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以下是 TED大會演講嘉賓的列表[1],請將更新放至TED演講嘉賓列表


講者 領域 題目
Chris Abani 娛樂 學習非洲的故事 (2007)
Telling Stories of our Shared Humanity (2008)
J·J·亞柏拉罕 科技
The Mystery Box (2007)
Chimamanda Adichie The danger of a single story (2009)
José Antonio Abreu Kids Transformed by Music (2009)
Newton Aduaka Entertainment The Story of Ezra, a Child Soldier (2007)
Anand Agarawala Technology
BumpTop Desktop is a Beautiful Mess (2007)
Blaise Aguera y Arcas Technology
Jaw-Dropping Photosynth Demo (2007)
Zeresenay Alemseged Finding the Origins of Humanity (2007)
Isabel Allende Tales of Passion (2007)
Charles Anderson Charles Anderson discovers dragonflies that cross oceans (2009)
Chris Anderson (TED) A Vision for TED (2002)
Chris Anderson (Wired) Technology Technology's Long Tail (2004)
Paola Antonelli Technology
Treating Design as Art (2007)
Design and the Elastic Mind (2007)
Dan Ariely Are we in Control of our Own Decisions? (2009)
Our Buggy Moral Code (2009)
Karen Armstrong TED Prize: Charter for Compassion (2008)
Let's revive the Golden Rule (2009)
Rachel Armstrong Architecture that repairs itself? (2009)
Kristen Ashburn Heartrending Pictures of AIDS (2003)
Patrick Awuah Educating a New Generation of African Leaders (2007)
George Ayittey Cheetahs vs. Hippos for Africa's Future (2007)


講者 領域 題目
Robert Ballard Exploring the Ocean's Hidden Worlds (2008)
Chris Bangle Technology
Great Cars are Art (2002)
Richard Baraniuk Technology Goodbye, Textbooks; Hello, Open-Source Learning (2006)
Dan Barber Entertainment A Surprising Parable of Foie Gras (2008)
Thomas Barnett Technology The Pentagon's New Map for War and Peace (2005)
Keith Barry Entertainment Brain Magic (2004)
Yves Behar Design Creating Objects That Tell Stories (2008)
Keith Bellows Entertainment Celebrating the Camel (2002)
Arthur T. Benjamin Entertainment Lightning Calculation and Other "Mathemagic" (2005)
Yochai Benkler Open-Source Economics (2005)
Paul Bennett Technology
Design is in the Details (2005)
Janine Benyus 科技
12 Sustainable Design Ideas From Nature (2005)
Biomimicry in action (2009)
蒂姆·伯納斯-李 科技 The next Web of open, linked data (2009)
傑弗里·貝索斯 科技 After the Gold Rush, There's Innovation Ahead (2003)
Mark Bittman What's Wrong With What We Eat (2007)
Susan Blackmore 科技 Memes and "Temes" (2008)
大衛·布萊恩 Entertainment How I Held My Breath for 17 Minutes (2010)
Becky Blanton The year I was homeless (2009)
Kwabena Boahen Making a Computer that Works Like the Brain (2007)
David Bolinsky Technology
Fantastic Voyage Inside a Cell (2007)
波諾 Entertainment TED Prize: Join my Call to Action on Africa (2005)
Alain de Botton A kinder, gentler philosophy of success (2009)
Phil Borges Documenting our Endangered Cultures (2006)
Penelope Boston Technology Life on Mars? Let's Look in the Caves (2006)
Nick Bostrom Technology Humanity's Biggest Problems Aren't What You Think They Are (2005)
Bruno Bowden and Rufus Cappadocia Entertainment Origami, Blindfolded and to Music (2008)
Stewart Brand Technology Building a Home for the Clock of the Long Now (2004)
Why Squatter Cities are a Good Thing (2006)
Stewart Brand proclaims 4 environmental 'heresies' (2009)
理查·布蘭森 Technology
Life at 30,000 Feet (2007)
Rory Bremner Rory Bremner's one-man world summit (2009)
Larry Brilliant Technology TED Prize: Help Stop the Next Pandemic (2006)
The Case for Informed Optimism (2007)
科技 Inside the Google Machine (2004)
Stefana Broadbent 科技 How the Internet enables intimacy (2009)
Rodney Brooks 科技
How Robots Will Invade Our Lives (2003)
Tim Brown 設計 The Powerful Link Between Creativity and Play (2008)
Tim Brown urges designers to think big (2009)
Patricia Burchat 科技 The Search for Dark Energy and Dark Matter (2008)
James Balog Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss (2009)
戈登·布朗 Wiring a web for global good (2009)
Gordon Brown on global ethic vs. national interest (2009) (Q&A following initial talk)
Dan Buettner How to live to be 100+ (2009)
James Burchfield Technology
Sound Stylings by a Human Beatbox (2003)
Larry Burns Technology
Reinventing the Car (2005)
Edward Burtynsky Technology TED Prize: Share the Story of Earth's Manufactured Landscapes (2005)
Edward Burtynsky photographs the landscape of oil (2009)


講者 領域 題目
詹姆斯·卡麥隆 Curiosity -- it's the most powerful thing you own (2010)
David Carson Entertainment
Design, Discovery and Humor (2003)
Majora Carter Greening the Ghetto (2006)
Cameron Carpenter Cameron Carpenter's dizzying improv on the organ (2008)
Jamais Cascio Technology Tools for Building a Better World (2006)
Robin Chase Technology Getting Cars Off the Road and Data into the Skies (2007)
Jan Chipchase Technology
Our Cell Phones, Ourselves (2007)
Caleb Chung Technology
Come Play with Pleo the Dinosaur (2007)
比爾·柯林頓 Technology TED Prize: Let's Build a Health Care System in Rwanda (2007)
Paul Collier 4 Ways to Improve the Lives of the "Bottom Billion" (2008)
Ann Cooper Reinventing the School Lunch (2007)
Steven Cowley Fusion is energy's future (2009)
Brian Cox Technology An Inside Tour of the World's Biggest Supercollider (2008)
What went wrong in the Large Hadron Collider (2009)
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Creativity, Fulfillment and Flow (2004)


講者 領域 題目
Wade Davis Endangered Cultures (2003)
Worldwide Web of Belief and Ritual (2008)
理查·道金斯 An atheist's call to arms (2002)
The universe is queerer than we can suppose (2005)
Paul Debevec Paul Debevec animates a photo-real digital face (2009)
Aubrey de Grey Technology Why we age and how we can avoid it (2005)
Christopher deCharms Technology Looking inside the brain in real time (2008)
Carmen Agra Deedy Carmen Agra Deedy spins stories
丹尼爾·丹尼特 Dan Dennett on dangerous memes (2002)
Dan Dennett on our consciousness (2003)
Dan Dennett's response to Rick Warren (2006)
Cute, sexy, sweet, funny (2009)
Joe DeRisi Technology Hunting the next killer virus (2006)
David Deutsch Technology What is our place in the cosmos? (2005)
A new way to explain explanation (2009)
Peter Diamandis Our Next Giant Leap (2008)
Stephen Hawking in Zero G (2008)
賈德·戴蒙 Why Societies Collapse
約翰·杜爾 Salvation and Profit in Greentech (2007)
Thomas Dolby and Rochelle Garnier Entertainment La Vie en Rose (2004)
Peter Donnelly Technology How juries are fooled by statistics (2005)
Gustavo Dudamel and the Teresa Carreño Youth Orchestra Entertainment Gustavo Dudamel leads El Sistema's top youth orchestra (2009)
Ian Dunbar Dog Friendly Dog Training (2007)
Benjamin B. Dunlap Ben Dunlap talks about a passionate life (2007)
Freeman Dyson Technology Let's look for life in the outer solar system (2003)
George Dyson Technology Let's take a nuclear-powered rocket to Saturn (2002)
The birth of the computer (2003)


講者 領域 題目
Sophal Ear Escaping the Khmer Rouge (2009)
Sylvia Earle TED Prize Wish to Protect our Oceans (2009)
Kenichi Ebina Entertainment Magic Moves (2007)
Dave Eggers Entertainment
TED Prize: Once Upon a School (2008)
Ron Eglash Technology African fractals, in buildings and braids (2007)
Einstein the Parrot Entertainment Einstein the Parrot talks and squawks (2007)
Shereen El Feki Pop culture in the Arab world (2009)
Charles Elachi Technology The story of the Mars Rovers (2008)
Olafur Eliasson Playing with space and light (2009)
Juan Enriquez Technology Decoding the future with genomics (2003)
Why can't we grow new energy? (2007)
Beyond the crisis, mindboggling science and the arrival of Homo evolutis (2009)
伊芙·恩斯勒 Happiness in Body and Soul (2004)
Security (2005)
Ethel "Blue Room" (2006)
Paul W. Ewald Technology Can we domesticate germs?(2007)
Corneille Ewango Hero of the Congo Forest (2007)


講者 領域 題目
Jim Fallon Exploring the mind of a killer (2009)
Noah Feldman Technology Politics and Religion are Technologies
Robert Fischell Technology
TED Prize: Finding New Cures for Migraine, Depression, Malpractice (2005)
Helen Fisher Studying the Brain in Love (2008)
Why we Love + Cheat (2006)
James Forbes Compassion at the dinner table (2009)
Baron Foster
Cary Fowler One seed at a time, protecting the future of food (2009)
Jon Francis
Ze Frank Entertainment Nerdcore Comedy (2004)
Robert Full Technology How engineers learn from evolution (2002)
Secrets of movement, from geckos and roaches (2005)
Learning from the gecko's tail (2009)


講者 領域 題目
Eleni Gabre-Madhin Eleni Gabre-Madhin on Ethiopian economics (2007)
Peter Gabriel Technology Fighting injustice with a videocamera (2006)
David Gallo Technology The deep oceans: a ribbon of life (1998)
Underwater astonishments (2007)
Arthur Ganson Design Making a Moving Sculpture
比爾·蓋茲 Technology How I'm trying to change the world now (2009)
James Geary James Geary, metaphorically speaking (2009)
Frank Gehry Then What? (2002)
Frank Gehry as a Young Rebel (1990)
Murray Gell-Mann Beauty and Truth in Physics (2007)
Do All Languages Have a Common Ancestor? (2007)
John Gerzema The post-crisis consumer (2009)
Neil Gershenfeld Technology The beckoning promise of personal fabrication (2006)
Ashraf Ghani Rebuilding Broken States (2005)
Andrea Ghez The hunt for a supermassive black hole (2009)
Daniel Gilbert Dan Gilbert asks, Why are we happy? (2004)
伊莉莎白·吉兒伯特 Nuturing Creativity (2009)
Eric Giler Eric Giler demos wireless electricity (2009)
麥爾坎·葛拉威爾 Technology What we can learn from spaghetti sauce (2004)
Milton Glaser Using Design to Make Ideas New (1998)
Evelyn Glennie Showing How to Listen (2003)
Misha Glenny Misha Glenny investigates global crime networks (2009)
Seth Godin Technology Seth Godin on standing out (2003)
The tribes we lead (2009)
Ian Goldin Navigating our global future (2009)
Daniel Goleman Compassion (2007)
Jane Goodall Technology What separates us from the apes? (2002)
Helping humans and animals live together in Africa (2007)
Deborah Gordon Digging Ants (2003)
艾爾·高爾 15種避免氣候危機的方式 (2006)
New Thinking on the Climate Crisis (2008)
Billy Graham Technology Technology, faith and human shortcomings (1998)
Temple Grandin The world needs all kinds of minds (2010)
Evan Grant Making sound visible through cymatics (2009)
Lennart Green Entertainment Close-Up Card Magic
布萊恩·葛林 String Theory (2005)
Saul Griffith Technology Hardware solutions to everyday problems (2006)
Bill Gross Technology Great ideas for finding new energy (2003)
Adam Grosser Technology A new vision for refrigeration (2007)


講者 領域 題目
Jonathan Haidt The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives (2008)
Jefferson Han Jeff Han demos his breakthrough touchscreen (2006)
賀比·漢考克 Herbie Hancock's all-star set (2009)
David Hanson Robots that "show emotion" (2009)
Jonathan Harris The Web's secret stories (2007)
Asher Hasan Asher Hasan's message of peace from Pakistan (2009)
Jeff Hawkins Jeff Hawkins on how brain science will change computing (2003)
Imogen Heap Imogen Heap plays "Wait It Out" (2009)
Andy Hobsbawm
John Hodgman Entertainment A Brief Digression on Matters of Lost Time (2008)
David Hoffman
David Holt
Tom Honey Tom Honey on God and the tsunami (2005)
Rob Hopkins Transition to a world without oil (2009)
Carl Honoré Carl Honore praises slowness (2005)
Sirena Huang Sirena Huang dazzles on violin (2006)
Allison Hunt Allison Hunt gets (a new) hip (2007)


講者 領域 題目
比亞克·英厄爾斯 3 warp-speed architecture tales (2009)
Garik Israelian How spectroscopy could reveal alien life (2009)


講者 領域 題目
Nina Jablonski Nina Jablonski breaks the illusion of skin color (2009)
Alison Jackson
A. J. Jacobs Year of Living Biblically (2007)
Theo Jansen Theo Jansen creates new creatures (2007)
Emmanuel Jal The music of a war child (2009)
Steven Berlin Johnson Steven Johnson tours the Ghost Map (2006)
Chris Jordan
Steve Jurvetson
詹姆斯·卡麥隆 (2010)


講者 領域 題目
Maira Kalman Maira Kalman, the illustrated woman (2007)
Dean Kamen Dean Kamen on inventing and giving (2002)
Dean Kamen previews a new prosthetic arm
威廉·坎寬巴 William Kamkwamba on building a windmill (2007)
How I harnessed the wind (2009)
Doris Kearns Goodwin
David Keith David Keith's unusual climate change idea (2007)
David Kelley David Kelley on human-centered design (2002)
Kevin Kelly Kevin Kelly on how technology evolves (2005)
Miru Kim
Scott Kim Scott Kim takes apart the art of puzzles (2008)
Parag Khanna Parag Khanna maps the future of countries (2009)
Marc Koska Marc Koska: The devastating toll of syringe reuse (2009)
Daniel Kraft Daniel Kraft invents a better way to harvest bone marrow (2009)
Sunitha Krishnan Sunitha Krishnan's fight against sex slavery (2009)
James Howard Kunstler Design The Tragedy of Suburbia (2004)
Pamelia Kurstin
雷蒙德·庫茨魏爾 Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us (2005)
The coming singularity: an Update


講者 領域 題目
Frans Lanting Frans Lanting's lyrical nature photos (2005)
Magnus Larsson Turning dunes into architecture (2009)
Brenda Laurel
Caroline Lavelle Caroline Lavelle casts a spell on cello (2005)
Stephen Lawler Stephen Lawler tours Microsoft Virtual Earth (2007)
Charles Leadbeater Charles Leadbeater on innovation (2005)
Louise Leakey
Jennifer 8. Lee
Johnny Lee
Joseph Lekuton
Mathieu Lehanneur Mathieu Lehanneur demos science-inspired design]]
Jaime Lerner
Lawrence Lessig
Golan Levin Golan Levin on software (as) art (2007)
Golan Levin makes art that looks back at you (2009)
Steven Levitt Steven Levitt analyzes crack economics (2004)
Eric Lewis
Jennifer Lin Jennifer Lin improvs piano magic (2004)
Hod Lipson Hod Lipson builds "self-aware" robots (2007)
Antony Garrett Lisi
John Lloyd John Lloyd inventories the invisible (2009)
Ryan Lobo Photographing the hidden story (2009)
David Logan David Logan on tribal leadership (2009)
Bjørn Lomborg Our priorities for saving the world (2007)
Beau Lotto Optical illusions show how we see (2009)
Ross Lovegrove Ross Lovegrove shares organic designs (2005)
Amory Lovins Amory Lovins on winning the oil endgame (2005)
Greg Lynn


講者 領域 題目
David Macaulay
Paul MacCready Paul MacCready flies on solar wings (2003)
Tod Machover and Dan Ellsey Technology Releasing the music in your head (2008)
Natalie MacMaster Natalie MacMaster fiddles in reel time (2002)
John Maeda John Maeda on the simple life (2007)
Pattie Maes The sixt sense (2009)
Vusi Mahlasela Vusi Mahlasela sings "Thula Mama" (2007)
Vusi Mahlasela's encore, "Woza"
John Markoff
亨利·馬克拉姆 Henry Markram builds a brain in a supercomputer (2009)
Sam Martin Sam Martin on manspaces (2009)
Shaffi Mather A new way to fight corruption (2009)
Thom Mayne Thom Mayne on architecture as connection (2005)
Bruce McCall
Scott McCloud
William McDonough William McDonough on cradle to cradle design (2005)
Nellie McKay
Erin McKean Erin McKean redefines the dictionary (2007)
Raul Midón
Anupam Mishra The ancient ingenuity of water harvesting (2009)
Pranav Mistry The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology (2009)
Elaine Morgan Did we evolve from aquatic apes? (2009)
Evgeny Morozov Evgeny Morozov: How the Net aids dictatorships (2009)
Geoff Mulgan Post-crash, investing in a better world (2009)
Kary Mullis Kary Mullis' next-gen cure for killer infections (2009)
Aimee Mullins Technology
Running on high-tech legs (1998)
How my legs give me super-powers (2009)
Vik Muniz Vik Muniz makes art with wire, sugar (2003)
Andrew Mwenda Andrew Mwenda takes a new look at Africa (2007)
James Nachtwey TED Prize: Share a Vital Story With the World (2007)
Use My Photographs to Stop the Worldwide XDR-TB Epidemic (2008)


講者 領域 題目
Nalini Nadkarni
Euvin Naidoo Euvin Naidoo on investing in Africa (2007)
Loretta Napoleoni The intricate economics of terrorism (2009)
Nicholas Negroponte Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child (2006)
Robert Neuwirth Robert Neuwirth on our "shadow cities" (2007)
Don Norman
Woody Norris
Jehane Noujaim Entertainment TED Prize: Unite the World on Pangea Day, a Global Day of Film (2006)
Jacqueline Novogratz Jacqueline Novogratz invests in ending poverty (2005)
Jacqueline Novogratz on patient capitalism (2007)
Jacqueline Novogratz on escaping poverty (2009)
A third way to think about aid (2009)
Sherwin Nuland Sherwin Nuland on electroshock therapy (Filmed 2001) Ted 2003


講者 領域 題目
Alexis Ohanian How to make a splash in social media (2009)
Ory Okolloh
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on doing business in Africa (2007)
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on aid versus trade (2007)
Jamie Oliver Teach every child about food (2010)
Dean Ornish Dean Ornish on the world's killer diet (2006)
Emily Oster Emily Oster flips our thinking on AIDS in Africa (2007)
Seyi Oyesola


講者 領域 題目
Marc Pachter The art of the interview (2008)
Devdutt Pattanaik East vs. West -- the myths that mystify (2009)
Sheila Patek Sheila Patek clocks the fastest animals (2004)
David Perry
Stephen Petranek Stephen Petranek counts down to Armageddon (2002)
Gregory Petsko
Bertrand Piccard Bertrand Piccard's solar-powered adventure (2009)
Rachel Pike The science behind a climate headline (2009)
Pilobolus Pilobolus perform "Symbiosis" (2005)
Joseph Pine
Dan Pink Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation (2009)
Steven Pinker Steven Pinker on language and thought (2005)
Steven Pinker on the myth of violence (2007)
David Pogue David Pogue says "Simplicity sells" (2006)
Michael Pollan
Christopher Poole (2010)
Carolyn Porco Carolyn Porco flies us to Saturn (2007)
Virginia Postrel
Samantha Power
Lakshmi Pratury Lakshmi Pratury on letter-writing (2007)
Richard Preston
Joshua Prince-Ramus Joshua Prince-Ramus on Seattle's library (2006)
Michael Pritchard Michael Pritchard's water filter turns filthy water drinkable (2009)
Lewis Pugh Lewis Pugh swims the North Pole (2009)
Richard Pyle


講者 領域 題目
Iqbal Quadir Iqbal Quadir says mobiles fight poverty (2005)


講者 領域 題目
Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf Lose your ego, find your compassion (2009)
Vilayanur Ramachandran VS Ramachandran on your mind (2007)
The neurons that shaped civilization (2009)
Raspyni Brothers
Thulasiraj Ravilla How low-cost eye care can be world-class (2009)
Eddi Reader Eddi Reader sings "Kiteflyer's Hill" (2003)
Eddi Reader on "What You've Got" (2003)
Irwin Redlener
Sir Martin Rees Martin Rees asks: Is this our final century? (2005)
Torsten Reil
Peter Reinhart
Howard Rheingold
Matthieu Ricard Matthieu Ricard on the habits of happiness (2004)
Tom Rielly Tom Rielly delivers a comic send-up of TED2006 (2006)
Rives Entertainment
If I Controlled the Internet (2006)
A Mockingbird Remix of TED (2006)
Is 4 a.m. the New Midnight? (2007)
A 3-Minute Story of Mixed Emoticons (2008)
Tony Robbins Tony Robbins asks why we do what we do (2006)
Sir Ken Robinson Do Schools Kill Creativity? (2006)
David Rockwell David Rockwell builds at Ground Zero (2002)
Paul Romer Paul Romer's radical idea: Charter cities (2009)
David S. Rose
Philip Rosedale
Hans Rosling The Best Stats You've Ever Seen (2006)
New Insite on Poverty (2007)
New facts and stunning data visuals on HIV (2009)
500th TED Talk: Let my dataset change your mindset (2009)
Asia's rise -- how and when (2009))
TED Talk: Global population growth (2010))
The good news of the decade? (2010)
Paul Rothemund Paul Rothemund casts a spell with DNA (2007)
Mike Rowe Mike Rowe Celebrates Dirty Jobs (2008)
Hector Ruiz
Alan Russell Alan Russell on regenerating our bodies (2006)
Burt Rutan Technology The Future of Space (2006)


講者 領域 題目
Franco Sacchi Nigeria's Booming Nollywood (2007)
Oliver Sacks What hallucination reveals about our minds (2009)
Moshe Safdie Building Uniqueness (2006)
Stefan Sagmeister Stefan Sagmeister shares happy design (2004)
Stefan Sagmeister on what he has learned
The power of time off (2009)
Swami Dayananda Saraswati The profound journey of compassion (2009)
Eric Sanderson Eric Sanderson pictures New York -- before the City (2009)
Mallika Sarabhai Dance to change the world (2009)
Ben Saunders Skiing to the North Pole (2005)
Marcus du Sautoy Symmetry, reality's riddle (2009)
Adam Savage Adam Savage's Obsessions (2008)
Susan Savage-Rumbaugh Susan Savage-Rumbaugh on apes (2004)
Rebecca Saxe How we read each other's minds (2009)
Keith Schacht Toys from the Future (with Zach Kaplan ) (2005)
Paula Scher Great design is serious (not solemn) (2005)
Cynthia Schneider The surprising spread of "Idol" TV (2009)
Barry Schuler Genomics 101 (2008)
Barry Schwartz The Paradox of Choice (2005)
Our Loss of Wisdom (2009)
Deborah Scranton War Tapes (2007)
Nick Sears Introducing the Orb (2007)
Al Seckel Our Brains are Mis-Wired (2004)
Martin Seligman What Positive Psychology can Help you Become (2004)
Paul Sereno What can Fossils Teach Us? (2005)
Michael Shermer Strange Beliefs (2006)
Sxip Shirey Breathing Music and Passion (2008)
Clay Shirky How Social Media can Make History (2005)
Institutions vs. Collaboration (2005)\
How cognitive surplus will change the world (2010)
Josh Silver Josh Silver demos adjustable liquid filled eyeglasses (2009)
Sarah Silverman Sarah Silverman's talk was called "god-awful" by Chris Anderson and has not been put up on the TED website(2010)
Taryn Simon Taryn Simon photographs secret sites (2009)
Cameron Sinclair Design TED Prize: Open-Source Architecture to House the World (2006)
The refugees of boom-and-bust (2009)
Jeff Skoll Making Films that Make Change (2007)
Amy Smith Design Simple, Lifesaving Design (2006)
Willie Smits Restoring a Rainforest (2009)
Rick Smolan The Story of a Girl (2007)
Lee Smolin Science and Democracy (2003)
George Smoot Design of the Universe (2008)
Jill Sobule Jill Sobule Sings to Al Gore (2006)
Richard St. John Eight Secrets to Success (2005)
Success is a Continuous Journey
Paul Stamets 6 Ways Mushrooms can Save the World (2008)
Philippe Starck Design Thinking Deep on Design (2007)
Carolyn Steel How food shapes our cities (2009)
Alex Steffen Alex Steffen sees a Sustainable Future (2005)
Stew Black Men Ski (2006)
Clifford Stoll 18 Minutes with an Agile Mind
Jim Stolze Does the Internet make us happy? (2009)
Bill Stone Exploring the World's Deepest Caves (2007)
Bill Strickland Making Changes with a Slide Show (2002)
Steven Strogatz Sync (2004)
James Surowiecki The Turning Point for Social Media (2005)
Rory Sutherland Life lessons from an ad man (2009)
Julia Sweeney Letting go of God (2007)
Anna Deavere Smith Entertainment American Character (2005)


講者 領域 題目
Jackie Tabick The balancing act of compassion (2009)
Itay Talgam Lead like the great conductors (2009)
Amy Tan Where does Creativity Hide? (2008)
Jill Tarter Technology Jill Tarter's call to join the SETI search (2008)
Jill Bolte Taylor Stroke of Insight (2008)
Shashi Tharoor Why nations should pursue "soft" power (2009)
They Might Be Giants
Bob Thurman Bob Thurman says we can be Buddhas (2006)
Expanding your circle of compassion (2009)
Tierney Thys Tierney Thys swims with the giant sunfish (2003)
Rokia Traore
Julian Treasure The 4 ways sound affects us (2009)
Laura Trice
Jakob Trollback
Mena Trott Mena Trott on blogs (2006)
Steve Truglia A leap from the edge of space (2009)
Natasha Tsakos Natasha Tsakos multimedia theatrical adventure 2009
Gever Tulley Gever Tulley on 5 dangerous things for kids (2007)
Luca Turin
Neil Turok Technology TED Prize: An African Einstein (2008)


講者 領域 題目
Ed Ulbrich Ed Ulbrich: How Benjamin Button got his face (2009)


講者 領域 題目
Dennis van Engelsdorp
Vishal Vaid Vishal Vaid's hypnotic song (2006)
Yossi Vardi Yossi Vardi fights local warming (2007)
Nick Veasey Exposing the invisible (2009)
Craig Venter Craig Venter on DNA and the sea (2005)
Eva Vertes Eva Vertes looks to the future of medicine (2005)
Sasa Vucinic Sasa Vucinic invests in free press (2005)


講者 領域 題目
吉米·威爾斯 Technology How a Ragtag Band Created Wikipedia (2005)
John Q. Walker
Jay Walker
Benjamin Wallace
Peter Ward
Rick Warren Rick Warren on a life of purpose (2006)
詹姆斯·杜威·沃森 Technology The Double Helix and Today's DNA mysteries (2005)
Ursus Wehrli
Spencer Wells
Romulus Whitaker The real danger lurking in the water (2009)
Matthew White Matthew White gives the euphonium a new voice (2009)
Fields Wicker-Miurin Learning from leadership's "missing manual" (2009)
Evan Williams
Willard Wigan Hold your breath for micro-sculpture (2009)
Edward O. Wilson Technology TED Prize: Help Build the Encyclopedia of Life (2007)
Siegfried Woldhek
Curtis Wong
Robert Wright Robert Wright on optimism (2005)
The evolution of compassion (2009)
Will Wright Will Wright makes toys that make worlds (2007)
Tom Wujec Tom Wujec on 3 ways the brain creates meaning (2009)
Tom Wujec demos the 13th-century astrolabe (2009)


講者 領域 題目
Nora York Nora York sings "What I Want" (2006)


講者 領域 題目
Benjamin Zander Entertainment - Classical Music Benjamin Zander on music and passion (2008)
Eva Zeisel
Philip Zimbardo The power of time (2009)
Jonathan Zittrain The Web as random acts of kindness (2009)


  1. ^ TED: Speakers 表格上的記錄源於 6 February 2009的TED網站