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Wikidata weekly summary #471
- Events
- Past:
- Wikimedia Hackathon 2021 (replay) "Wikidata Live Querying" by Lucas Werkmeister
- SPARQL #Wikidata Préfixes 1/2 (in French) - YouTube
- Upcoming:
- Meta meeting of the Wikibase Community User Group, Wednesday, June 9, 16:00 UTC
- LIVE Wikidata editing #46 - YouTube, Facebook, June 12 at 18:00 UTC
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #66, June 13
- (Dutch) 16 june 2021, 15.00-16.30 CEST, "Universiteitsbibliotheek: Bijzondere Collecties zichtbaar en vindbaar maken in Wikidata", during "Digitaal Erfgoed @UM | zichtbaar, bruikbaar, houdbaar"
- Past:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- "Wikidata and R: a perfect pair" by Evolution and evolvability and Canley. A WikiCite eScholarship.
- "Brazil’s Laws: Modeling the Brazilian legislation in Wikidata", by Ederporto. A WikiCite project grant project.
- Papers
- (Preprint) KGPool: Dynamic Knowledge Graph Context Selection for Relation Extraction (Wikidata dataset used in evaluation)
- (Article) “Wikidata Projects in Times of COVID-19: IUPUI Libraries’ Engagement in Open Knowledge”
- (Presentation) Explore, Analyse and Translate Multilingual Wikidata Properties by User:Jsamwrites at Contribuling
- Videos
- Understanding data import into Wikidata via Quickstatements (in Portuguese) - YouTube
- Workshop for "Cita": a Wikidata addon for Zotero, hosted by Diegodlh - English & en español. A WikiCite grant project.
- Wikidata: Municipalities of Romania + a map of places in Kuopio - YouTube
- Wikidata Editing training (in Tamil) - YouTube
- Excursus: Wikidata Knowledge Graph - YouTube
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Wikidata Image Positions is a tool to show and add relative position within image (P2677) qualifiers on depicts (P180) statements on Wikidata items as areas on the item’s image (P18).
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Badkartan.se ID, Eionet bathingWaterIdentifier, ifixit device ID, AlternativeTo software ID, Price One Penny author ID, Nevada Women's History Project ID, Treccani's Enciclopedia della Matematica ID, Price One Penny work ID, Price One Penny library ID, Price One Penny publisher ID, Dizionario Biografico dell'Educazione (1800–2000) ID, Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers ID, Romanistenlexikon ID, composers.am person ID, Armeniapedia ID, OpenCorporates register jurisdiction, armradioarchive.am person ID, PANGO lineage code, AZGS Document Repository ID, AADFI member ID, electronic Essential Medicines List medicine ID, Japan PlayStation Software Database ID, Erfgoedkaart ID, Romanian diplomatic mission ID, Foreign diplomatic mission in Romania ID, PAS member ID, fondoambiente.it ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Range, not found in, LdiF person ID, board game mechanism, Date of resignation
- External identifiers: DIP-ID, Castforward ID, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti member ID, EBAF ID, FCCOS ID, Dutch Caribbean Species Register ID, TBDB ID, cirkev.cz bohoslužby ID, Ropiky.net pillbox ID, GCD creator ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- You can now add a title to a query visualisation by adding
to your SPARQL code (phab:T225883, example query with a title) - Added a new constraints type to indicate that a certain Property should only be used on Lexemes of a certain language (phab:T200689)
- Working on not checking the format constraints via SPARQL to take that load off the SPARQL endpoint and make it technically better (phab:T176312)
- Working on making the API-Sandbox not suggest edits to real Items (phab:T219215)
- You can now add a title to a query visualisation by adding
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
号 | 案号 | 案名 | 案情要点 | 裁定结果 | 裁判管理员 |
1 | 2021年1月存废复核第11号 | 重定向页面《脚异味》、《足部异味》、《臭的脚》存废复核案 | 批量建立的口语重定向是否适用快速删除方针准则G3 | 维持原决:删除 | KirkLU |
4 | 2021年1月存废复核第23号 | 模板页面《2017年香港播出之动画》存废复核案 | 出于站务维护清理需要的模板删除提请是否满足删除方针理由第9项的要求 | 推翻原决:删除 | Wong128hk |
6 | 2021年2月存废复核第8号 | 图片《吉林省标准地图 1:450万政区版.jpg》、模板页面《PRC-StandardMap》存废复核案 | 中华人民共和国政府测绘地理信息行政主管部门向社会公布的公益性地图是否满足“知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0”协议 | 维持原决:删除 | AT |
8 | 2021年2月存废复核第32号 | 条目页面《台风夏浪 (2019年)》存废复核案 | 利用特定手段观测或特定年份的风力最大值是否是关注度(气旋)指引准则第2项所指的“相关气象纪录” | 维持原决:保留 | KirkLU |
9 | 2021年2月存废复核第33号 | 重定向页面《新莱茵报。民主派机关报》存废复核案 | 有可靠来源使用但显著错误的别名重定向是否适用快速删除方针准则R3 | 推翻原决:恢复 | Techyan |
11 | 2021年3月存废复核第14号 | 条目页面《上海民族党》存废复核案 | 行文引文高度类似但有新来源的原关注度不足条目是否适用快速删除方针准则G5 | 发还:存废讨论 | Antigng |
12 | 2021年3月存废复核第175号 | 图片《Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.53.2 zh CN.png》存废复核案 | 基于开源代码的专有软件的界面截图是否是自由版权的 | 推翻原决:恢复 | 蟲蟲飛 |
13 | 2021年5月存废复核第26号 | 条目页面《马玉灵》存废复核案 | 关注度(人物)指引收录条件第6项的“主要演员”如何认定 | 推翻原决:删除 | KirkLU |
15 | 2021年5月存废复核第40号 | 条目页面《陳俊龍 Dr.Leon Chen》存废复核案 | 快速删除方针准则G11中所规定的“宣传内容”应如何认定 | 维持原决:删除 | Wcam |
- 存复集 卷2021 1号:大量口语重定向可适用WP:G3处理。(原存档于[2021]DRV-01/06-11{RDRT})
- 存复集 卷2021 4号:出于善意整理目的提删模板时,可视情况从宽适用删除方针理由第9项。(原存档于[2021]DRV-01/10-23{TPLT})
- 存复集 卷2021 6号:中华人民共和国政府有关部门公布的公益性地图不满足“知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0”协议(原存档于[2021]DRV-02/03-8{FILE})
- 存复集 卷2021 8号:基于特定观测手段、特定年份界定的纪录不认为是关注度(气旋)指引准则第1项所指的“相关气象纪录”。(原存档于[2021]DRV-02/14-32{ATCL})
- 收录于参考性规则《中文维基百科方针指引·实施导则集》GD409.P2 - 关注度(气旋)指引准则2实施导则
- 存复集 卷2021 9号:有可靠来源使用但显著错误的别名重定向不适用WP:R3(原存档于[2021]DRV-02/15-33{RDRT})
- 收录于参考性规则《中文维基百科方针指引·实施导则集》PL402.R3 - 快速删除方针R3准则实施导则第14条第2款。
- 存复集 卷2021 11号:由于内容的细微变化(如,补充可能足以证明关注度的来源),原有的删除理据已经明显消除或已经不充分的,不适用G5。(原存档于[2021]DRV-03/04-14{ATCL})
- 收录于参考性规则《中文维基百科方针指引·实施导则集》PL402.G5 - 快速删除方针G5准则实施导则第8条第1款第2项。
- 存复集 卷2021 12号:基于开源代码的专有软件的界面截图并不自然具有自由版权,需综合考虑该专有软件的版权协议决定;但截图所含元素不超过原创性门槛(threshold of originality)时,截图仍然为自由版权(原存档于[2021]DRV-03/29-175{FILE})
- 存复集 卷2021 13号:关注度(人物)指引收录条件第6项的“主要演员”应根据方针优先参照“各影视颁奖礼最佳男/女主角的提名的分量”处理。(原存档于[2021]DRV-05/09-26{ATCL})
- 存复集 卷2021 15号:是否“页面只作宣传之用”应从页面的内容客观上实现了宣传的效果和页面的主要编辑主观上具有进行宣传的意图或动机两方面考虑。(原存档于[2021]DRV-05/14-40{ATCL})
- 收录于参考性规则《中文维基百科方针指引·实施导则集》PL402.G11 - 快速删除方针G11准则实施导则。
以上。--Kirk # 2021年6月8日 (二) 13:38 (UTC)
- @KirkLU:“有可靠来源使用但显著错误的别名重定向是否适用快速删除方针准则G3”?#9不是“显著错误的别名重定向”。可能是我理解错了。题外话:我个人对这里所列出的涉及版权的诸多判例的结果并不满意,并应当在某些方面慎引以往判例。--Techyan(留言) 2021年6月8日 (二) 13:52 (UTC)
- 是关于R3,已更正。Wikipedia:存廢覆核請求/存檔/2021年2月#新莱茵报。民主派机关报这个我是这么理解的:
- 方针规定R3的第四种情形是“标题中使用非常见的错别字”;
- 实务中我操作采用的是(见此第五章)“标题中含有错误使用的标点符号的,参考适用情形四”;
- “新莱茵报。民主派机关报”这个句号和规范汉语的句号用法冲突,正常翻译的话应该用冒号或者破折号一类的。
- 不过有可靠来源翻译如此,才得出保留的结论。--Kirk # 2021年6月8日 (二) 14:00 (UTC)
- @Techyan:忘ping。--Kirk # 2021年6月8日 (二) 14:01 (UTC)
- 不过无论如何,这些也不是方针,所以可以灵活使用,如果有什么很极端的情况,应该可以逐个处理。--Kirk # 2021年6月8日 (二) 14:05 (UTC)
- 看报纸的配图,那个位置的确本来就是个句号。翻译时,将其直接翻译成中文句号似乎并没有太多不妥。即使是在西文,这个地方按常理也应该使用冒号。并且也如我在DRV里面所说,英语维基用的是冒号,但德语维基是句号。因此我不认为这算“明显错误”,而是正常用法。--Techyan(留言) 2021年6月8日 (二) 15:08 (UTC)
- @Techyan:这方面我是这样考虑的:
- 西文(德文)句号和中文句号功用并非对应,只有在表示句子结束等中外文句号功用一致的情况下,“.”才对应翻译成“。”,否则有违格式手册所参考的各种标点规范的要旨;(如果举例没错的话)这跟日文的顿号不会直接原封不动纳入译文,而是视情况转为中文逗号也是相似的;
- 西文(德文)句号起类似分隔注释功能时,就不应当与中文句号(“。”)挂钩,因为中文句号并不起到这类作用;且中文语境也不是截然不存在西文点号,这一点在类似《文后参考文献著录规则》(GB/T 7714-2015)一类的标准中可以得到证实;
- 最后,也许不构成理由,但这个句号看着就感觉像是错的;如果不是有可靠来源这样翻译的话,直觉上也不会有这种选择。
- 一言以蔽之,即——正确的标点转化,是功用对应而不是形式(点号的名称)对应,所以考虑是明显用错。--Kirk # 2021年6月10日 (四) 12:22 (UTC)
- @Techyan:这方面我是这样考虑的:
- 看报纸的配图,那个位置的确本来就是个句号。翻译时,将其直接翻译成中文句号似乎并没有太多不妥。即使是在西文,这个地方按常理也应该使用冒号。并且也如我在DRV里面所说,英语维基用的是冒号,但德语维基是句号。因此我不认为这算“明显错误”,而是正常用法。--Techyan(留言) 2021年6月8日 (二) 15:08 (UTC)
- 是关于R3,已更正。Wikipedia:存廢覆核請求/存檔/2021年2月#新莱茵报。民主派机关报这个我是这么理解的:
- @KirkLU:我看了一眼Commons的存废讨论,“File:Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.53.2 zh CN.png”最终的保留理由实际上是因为美国的原创性门槛很低,这样的图文排版不足以达到原创性。解读为“基于开源代码的专有软件的界面截图考虑为自由版权”恐怕欠妥。--DreamerBlue(留言) 2021年6月10日 (四) 03:39 (UTC)
- @DreamerBlue:谢谢指正,这是个大错误,看完commons发现其实我刚好说反了。已变更为“基于开源代码的专有软件的界面截图并不自然具有自由版权,需综合考虑该专有软件的版权协议决定;但截图所含元素不超过原创性门槛(threshold of originality)时,截图仍然为自由版权”。--Kirk # 2021年6月10日 (四) 12:28 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: May 2021
Universal Code of Conduct News – Issue 1
Universal Code of Conduct News
Issue 1, June 2021Read the full newsletter
Welcome to the first issue of Universal Code of Conduct News! This newsletter will help Wikimedians stay involved with the development of the new code, and will distribute relevant news, research, and upcoming events related to the UCoC.
Please note, this is the first issue of UCoC Newsletter which is delivered to all subscribers and projects as an announcement of the initiative. If you want the future issues delivered to your talk page, village pumps, or any specific pages you find appropriate, you need to subscribe here.
You can help us by translating the newsletter issues in your languages to spread the news and create awareness of the new conduct to keep our beloved community safe for all of us. Please add your name here if you want to be informed of the draft issue to translate beforehand. Your participation is valued and appreciated.
- Affiliate consultations – Wikimedia affiliates of all sizes and types were invited to participate in the UCoC affiliate consultation throughout March and April 2021. (continue reading)
- 2021 key consultations – The Wikimedia Foundation held enforcement key questions consultations in April and May 2021 to request input about UCoC enforcement from the broader Wikimedia community. (continue reading)
- Roundtable discussions – The UCoC facilitation team hosted two 90-minute-long public roundtable discussions in May 2021 to discuss UCoC key enforcement questions. More conversations are scheduled. (continue reading)
- Phase 2 drafting committee – The drafting committee for the phase 2 of the UCoC started their work on 12 May 2021. Read more about their work. (continue reading)
- Diff blogs – The UCoC facilitators wrote several blog posts based on interesting findings and insights from each community during local project consultation that took place in the 1st quarter of 2021. (continue reading)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2021年6月11日 (五) 23:05 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #472
- Events
- Past
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Diego de la Hera on Cita, a Wikidata add-on for Zotero. Agenda, June 15
- Wikidata Bug Triage Hour about quality constraints, June 17
- LIVE Wikidata editing #47 - YouTube, Facebook, June 19 at 18:00 UTC
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #67, June 20
- OpenStreetMap TW x Wikidata Taiwan Taipei (Q1867) Meetup 2021-07-05
- Tool of the week
- SPARQL Jupyter notebooks in PAWS: PAWS is a wikitech services which allows to run Jupyter notebooks. There is a SPARQL kernel which makes it possible to run SPARQL queries. See this example notebook.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Community/Diversity 2021 Survey has been published. The results are meant to serve as a baseline to see how the community might (not) change in the future.
- WikidataCon 2021: A sustainable future for Wikidata. Information about "the conference theme, its three-day program structure and a special project on diversity taking place before the conference itself".
- The call for candidates for 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board elections has begun on June 9. The last date to apply is June 29, 2021.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: personality trait of fictional character
- External identifiers: Dizionario Biografico dell'Educazione (1800–2000) ID, Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers ID, Romanistenlexikon ID, composers.am person ID, Armeniapedia ID, OpenCorporates register jurisdiction, armradioarchive.am person ID, PANGO lineage code, AZGS Document Repository ID, AADFI member ID, electronic Essential Medicines List medicine ID, Japan PlayStation Software Database ID, Erfgoedkaart ID, Romanian diplomatic mission ID, Foreign diplomatic mission in Romania ID, PAS member ID, fondoambiente.it ID, Olschki author ID, French Etalab parcel visualization code, Geneanet family name ID, Online Coins of the Roman Empire ID, senato.archivioluce.it person ID, DIP ID, Newspaper Genre List ID, Dutch Caribbean Species Register ID, Internet Game Database developer ID, Book Owners Online person ID, Bod-Inc Online author ID, Burke Herbarium Image Collection ID, Ropiky.net pillbox ID, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti member ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: LdiF person ID, board game mechanism, Date of resignation, sex or gender of the position, regime, earliest known OpenTimestamps, Biblioteca Nacional de Maestros, named after lexeme
- External identifiers: TBDB ID, cirkev.cz bohoslužby ID, GCD creator ID, Memobase ID, Central records of collections ID, Musica Baltica person ID, Standard Citation Forms ID, Montana Field Guide species ID, PRISM Break project ID, Idaho Species ID, Room of Names ID, ZKM person ID, fotodok ID, IFFR film director ID, EUIPO OoC-name id, Gutenberg Biographics ID, EUIPO OoC-work id, [email protected] ID, museumPASSmusées ID, Handlingar.se, NAD agent ID, Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung person ID, OlympicsIL ID
- Query examples:
- Lakes within 10 km of Berlin
- Old bath pictures from Swedish Digitalmuseum
- Bath water in Sweden with distance to the center of the lake it is connected to
- Bath water in Sweden located in Nature reserves (protected area, geojson)
- Map of the standard English and Welsh spellings of all places in the database (Source)
- Films directed by Agnès Varda and their publication date (Source)
- List of women who hold or have held the position of rector at a university (Source)
- Schema examples:
- EntitySchema:E319 - European bath waters
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Wikidata:WikiProject European Bath Waters - Europe is open up and its summer - lets add bath waters to Wikidata
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Working on no longer using the Query Service to evaluate Constraints Checks regular expressions (this should make our checks faster and allow for further improvements) (phab:T176312)
- Changing the rate limits for assigning Item IDs further, which should result in even fewer Q-IDs being skipped in the future (phab:T284538)
- Finalizing the concepts for a tool to help work on mismatches between Wikidata's data and other databases/websites/...
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 《命名常規(化學)》:規範化學物質條目名稱,避免未經社群討論的移動。(討論紀錄)
- 《命名常規》暨《非條目頁面命名方針》:建立頁面命名一致性的通用(普遍性)規定。(討論紀錄)
- 《快速刪除方針》:將維基專題命名空間納入G14準則條文中(討論紀錄),後調整R2準則條文,禁止建立跨計畫與維基專題命名空間的捷徑重定向(討論紀錄);相關模組一併修訂。
- 《格式手冊(兩岸四地用語)》:調整〈國籍〉一節中標示人物(前)國籍的規定。(討論紀錄)
- 《標誌指引》:在〈上傳非自由標誌〉一節中新增關於可縮放向量圖形(SVG)非自由標誌的規定,禁止使用自行製作或來自第三方網站的向量圖形。(討論紀錄)
- 《COVID-19條目共識》:規範條目標題、內文中對嚴重急性呼吸道症候群冠狀病毒2型(SARS-CoV-2)變種的稱呼,並規範重定向頁面標題中含對SARS-CoV-2變種稱呼者的處理。(討論紀錄)
- 方針:《命名常规》(一、二)、《忽略所有规则》、《共识方針》、《騷擾方針》、《封禁方针》、《行政员方針》、《侵犯著作权方針》、《生者傳記方針》、《维基百科不是什么》、《用户名方針》、《命名常规(化学)》、《命名常规(人名)》、《命名常规(电子游戏)》、《非原创研究方針》、《編輯戰方針》、《傀儡方針》及《管理員的離任方針》。
- 指引:《外部链接指引》、《关注度指引》、《權限申請指引》、《格式手册(列表)》、《格式手册(两岸四地用语)》、《格式手冊(文字格式)》、《关注度指引(地理特征)》、《格式手册》、《捷徑指引》、《分类名称指引》、《重定向指引》、《可靠来源指引》、《頁面分類指引》、《討論頁指引》、《格式手册(日期和数字)》、《命名常規指引(日本動漫遊戲條目)》、《非條目頁面命名指引》、《钱币学条目指引》及《电子游戏条目指引》。
- 經社群討論通過,維基熱新編輯及維基優秀新人等新人維基榮譽的獲得條件獲得放寬。(討論紀錄)
- 經社群討論通過,引入模板及模組處理部分特殊頁面(如js、CSS、Lua等)無法放置模板或模組的問題(討論紀錄),同時啟用小工具,使該模板及模組支援頁面預覽、已刪頁面複查等功能(討論紀錄);相關方針尚待修訂。
- 模組:Citation/CS1及其相關模組模組:Citation/CS1/Configuration、模組:Citation/CS1/Whitelist獲得更新:模組:Citation/CS1/Identifiers和模組:Citation/CS1/Utilities自主模組拆分啟用,此外並引入「s2cid」參數以及諸「access」相關參數。(討論紀錄)
Wikidata weekly summary #473
- Events
- Upcoming
- The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 24th June 2021 (18:00 Berlin time). This month we'll have a team member from Wikibase Stakeholders Group talk briefly about their work, and then we'll welcome people to share out about their work around Wikibase. We'll leave some space in the agenda to discuss meta issues related to the Wikibase Community Usergroup.
- SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in English by Vigneron, June 22 at 18:00 CEST
- 24/06 (17:30 UTC): Wikidata Lab XXX: Roundtripping process for tainacan with Ederporto and Dalton Lopes Martins (https://tainacan.org/en/ Tainacan) (in English), on YouTube
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #68, June 27
- LIVE Wikidata editing #47 - YouTube, Facebook, June 26 at 18:00 UTC
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- Videos
- Tool of the week
- Template:PositionHolderHistory displays the full list of position holders for a given position.
- Template:Generic queries for positions new template with generic queries for positions.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Interlanguage links now work for multilingual Wikisource. phab:T275958
- User:Nikki/LexemeEntitySuggester.js now supports searching for senses for the translation property.
- The call for candidates for 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board elections has begun on June 9. The last date to apply is June 29, 2021.
- Since the beginning of the month, phabricator tickets about language codes (and names of languages) were reviewed and triaged to better reflect their content and current status. Some work was done to better identify the steps for such changes, highlight and address bottlenecks and system issues. Patches for a few codes were contributed and are being released. Phabricator "Language codes" workboard provides an overview, phab:T284856 attempts to identify maintenance steps and phab:T284276 determine turn-around times. phab:T284808 should finally close a gap in termbox language handeling. A way to better address some or all aspects of changes of language codes applicable to Wikipedia editions still needs to be found. Don't hesitate to request the addition or update of language names (e.g. the name of Dutch in Danish) or missing language codes, notably for monolingual strings (see Help:Monolingual text languages).
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: not found in, named place on map
- External identifiers: Ropiky.net pillbox ID, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti member ID, Memobase ID, Standard Citation Forms for Rare Materials Cataloging ID, Skipsrevyen ID, EBAF authority ID, LdiF person ID, Musica Baltica person ID, EGID, RBF event ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: named after lexeme, replacement value, Qualis rank, role of component, table of contents available at URL, DICOM modality page, Flemish Heritage Themes ID
- External identifiers: OlympicsIL ID, EBIDAT ID, Crosscut author ID, identifier BNM, Chidlovski.Com USSR national ice hockey team player ID, Handzone player ID, BES-Net user ID, Hokej.cz player ID, Research Resource Identifier, VK artist ID, MonumentalTrees.com, Lexikon Westfälischer Autorinnen und Autoren person ID, E-Flora BC species ID, E-Fauna BC species ID, Villo! station ID, LexM ID
- Query examples:
- Map of public bookcases
- SPARQL Jupyter notebook to explore generic queries for positions (using PAWS)
- Biographies that can be linked in different Wikipedias (apart from deWP) (Source)
- Vulnerable, endangered or extinct languages with number of lexemes in Wikidata (Source)
- Articles in English Wikipedia about women that have the good article badge but do not have an article written in Spanish (Source)
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed a bug that broke the "Add sitelink" popup on Commons (phab:T284854)
- Working on a fix for suggesters popping up unexpectedly when tabbing quickly (phab:284219)
- Reviewing code for a new Property Suggester by a student (phab:T284820)
- Mismatch Finder: Working on a tool to work through mismatching data between Wikidata and external databases. Your feedback is welcome on Wikidata talk:Mismatch Finder
- Curious Facts: We developed a tool to help editors check random curious facts on Wikidata. Try it and give us your feedback on Wikidata talk:Curious Facts
- Kicked off our continued work on Wikidata-Wikibase federation (Federation v2) with preparatory work, including:
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in Education: June 2021
The visual editor
Hello, all. 请帮助翻译至您的语言.
My teammate @Trizek (WMF) works with the mw:Growth team, and he tells me that the Chinese Wikipedia can have Growth's tools for new editors (see mw:Growth/Feature summary). At most Wikipedias, new editors use the visual editor for their first few edits. The visual editor is still in Special:参数设置#mw-prefsection-betafeatures (the mw:Beta Features system) here.
Years ago, the visual editor was not very good with the language/script variants. It has improved – but unfortunately, I don't read or type in Chinese. Do you all think that the visual editor is a good option for new editors here? Does it work reliably? Please let me know what you think.
--Whatamidoing (WMF)(留言) 2021年6月14日 (一) 22:25 (UTC)
大家好。 我的同事@Trizek (WMF)在mw:Growth小组工作,他告诉我中文维基百科的新手编辑可以使用Growth的工具(参见mw:Growth/Feature summary)。在很多语言版本的维基百科中,新编辑都是使用可视化编辑器进行他们一开始的几次编辑。可视化编辑器的开关依旧在Special:参数设置#mw-prefsection-betafeatures (mw:Beta Features system) 中。
翻译:LightyearsTalk·Sign#维猫报 2021年6月15日 (二) 02:14 (UTC)
- (用中文吐槽你就看不懂了)如果是新手編輯還好,但生成的wikitext真的很醜(((-- Sunny00217 2021年6月15日 (二) 11:18 (UTC)
- 我还是把这个移到消息版吧。--LightyearsTalk·Sign#维猫报 2021年6月15日 (二) 15:29 (UTC)
- @Sunny00217, can you tell me more about this? Or give me a few links to bad diffs?--Whatamidoing (WMF)(留言) 2021年6月15日 (二) 23:28 (UTC)
- 我还是把这个移到消息版吧。--LightyearsTalk·Sign#维猫报 2021年6月15日 (二) 15:29 (UTC)
- 我对可视化编辑器印象负面,认为不是正确的发展方向。其衍生产品2017 wikitext editor倒不错,建议你们把这个完善一下。--Lt2818(留言) 2021年6月15日 (二) 17:49 (UTC)
- 2017原始碼模式確實不錯。—— Eric Liu 創造は生命(留言.留名.學生會) 2021年6月17日 (四) 08:36 (UTC)
- 2017源代码模式感觉太依赖AJAX,对我等因为封锁原因,网络连接不稳定的人来说容易发生编辑问题。此外,2010编辑器的预览页面当前除了预览,还能看到不少技术性内容,对编辑维护有很好的参考价值。2017编辑器还有很大不足。 --Milky·Defer 2021年6月21日 (一) 09:58 (UTC)
- @MilkyDefer, the 2017 wikitext editor uses AJAX only to load and save the page. Do you have problems with opening and saving, or do you have problems while editing/typing?--Whatamidoing (WMF)(留言) 2021年6月24日 (四) 17:26 (UTC)
Server switch
Read this message in another language • 请帮助翻译至您的语言
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, 29 June 2021. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 WEST/BST, 16:00 CEST, 19:30 IST, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Wednesday 30 June).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the week of June 28. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
SGrabarczuk (WMF) 2021年6月27日 (日) 01:19 (UTC)
- 简而言之,从本月二十九号下午两点(UTC时间)开始,一个小时内将不能进行编辑。--安忆Talk 2021年6月27日 (日) 03:10 (UTC)
- 在某些必要的情况下他们会推迟上述时间。具体以时间表和提前半小时在网页顶部显示的中央通知为准。--安忆Talk 2021年6月27日 (日) 03:26 (UTC)
The Signpost: 27 June 2021
- News and notes: Elections, Wikimania, masking and more
- In the media: Boris and Joe, reliability, love, and money
- Disinformation report: Croatian Wikipedia: capture and release
- Recent research: Feminist critique of Wikipedia's epistemology, Black Americans vastly underrepresented among editors, Wiki Workshop report
- Traffic report: So no one told you life was gonna be this way
- News from the WMF: Searching for Wikipedia
- WikiProject report: WikiProject on open proxies interview
- Forum: Is WMF fundraising abusive?
- Discussion report: Reliability of WikiLeaks discussed
- Obituary: SarahSV
Wikidata weekly summary #474
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Automatic analysis and breakdown of links (for social accounts reference)
- Events
- Past:
- Upcoming:
- SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, June 28 at 18:00 CEST
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Robert Chavez (Northeastern University) will provide an introduction to SPARQL and using the Wikidata Query Service.; [1], June 29th.
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #69, July 4
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Which methods are the most effective in enabling novice users to participate in ontology creation? A usability study (compares Wikidata to other knowledge modelling tools)
- Which methods are the most effective in enabling novice users to participate in ontology creation? A usability study (compares Wikidata to other knowledge modelling tools)
- Videos
- LIVE Wikidata editing #47 - YouTube, Facebook, for the #ArcticKnot.
- SPARQL queries live on Twitch about lexicography and lexemes by Vigneron, for the #ArcticKnot.
- Wikidata Lab XXX: Roundtripping process for Tainacan - YouTube
- Creating a new faculty item in Wikidata - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fu68LM5NicM YouTube
- Writing data to Wikidata, Wikidata Sandbox items
- Tool of the week
- Template:Item documentation now includes Template:Generic queries for positions. It can be used for every position item in the talk page. See example with head of the United Nations Secretariat.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Community/Diversity 2021 Survey has been published. The results are meant to serve as a baseline to see how the community might (not) change in the future. Feel free to give us your feedback on this discussion page.
- Call for candidates for the 2021 election to the position of primary contact for the Wikibase Community User Group. Applicants should present themselves on this page before 2021-07-08 17:00 (UTC), after which voting will commence.
- Bodh is a new tool to edit Lexemes by hand on a larger scale.
- Wikidata Vertical Analysis by AKhatun (WMF)
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now supports Igbo nouns
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now supports Malayalam proper nouns
- A new version of the Open Art Browser allows discovering works of art in the new section "Types", which presents you more than 1500 expressions of art. Explore it!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: date of resignation, curid, consequence of text
- External identifiers: RBF event ID, cirkev.cz Catholic services ID, Olympic Committee of Israel athlete ID, ZKM person ID, Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung person ID, Fotodok ID, museumPASSmusées ID, Burke Herbarium Image Collection contributor ID, Vindskyddskartan.se ID, Hokej.cz player ID, Franciscan Center of Christian Oriental Studies ID, Companies Registration Office (Ireland) Registration Number
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: delta of, Astrological sign, announced at, contact point (2)
- External identifiers: WTA-Trainer-ID, Villo! station ID, LexM ID, Classical Archives composer ID, UFC ID, Tapology ID, Bellator ID, Bauforschung Baden-Württemberg Objekt-ID, FightMatrix ID, World Curling Federation Championship ID, Ethereum token address, Legie 100 legionary ID, PsycNET ID, Index Theologicus ID, MK ID, CCC in Idaho Collection ID, Gameblog.fr game ID, African Film Database ID, Games und Erinnerungskultur Datenbank ID, Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia Online ID, Native-Land.ca Territory ID, Native-Land.ca Language ID, Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius ID, HockeyLive player ID, eishockey.info player ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Mismatch Finder: We started building the foundation of the place that will store the mismatches between Wikidata and other databases/catalogs/...
- Continued work on migrating the checks of regular expressions for constraints from SPARQL to a better solution to take that load off of the SPARQL endpoint (phab:T176312)
- Made it possible to show language links from multilingual Wikisource to the other language versions of Wikisource (phab:T275958)
- Added a new constraint type to indicate that a certain Property should only be used on Lexemes with a specific language (phab:T200689)
- Fixed a weird issue with suggesters popping back up when they shouldn't (phab:T284219)
- Invalid data will not be handled better in RDF outputs (phab:T285131)
- Working on lowering the rate limit at which a misbehaving bot can waste new Item IDs to further reduce the percentage of skipped Item IDs (phab:T284538)
- Working on not suggesting real Item IDs in the API sandbox to avoid accidental edits by people who think it is not making real edits (phab:T219215)
- Working on reducing the time it takes between entering a value in a new statement and being able to save the statement (phab:T281669)
- Improved documentation of the usage tracking aspects in API help pages. Usage tracking is an internal mechanism to track which article on Wikipedia etc uses which data from an Item on Wikidata. (phab:T283040)
- Language codes for monolingual strings "gsw-fr", "ykg", "wya", "osa-latn" were made available: Alsatian, Tundra Yukaghir, Wendat, Osage (phab:T262922, phab:T252198, phab:T283364, phab:T265297)
- The English name for language code "crh" and the Swedish name for "fa" were corrected (phab:T240350, phab:T281702)
- Lexeme language codes ha-arab, sux-latn, sux-xsux, gsg, tlh-piqd, tlh-latn, bfi, pwn, enm were added. That is Hausa in Arabic script, Sumerian in cuneiform and Latin-script, German Sign Language, Klingon in pIqaD and Latin script, British Sign Language, Paiwan and Middle English. (phab:T282512, phab:T279557)
- It was determined that language codes can be activated for Wikidata while being blocked for use on Incubator (phab:T273705), this to avoid projects such as a "British English Wikipedia"
- Language code "es-419" for Latin American Spanish has been available for labels and descriptions for quite some time (phab:T230786)
- A possibly confusing Russian mis-translation of the name of the language code for "multiple languages" (mul) is being reviewed (phab:T245927)
- "en-simple:" can be used instead of "simple:" to link to Simple Wikipedia. Query Services outputs "en-simple", not "simple" for sitelinks to Simple Wikipedia (phab:T283149).
- There was some discussion about the creation of a language code "en-in" for monolingual strings, but "en-in" as interface language seems to be preferred (phab:T212313)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #474
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Automatic analysis and breakdown of links (for social accounts reference)
- Events
- Past:
- Upcoming:
- SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, June 28 at 18:00 CEST
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Robert Chavez (Northeastern University) will provide an introduction to SPARQL and using the Wikidata Query Service.; [2], June 29th.
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #69, July 4
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Which methods are the most effective in enabling novice users to participate in ontology creation? A usability study (compares Wikidata to other knowledge modelling tools)
- Which methods are the most effective in enabling novice users to participate in ontology creation? A usability study (compares Wikidata to other knowledge modelling tools)
- Videos
- LIVE Wikidata editing #47 - YouTube, Facebook, for the #ArcticKnot.
- SPARQL queries live on Twitch about lexicography and lexemes by Vigneron, for the #ArcticKnot.
- Wikidata Lab XXX: Roundtripping process for Tainacan - YouTube
- Creating a new faculty item in Wikidata - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fu68LM5NicM YouTube
- Writing data to Wikidata, Wikidata Sandbox items
- Tool of the week
- Template:Item documentation now includes Template:Generic queries for positions. It can be used for every position item in the talk page. See example with head of the United Nations Secretariat.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Community/Diversity 2021 Survey has been published. The results are meant to serve as a baseline to see how the community might (not) change in the future. Feel free to give us your feedback on this discussion page.
- Call for candidates for the 2021 election to the position of primary contact for the Wikibase Community User Group. Applicants should present themselves on this page before 2021-07-08 17:00 (UTC), after which voting will commence.
- Bodh is a new tool to edit Lexemes by hand on a larger scale.
- Wikidata Vertical Analysis by AKhatun (WMF)
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now supports Igbo nouns
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now supports Malayalam proper nouns
- A new version of the Open Art Browser allows discovering works of art in the new section "Types", which presents you more than 1500 expressions of art. Explore it!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: date of resignation, curid, consequence of text
- External identifiers: RBF event ID, cirkev.cz Catholic services ID, Olympic Committee of Israel athlete ID, ZKM person ID, Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung person ID, Fotodok ID, museumPASSmusées ID, Burke Herbarium Image Collection contributor ID, Vindskyddskartan.se ID, Hokej.cz player ID, Franciscan Center of Christian Oriental Studies ID, Companies Registration Office (Ireland) Registration Number
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: delta of, Astrological sign, announced at, contact point (2)
- External identifiers: WTA-Trainer-ID, Villo! station ID, LexM ID, Classical Archives composer ID, UFC ID, Tapology ID, Bellator ID, Bauforschung Baden-Württemberg Objekt-ID, FightMatrix ID, World Curling Federation Championship ID, Ethereum token address, Legie 100 legionary ID, PsycNET ID, Index Theologicus ID, MK ID, CCC in Idaho Collection ID, Gameblog.fr game ID, African Film Database ID, Games und Erinnerungskultur Datenbank ID, Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia Online ID, Native-Land.ca Territory ID, Native-Land.ca Language ID, Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius ID, HockeyLive player ID, eishockey.info player ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Mismatch Finder: We started building the foundation of the place that will store the mismatches between Wikidata and other databases/catalogs/...
- Continued work on migrating the checks of regular expressions for constraints from SPARQL to a better solution to take that load off of the SPARQL endpoint (phab:T176312)
- Made it possible to show language links from multilingual Wikisource to the other language versions of Wikisource (phab:T275958)
- Added a new constraint type to indicate that a certain Property should only be used on Lexemes with a specific language (phab:T200689)
- Fixed a weird issue with suggesters popping back up when they shouldn't (phab:T284219)
- Invalid data will not be handled better in RDF outputs (phab:T285131)
- Working on lowering the rate limit at which a misbehaving bot can waste new Item IDs to further reduce the percentage of skipped Item IDs (phab:T284538)
- Working on not suggesting real Item IDs in the API sandbox to avoid accidental edits by people who think it is not making real edits (phab:T219215)
- Working on reducing the time it takes between entering a value in a new statement and being able to save the statement (phab:T281669)
- Improved documentation of the usage tracking aspects in API help pages. Usage tracking is an internal mechanism to track which article on Wikipedia etc uses which data from an Item on Wikidata. (phab:T283040)
- Language codes for monolingual strings "gsw-fr", "ykg", "wya", "osa-latn" were made available: Alsatian, Tundra Yukaghir, Wendat, Osage (phab:T262922, phab:T252198, phab:T283364, phab:T265297)
- The English name for language code "crh" and the Swedish name for "fa" were corrected (phab:T240350, phab:T281702)
- Lexeme language codes ha-arab, sux-latn, sux-xsux, gsg, tlh-piqd, tlh-latn, bfi, pwn, enm were added. That is Hausa in Arabic script, Sumerian in cuneiform and Latin-script, German Sign Language, Klingon in pIqaD and Latin script, British Sign Language, Paiwan and Middle English. (phab:T282512, phab:T279557)
- It was determined that language codes can be activated for Wikidata while being blocked for use on Incubator (phab:T273705), this to avoid projects such as a "British English Wikipedia"
- Language code "es-419" for Latin American Spanish has been available for labels and descriptions for quite some time (phab:T230786)
- A possibly confusing Russian mis-translation of the name of the language code for "multiple languages" (mul) is being reviewed (phab:T245927)
- "en-simple:" can be used instead of "simple:" to link to Simple Wikipedia. Query Services outputs "en-simple", not "simple" for sitelinks to Simple Wikipedia (phab:T283149).
- There was some discussion about the creation of a language code "en-in" for monolingual strings, but "en-in" as interface language seems to be preferred (phab:T212313)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!