
  162. ^ Whitney, Craig R. Maurice Papon, Convicted Vichy Official, 96, Dies. The New York Times. 18 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  163. ^ Kinsman, Michael. Lawrence Fogel, 78; artificial intelligence theorist. The San Diego Union-Tribune. 23 February 2007 [13 June 2013]. (原始內容存檔於7 October 2012). 
  164. ^ Barbara Gittings, early gay rights activist, dies at 75. Centre Daily Times. 18 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於2 March 2007). 
  165. ^ Remembering Félix Lévitan
  166. ^ Evanier, Mark. Bob Oksner, R.I.P.. News From Me. 18 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2011). 
  167. ^ Fox, Margalit. Frank M. Snowden Jr., 95, Historian of Blacks in Antiquity, Dies. The New York Times. 28 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  168. ^ Juan Vicens, Puerto Rican basketball star, dies at 72. Sporting News.com. 18 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2007-11-20). 
  169. ^ Jack Wood (II) (1924–2007). Internet Movie Database. [4 September 2018]. 
  170. ^ Janet Blair, 85, Actress in Films Who Shifted to TV in the '50s, Dies. The New York Times. The Associated Press. 22 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  171. ^ Janet Blair, star of '40s musicals, dies at 85. The Hollywood Reporter. 21 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於22 February 2007). 
  172. ^ Mahala Ashley Dickerson - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [2 April 2024]. 
  173. ^ Enman, Charles. Celia Franca dies in hospital. Ottawa Citizen. 19 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2007) –透過Canada.com. 
  174. ^ Anderson, Jack. Celia Franca, 85, Dies; Founded National Ballet of Canada. The New York Times. 22 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  175. ^ Max Hugel, 81; Led Reagan Effort in N.H.. The Washington Post. 23 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  176. ^ René Imbot. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [2 April 2024] (法語). 
  177. ^ Ruth Posselt - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [2 April 2024]. 
  178. ^ Rep. Serapio dies in vehicular accident. The Manila Times. 20 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於19 December 2007). 
  179. ^ General Sir John Akehurst. The Daily Telegraph. 6 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  180. ^ Texas A&M chemist F. Albert Cotton dies at age 76. Houston Chronicle. 20 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  181. ^ Texas A&M chemist F. Albert Cotton dies at age 76. Houston Chronicle. 20 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  182. ^ Sir Michael Hart. The Times. 2 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 March 2007). 
  183. ^ DePalma, Anthony. Ronald Hilton, 95, Scholar of Latin America, Dies. The New York Times. 24 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  184. ^ Sir Edward Gordon Jones. The Daily Telegraph. 27 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  185. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Siegfried Landau, Conductor, Dies at 85. The New York Times. 21 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  186. ^ Strack-Zimmermann, Benjamin. Amos Mariani. National Football Teams.com. [4 September 2018]. 
  187. ^ Carl-Henning Pedersen, 93, Danish Painter in Cobra Movement, Dies. The New York Times. Associated Press. 23 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  188. ^ Kenneth Steer. The Times. 17 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  189. ^ Pakistani minister killed for refusing to wear veil. The Australian. 21 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 February 2007). 
  190. ^ Rich Tom. Sports Reference. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  191. ^ TV actor Derek Waring dies aged 79. Yahoo! News. 21 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於2 March 2007). 
  192. ^ Robert W. Young, 94; linguist helped create Navajo dictionaries. Los Angeles Times. 19 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  193. ^ Eine markante Stimme ist verstummt: Offizielles Communiqué anlässlich des Todes von Daniel Boemle – Maler, Moderator und Lebenskünstler (PDF). Machata.ch. [4 September 2018] (德語). 
  194. ^ One of Canada's last WWI veterans dies. CBC News. 22 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於June 7, 2022). 
  195. ^ Sherman Jones. Historic Baseball. [4 September 2018]. 
  196. ^ Jim Kennedy. ESPN CricInfo. [4 September 2018]. 
  197. ^ Keith Kyle. The Daily Telegraph. 22 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  198. ^ Cole, Rob. John Robins: Revered rugby player and coach. The Independent. 7 April 2007 [7 April 2007]. (原始內容存檔於23 September 2007). 
  199. ^ Ex-Iowa State star Stevens dies at 43 while working out. CBS Sportsline. 21 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於3 February 2013). 
  200. ^ Al Viola, Guitarist Who Worked With Frank Sinatra for 25 Years, Dies at 87
  201. ^ Tannenbaum, Gershon. Rabbi Avrohom Blumenkrantz (1944–2007). The Jewish Press. 28 February 2007 [2 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於2 March 2007). 
  202. ^ Lothar-Günther Buchheim, 89, German Author and Art Collector, Dies. The New York Times. Associated Press. 24 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  203. ^ Gaudette, Karen. Artist Irwin "Cap" Caplan drew from his humor, imagination to find success. The Seattle Times. 25 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於13 August 2007). 
  204. ^ Zomrel Jozef Dunajovec. SME. 26 February 2007 [4 September 2018] (斯洛伐克語). 
  205. ^ Edgar Evans. The Daily Telegraph. 26 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  206. ^ Kavanagh, Dennis. Earl Jellicoe. The Independent. 24 February 2007 [24 February 2007]. (原始內容存檔於19 November 2007). 
  207. ^ Former Celtics guard Dennis Johnson dies at 52. ESPN. 23 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  208. ^ Sierra Leone war crimes suspect dies. BBC News. 22 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  209. ^ Dutch director Rademakers dies. BBC News. 23 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  210. ^ Smith, Quinton. Oregon's last World War I veteran dies. The Oregonian. 23 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  211. ^ Obituary: George Robertson. Ampleforth College. March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於8 August 2007). 
  212. ^ Cooper, Peter. Ian Wallace, respected session drummer, dies. The Tennessean. 24 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2007-02-26). 
  213. ^ Green, John. Heinz Berggruen: Jewish art collector. The Guardian. 23 May 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  214. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Donnie Brooks, 71; L.A. singer had Top 10 hit 'Mission Bell'. Los Angeles Times. 28 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  215. ^ Period of silence for Jock Dodds. Everton F.C. 5 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於5 March 2007). 
  216. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Robert Engler, 84; Writer Assailed Oil Industry on Accountability. The Washington Post. 6 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  217. ^ Stewart, Jocelyn Y. Winthrop Jordan, 75; writer explored US racial history. The Boston Globe. 13 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  218. ^ Will Maslow, 99; lawyer fought for minority rights. Los Angeles Times. Associated Press. 27 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  219. ^ Hill, Ron. CRRM Co-founder Robert W. Richardson Dies at age 96. Colorado Railroad Museum. 5 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  220. ^ Baldwin, Chris. Potters' legend passes away. Vital Stoke. 24 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於September 28, 2007). 
  221. ^ Pascal Yoadimnadji, 56; prime minister of Chad, ex-agriculture minister. Los Angeles Times. 24 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  222. ^ Bryan Balkwill. The Daily Telegraph. 9 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  223. ^ Miller, Stephen. Herman Brix, 100, Olympian and Film Tarzan. The New York Sun. 28 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  224. ^ Kåre Olav Berg. Sports Reference. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  225. ^ Klal Yisroel's Loss. Jewish Press. 28 February 2007.  [失效連結]
  226. ^ Mario Chanes de Armas, 80, Dies; Jailed by Castro. The New York Times. Associated Press. 27 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  227. ^ Obituary: Charles Frederick Ehret. Legacy.com. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-27). 
  228. ^ Fordham, John. Leroy Jenkins. The Guardian. 16 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  229. ^ 'Fearsome Foursome' member Lundy dies at 71. ESPN. 25 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  230. ^ Tragedy hits Broncos: tailback Nash collapses, dies. ESPN. 25 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  231. ^ George Preas, Key Blocker for '58 Colts, Dies at 73. The New York Times. 27 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  232. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Paul Secon, Entrepreneur Who Helped Found Pottery Barn, Dies at 91. The New York Times. 7 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  233. ^ McLellan, Dennis. William Anderson, 85; commanded submarine that reached North Pole. Los Angeles Times. 6 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  234. ^ Malayalam film veteran P. Bhaskaran passes away. Monsters and Critics. 25 February 2007 [1 March 2007]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  235. ^ Hopquin, Benoît. Jean Grelaud, ancien combattant de la première guerre mondiale. Le Monde. 8 March 2007 [4 September 2018] (法語). 
  236. ^ César Keiser. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [2 April 2024] (法語). 
  237. ^ McCoy, Brian. Spoelstra, folk and blues musician, dies at age 67. Recordnet.com. 28 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-27). 
  238. ^ Anderson, John Robert. Encyclopedia of Australian Science. The University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre. [4 September 2018]. 
  239. ^ Angelo Arcidiacono. Sports Reference. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於17 April 2020). 
  240. ^ Falleció juez Raúl Alonso de Marco. El País. [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2007-11-19) (西班牙語). 
  241. ^ Smith, Lisa. Spitfire legend Alex Henshaw dies. Birmingham Mail. 27 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2011-06-04). 
  242. ^ Baroness Jeger. The Times. 2 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 March 2007). 
  243. ^ David McGuire. ESPN CricInfo. [4 September 2018]. 
  244. ^ Falleció Sergio Previtali. Montevideo Portal. 27 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於9 March 2007) (西班牙語). 
  245. ^ 高松英郎さんが死去/「柔道一直線」の師匠役 (日語)
  246. ^ Brian Belle dies aged 92. ESPN CricInfo. 27 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  247. ^ Russell Churney. The Times. 13 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  248. ^ Baron Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven. The Times. 10 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於14 March 2007). 
  249. ^ Wayne Hooper Dies at Age 86. Voice of Prophecy. [28 October 2008]. (原始內容存檔於25 June 2008). 
  250. ^ Henry, Michele. He made Toronto a safer city. Toronto Star. 4 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  251. ^ Bouchette, Ed. Elbie Nickel / Best tight end in Steelers history. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 2 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於10 October 2016). 
  252. ^ Kilgannon, Corey. Bobby Rosengarden, 82, 'Dick Cavett Show' Bandleader, Dies. The New York Times. 2 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  253. ^ Mel Swart, 87, a true NDP icon. Toronto Star. 1 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  254. ^ Judith Toups. Birder's World. 2 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  255. ^ Amis, John. Julian Budden. The Guardian. 7 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  256. ^ Hotel baron Lord Forte dies at 98. BBC News. 28 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  257. ^ Alexander King; Charismatic scientist. The Times. 15 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  258. ^ First U.S. Central Command chief, Robert Kingston, dies. St Petersburg Times. 2 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於22 May 2011). 
  259. ^ Alexei Komech; Author and scholar. The Times. 17 March 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  260. ^ HRH Princess Marie Adelaïde and her descendants. Genealogy of the Grand-Ducal Family of Luxembourg. 25 November 2007 [4 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於28 October 2009). 
  261. ^ Martin, Douglas. Arthur Schlesinger, Historian of Power, Dies at 89. The New York Times. 28 February 2007 [4 September 2018]. 
  262. ^ Sir John Smith, Founder of the Landmark Trust. The Independent. 1 March 2007 [1 September 2018]. (原始內容存檔於3 March 2007). 
  263. ^ Public service to honour Billy Thorpe. The Sydney Morning Herald. 1 March 2007 [4 September 2018].