
User talk:Wilfred Pau

您好,Wilfred Pau!欢迎加入维基百科!


If you have any questions about the Chinese Wikipedia, please leave a message here. Thank you for visiting!

zzz....很睏 "Press" my name and Wake me up inside 04:48 2005年12月16日 (UTC)



Template:Reallydelete -- tonync (talk) 23:17 2006年2月9日 (UTC)

It's not right to change other's user page


I noticed that you wrote something on User:Selephant's user page, and I have to inform you that it's not good. Every wikipedian has a user talk page (discussion page), and please just click the botton right next to his user page and leave a message there. --Theodoranian|虎兒 =^-^= 05:45 2006年2月10日 (UTC)

I have no idea of your background on other Wiki version but it seems that you're a new comer on Chinese Wikipedia. So I assume that it's only a mistake but not intentionally that you put your msg on my personal homepage instead of utilize my personal Talk page. This is fine, I've already moved it to my personal Talk page.
Sorry if I misunderstood your question. I think your question isn't really relative to my photo works, but you're asking me how to claim a copyright correctly on Chinese Wikipedia like I did, right? If this is what you're asking about, to be honest, I've never used that toggled menu for copyright description but put a {{GFDL}} template by editing the page mannually. There is a warning phrase in red on the top of upload page saying 由於技術故障,請不要在許可協議欄選擇「自由版权协议」,請改為在摘要欄填寫{{GFDL}}。否則,圖片將以快速刪除方式處理。, which is asking user not to choose the GFDL option in the list because it's malfunctioned so far. So, if you can't read and write Chinese and you don't want to deal with that "terrible, unfortunate, deplorable and sorry state" copyright dropdown list, simply you don't have to! I'll suggest that you upload your photowork onto our sister project WikiCommons.
There are many advantages by using the WikiCommons. First of all, the interface of WikiCommons is in English, so you don't have to struggle with Chinese. Second, pictures on WikiCommons can be automatically adopted by every language version throughtout Wikipedia, meaning you can use one same picture on Chinese and English version in the same time, no need to upload it twice to different language version. The usage of WikiCommons is exactly the same as it of Wikipedia. Since WikiCommons is so convinient, we always encourage users to upload GFDL pictures onto WikiCommons. But, be aware that WikiCommons only accepts pictures licensed under GFDL or other similar open copyright state. Pictures under fairuse are inhibited to upload there.
Hope this is the answer you're looking for.--泅水大象 訐譙☎ 09:13 2006年2月10日 (UTC)

Civilised, understanding and helpful


Thankyou SElephant, much appreciated indeed. My gratitude to you. You are absolutely spot on mate, I am new to Wiki and therefore do not know my way around yet. To be honest, putting it onto your personal page was the last thing on my mind. Last thing I would have wanted. It was not intentional. I repeat, NOT intentional. I was just desparate. Desparate to do the 'right thing' to clear up my photo copyright issue. Cornered into a dark alley with nobody offering help. Nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean? If nobody cares to believe me, they could check it out themselves. I have left messages upon messages in the talk page of my photo page (Hymns_of_u_praise.jpeg) asking for help. See it for yourselves.

SElephant, nobody was prepared to offer me any help until you offered yours. My sincere apologies to you and I did not intend to cause you any offence. As I have mentioned clearly and without any ambiguity, in my message, I have failed to locate any links that would enable me to contact you. A clear sign of a novice, know what I mean? :) That said, however, my message was crystal clear - it was not intentional. Desparate yes, intentional absolutely not.

It seems you were about the only one who had completely understood my distress (yes distress) and had the courtesy of doing the right thing - teaching me rather than telling me the obvious. As it has turned out, you were not caustic nor abrasive. You are civilised, polite and most of all patient and I applaud you. Hip hip! :) --Wilfred Pau 10:26 2006年2月10日 (UTC)

You're welcome! I just did what I should do like someone helped me very long time ago while I was a rookie. Frankly speaking, there exist many examples that people tried to harass other users by adding things or replace with unwilling msg on their user page, so it's really easy to confuse people about your intention if you leave msg on others' personal page. But don't worry, I can tell that you just want to ask for help, that's why I spent some time to answer your question. However, you cannot assume every user on Chinese Wikipedia can understand expressions in English very well. So, if you feel ignored, maybe it's due to the language boundary you set. Just don't feel sad about that.
BTW, I've changed the copyright template to GFDL as you wish on the picture you uploaded. However, since the main subject of the picture is a book (its cover), I'd like to suggest that maybe you should consider to license the picture under fairuse since the book is still a copyright protected subject under publisher's right.--泅水大象 訐譙☎ 11:21 2006年2月10日 (UTC)

G'day and greetings from Hong Kong, SElephant. I understand that you are from Taiwan so, a Happy CNY to you in the Year of the Dog. 祝您身體健康, 心想事成。I can hardly find a word to accurately describe your kindness. Yes kindness. You have gone out of your own way to rectify my copyright problem. That's unheard of from my own brief experience on Wiki. It can be a thankless task sometimes. As you have stuck your neck out for me in the most extraordinary way, I stick my neck out now to say thankyou once again. My Lord Jesus has sent me an angel. Know what I mean? I pray to our Lord God Jesus Christ to bless you and your family in the most abundant way. May the peace and joy of God be with you always.

Speaking of copyrights on Wiki, to coin an expression: it really is a minefield out there. For a typical user, I doubt he or she can truly comprehend the exact meaning of certain legal speak. I also doubt the ability of the average user to accurately utilise the correct copyright. Frankly, it's not an easy task to cut through all the legal 'mumbo jumbo'. For example, who owns what for how long in which country and how? How does one copyright his own stuff. Does he or she go to the patent office (as with inventions)? Or simply, (for certain things like photos) declare it as yours on a public forum, like Wiki. Without going to a lecture of Copyright 101, I am as knowledgeable as the next bloke down the street! None the wiser. Know what I mean? --Wilfred Pau 08:15 2006年2月11日 (UTC)



Hi Wilfred, I've read the conversation that you have copy-and-pasted into my talk page. How can I help? -- tonync (talk) 01:08 2006年2月13日 (UTC)

你的電子郵件我收到了,我習慣維基的事留在維基,所以我會在你的用戶討論頁留言;而這裡是中文維基、看過你的編輯歷史也得知你懂中文,所以會以中文留言。首先,查封禁日誌user:Sl並無指明封禁你的用戶名,他封禁所影響到你的,可能是一系列IP地址,沒有留下原因可能是因為當時正在對付IP經常變換的大規模破壞。封鎖一系列IP是迫不得已的,你無辜受到波及,在這裡代他向你道歉。另外,請你不要妄自菲薄,老是批評你自己有多不好。維基百科的各種功能不是一天就能學會的。你遇到了挫折,沒有像過去的一些用戶般大聲高喊道理不公平、要罷免管理員,就證明了你對維基很正面、很熱心,在此謝謝你。我相信維基就像其他東西一樣,你有心學習肯定會懂。與其花時間在批評自己,建議你倒不如詳盡閱讀頁面頂端的歡迎資料,這樣對你將來的編輯肯定更有幫助。如果你有其他問題,歡迎你繼續提問。祝維基愉快。-- tonync (talk) 04:07 2006年2月13日 (UTC)

Depending on the circumstances, self-depracating can be a good thing sometimes. It does not reflect on others that you are being 'weak'. In fact, quite the opposite. You bring all the arrogant people down to your level (down to reality) and let them realise (if they have any common sense left), hey, you cannot talk sense to others with a raised voice. No one's going to respect you if you talk volume rather than sense. Simple as that. Try it sometimes, it works. You will like it. Proof? I've now turned the situation around with two new acquaintances. I've got your respect, we are now on good terms and we are talking to each other. : )

I can't help it, I was raised this way. No lips. Take it or leave it. Know what I mean?

Having said that, I will heed your advice and start reading the top of the page.

Again, you are teaching this old dog a new trick (I can't help it) - that blocking a certain ip can have a blanket affect on other users on that particular ip. I didn't know that. --Wilfred Pau 06:43 2006年2月13日 (UTC)

請加油。旺記的叉燒飯……好像是三鎊多四鎊吧?我都不去旺記吃飯。-- tonync (talk) 21:43 2006年2月13日 (UTC)
(笑)旺記啲顧客服務態度我體驗過,其實未去過都聽過啦,話晒都喺度讀undergrad final year嘞!你部電腦可能要裝anti-virus software嘞,祝君好運。另外建議你,起新條目唔好完全唔經翻譯、淨係轉貼其他語言嘅條目加「需要翻譯」模板就算,不如你起碼翻譯頭一段?-- tonync (talk) 00:06 2006年2月16日 (UTC)



其實中文維基應該儘可能用中文譯名,這些都可以在Google找到。Mini Moke我想是個特殊例子,因為實在沒有中文譯名,這時可以用西文代替。-- tonync (talk) 15:09 2006年2月20日 (UTC)




目前已投票決定年會日期為2006年8月26日-8月27日舉行( http://0rz.net/1110P ),2月19日起開始進行年會地點的選擇投票( http://0rz.net/4114e )。


  1. 先进行为期2星期的第一轮投票,所有在投票前注册的维基人都可以参与投票(每人投任意票)和讨论,选出支持率最高的前3名的城市。
  2. 一星期讨论并确定各个城市的举办条件,并进行SWOT分析(優點、弱點、機會、威脅),讨论并进行审核确定符合条件的城市。
  3. 如果有2个以上城市符合基本条件,进行为期一星期的维基见习编辑参与的第二轮投票(建议结合,个人可能出席的城市)。

--愛索 03:24 2006年2月25日 (UTC)



閣下為香港有線電視各記者建立的條目過於空泛,希望閣下至少先多做一些資料搜集才建條。 派翠可夫 (我的討論處) 05:54 2006年8月10日 (UTC)

  1. Wikipedia:不適合維基百科的文章
  2. Wikipedia:小作品
  1. 那些記者有甚麼貢獻是很值得大家知道的?
  2. 以大家能掌握的資訊,那些條目還能增長多少?
像現今人物這類項目,若他們不是鼎鼎大名或對社會有很大貢獻,我們很難寫得足夠長。雖然那些記者每天都在我們的電視機出現,但關於他們的資料,不會比關於我們本身的資料多。如果他們也能立條目,是不是應該也有一條關於我們的條目 (留意不是用戶頁)?
若果你認為為我們建立條目 (不是用戶頁) 不合理,那我希望你也明白我提出的質疑也是一樣。
派翠可夫 (我的討論處) 07:55 2006年8月10日 (UTC)
我沒有要求過刪除你的文章,也不擬要求。我既然把問題提出討論,我的目的就不是刪除。我只是提出一個意見,希望減少您將來創立條目被刪除的機會。如果可以的話,我會盡力擴充我所知道的 (參閱林建誠)
條目應否成立的準則不易確定,這確是不容否定的事實。不過可以肯定的一點是:就算只有你一個人看,也不代表條目不應該存在 (事實上我們也無從確定這數據)
最後,希望您不要因為有人資疑自己建條目的行為而灰心。沒有人一開始便能寫好條目的。我以前寫的還要差。 派翠可夫 (我的討論處) 09:38 2006年8月10日 (UTC)
I should feel sorry for the feeling I had caused when I first posted that, and I truly respect your decision. In fact, I was just back from a 1-year leave from Wiki, without doing much unless I am really in need of information.
It's a pleasure to share viewpoints from others, and if you don't mind, allow me to present my best wishes. 派翠可夫 (我的討論處) 12:31 2006年8月10日 (UTC)



你好。姑物論你創建極為簡短的條目是否不妥,但你上載的有線電視新聞報導員畫面,並不屬於合理使用;由於這樣有侵犯版權之虞,我已經按照一般途徑提出刪除。懇請參閱wikipedia:合理使用#不屬於合理使用Wikipedia:合理使用準則。另外就新條目長度的共識,請見Wikipedia:小小作品。-- tonync (talk) 19:24 2006年9月5日 (UTC)


請問上述指導頁面的內容,你有什麼不明白?你要的"nitty-gritty details"、"instructions"都在那裡已經寫明了,你卻對指引感到反感,我不太明白你的意思。{{tv-screenshot}}清楚註明,電視螢幕截圖只能用於「辨識及評論圖中的節目或台徽」,而你把截圖用於描述圖中的人物,這並不恰當。英文維基是個龐然巨物,與方針不相符的例子多不勝數、也難以完全清除,因此應該以那邊的方針,而非案例為準。-- tonync (talk) 04:32 2006年9月6日 (UTC)




恭喜!您現在已經符合維基助理編輯(A級)的條件,現在授予 閣下:



授予人:─Frank5308000 (留言) 2008年6月15日 (日) 07:16 (UTC)[回复]




我们欢迎您参与讨论并留下关于页面是否符合方针、应当如何处理等意见;请在「Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2012/07/04#黃潔慧」中留下您的意见,记得使用~~~~签名。您也可以在讨论期间改写您原先的页面,但请不要移除条目页面的条目删除模板。谢谢合作,祝编辑愉快!--Nivekin請留言 2012年7月4日 (三) 06:52 (UTC)[回复]


中文維基百科 第十三次動員令邀請函

親愛的維基百科用戶Wilfred Pau您好:





Template:Infobox musical artist页面存废讨论通知


您好,您先前创建或编辑的页面「Template:Infobox musical artist」已被提出存廢討論正在討論该页面的存廢
幫助:互助客棧刪除指導存廢覆核請求IRC聊天頻道--N-C16留言2016年12月28日 (三) 03:00 (UTC)[回复]





您好。身為一個較新使用者具備更多經驗的的維基百科社群成員,您可能已經了解到中文維基百科一直以來都有許多罹患精神疾病的使用者參與貢獻的狀況,而為尋找優化中文維基百科使用者與患心理疾病使用者的交流的更佳策略,我們舉辦了一場調查,希望利用調查取得的結果作為研究及策略規畫參考之用。這個調查不會花費您太多寶貴時間,經過測試,完成調查所需的時間約為2到3分鐘。這一調查的有效時間至 2017年10月28日 (六) 23:59 (UTC) ,我們由衷期待您的參與。


十分感謝您的參與! ——Aotfs2013 留於 2017年10月17日 (二) 19:38 (UTC) (使用MediaWiki message delivery留言)執行)[回复]



幫助:互助客棧刪除指導存廢覆核請求IRC聊天頻道--Σανμοσα子罕言利與命與仁 2019年3月26日 (二) 09:18 (UTC)[回复]

幫助:互助客棧刪除指導存廢覆核請求IRC聊天頻道--Kcx36留言2024年3月13日 (三) 14:06 (UTC)[回复]