


补罗斯底耶 (梵语पुलस्त्य,Pulastya) 梵天第四子[1]生主之一[2],也是罗刹族的先祖。他从父亲梵天手中继承了毗湿奴往世书英语Vishnu Purana (Vishnu Purana),并将文献再传给破灭仙人英语Parashara (Parashara),使其成为人类的先知。

补罗私底耶娶了羯单吉耆 (Kardamji) 的九位女儿[注 1],生下投山仙人毗尸罗婆英语Vishrava (Visravas) [注 2]。毗尸罗婆迎娶持力仙人英语Bharadvaja (Bharadwaja) 的女儿伊罗毗陀 (Ilavida) ,生下了夜叉之王俱毗罗,之后又与达伊提耶 (Daitya) 公主吉卡悉 (Kaikesi) 结合,生下了著名的楞伽魔王罗波那及其兄弟鸠姆婆迦哩那英语Shurpanakha (Kumbhakarna)、维毗沙那与罗刹女首哩薄那迦英语Shurpanakha (Shurpanakha)。


  1. ^ 统称为诃毗婆呼
  2. ^ 另一种说法称大神密多罗伐楼拿广延天女的美色所迷惑,当着她的面把精液射入一只罐中,从这些精液中生出投山与极裕两位仙人。因此投山仙人是另一位著名大仙极裕仙人的同母兄弟。


  1. ^ Narada said..页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆The Mahabharata translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli (1883 -1896), Book 2: Sabha Parva: Lokapala Sabhakhayana Parva, section:XI. p. 25 And Daksha, Prachetas, Pulaha, Marichi, the master Kasyapa, Bhrigu, Atri, and Vasistha and Gautama, and also Angira, and Pulastya, Kratu, Prahlada, and Kardama, these Prajapatis, and Angira of the Atharvan Veda, the Valikhilyas, the Marichipas; Intelligence, Space, Knowledge, Air, Heat, Water, Earth, Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Scent; Nature, and the Modes (of Nature), and the elemental and prime causes of the world,--all stay in that mansion beside the lord Brahma. And Agastya of great energy, and Markandeya, of great ascetic power, and Jamadagni and Bharadwaja, and Samvarta, and Chyavana, and exalted Durvasa, and the virtuous Rishyasringa, the illustrious 'Sanatkumara' of great ascetic merit and the preceptor in all matters affecting Yoga..."
  2. ^ Inhabitants of the Worlds页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Mahanirvana Tantra, translated by Arthur Avalon, (Sir John Woodroffe), 1913, Introduction and Preface. The Rishi are seers who know, and by their knowledge are the makers of shastra and "see" all mantras. The word comes from the root rish Rishati-prapnoti sarvvang mantrang jnanena pashyati sangsaraparangva, etc. The seven great Rishi or saptarshi of the first manvantara are Marichi, Atri, Angira, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya, and Vashishtha. In other manvantara there are other saptarishi. In the present manvantara the seven are Kashyapa, Atri, Vashishtha, Vishvamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni, Bharadvaja. To the Rishi the Vedas were revealed. Vyasa taught the Rigveda so revealed to Paila, the Yajurveda to Vaishampayana, the Samaveda to Jaimini, Atharvaveda to Samantu, and Itihasa and Purana to Suta. The three chief classes of rishi are the Brahmarshi, born of the mind of Brahma, the Devarshi of lower rank, and Rajarshi or Kings who became rishi through their knowledge and austerities, such as Janaka, Ritaparna, etc. Thc Shrutarshi are makers of Shastras, as Sushruta. The Kandarshi are of the Karmakanda, such as Jaimini.